Chen Sheng
Li Li
Ying Jun
College of Mathematics and Science, Shanghai Normal University, China
Gaussian Filter, Contrast-Limited Adaptive Histogram Equalization (CLAHE), Hough Transform, Tube.
Applications and Services
Biomedical Engineering
Biomedical Signal Processing
Computer Vision, Visualization and Computer Graphics
Medical Image Detection, Acquisition, Analysis and Processing
Portable X-ray radiographs are heavily used in the ICU for detecting significant or unexpected conditions requiring immediate changes in patient management. One concern for effective patient management relates to the ability to detect the proper positioning of tubes that have been inserted into the patient. These include, for example,
endo-tracheal tubes (ET), feeding tubes (FT), naso-gastric tubes (NT), and other tubes. Proper tube positioning can help to ensure delivery or disposal of liquids and air/gases to and from the patient during a treatment procedure. Improper tube positioning can cause patient discomfort, render a treatment ineffective, or can even be
life-threatening. However, because the poor image quality in portable AP X-ray images due to the variability in patients, apparatus positioning, and X-ray exposure, it is often difficult for clinicians to visually detect the position of tube tips. Thus, there is a need for detecting and identifying tube position and type
to assist clinicians. The purpose of this paper is to present a computer-aided method for automated detection of tubes and identification of tube types. Use of this method may allow clinicians to detect the tube tips more easily and accurately, thus improving the quality of patient management in the ICU.