M. Saquib Sarfraz
Olaf Hellwich
Computer vision and Remote Sensing, Berlin university of Technology, Germany
Pose estimation, facial pose, face recognition, local energy models, shape description, local features, head pose classification.
Artificial Intelligence
Biomedical Engineering
Biomedical Signal Processing
Computer Vision, Visualization and Computer Graphics
Data Manipulation
Feature Extraction
Features Extraction
Health Engineering and Technology Applications
Human-Computer Interaction
Image and Video Analysis
Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics
Methodologies and Methods
Neurotechnology, Electronics and Informatics
Pattern Recognition
Physiological Computing Systems
Sensor Networks
Signal Processing, Sensors, Systems Modeling and Control
Soft Computing
We present a robust front-end pose classification/estimation procedure to be used in face recognition scenarios. A novel discriminative feature description that encodes underlying shape well and is insensitive to illumination and other common variations in facial appearance, such as skin colour etc., is proposed. Using such features we generate a pose similarity feature space (PSFS) that turns the multi-class problem into two-class by using inter-pose and intra-pose similarities. A new classification procedure is laid down which models this feature space and copes well with discriminating between nearest poses. For a test image it outputs a measure of confidence or so called posterior probability for all poses without explicitly estimating underlying densities. The pose estimation system is evaluated using CMU Pose, Illumination and Expression (PIE) database.