Lucas Greiner-Fuchs
Martin Cichon
Institute of Vehicle Technology, Nuremberg Institute of Technology, Keßlerplatz 12, Nuremberg, Germany
Institute of Vehicle System Technology, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Rintheimer Querallee 2, Karlsruhe, Germany
Scenario-Based Testing, Scenario Generation, Automatic Train Operation, Automated Driving System, Operational Design Domain.
Scenario-based test methods are cumulatively used for developing and testing highly automated railway vehicles, similar to the automotive industry. However, due to significant differences between the two technologies, existing approaches in the automotive sector cannot be directly applied to railways. Therefore, it is necessary to develop revised and new processes and methods that are tailored to the rail sector. The primary step in scenario-based testing is to set up appropriate test scenarios. A significant challenge faced by the rail industry is the limited availability of measured data from actual railway operations. For this reason, knowledge-based data sources need to be primarily used and considered in the scenario generation process. This paper presents a basic approach to define sufficient quantity of test scenarios for highly automated railway vehicles, using as an example a sensor-supported system for on-sight train operation. The approach uses the system definition of the
automated system as input, includes the operational design domain, and considers railway-specific data through formalities and knowledge sources. Scenarios are then systematically derived in three steps: description, combination, and derivation. In the end, a set of testable scenarios is generated that can be used for virtual and real field testing of automated train operations.