Diego Sevilla
Severino Feliciano
Jesús García-Molina
University of Murcia, Spain
NoSQL Databases, NOSQL Data Engineering, Code Generation, MDE Solution, Object-document Mappers.
Methodologies, Processes and Platforms
Model Transformation
Model Transformations and Generative Approaches
Model-Driven Software Development
Paradigm Trends
Software Engineering
Most NoSQL systems are schemaless. This lack of schema offers a greater flexibility than relational systems.
However, this comes at the cost of losing benefits such as the static checking that assure that stored data
conforms to the database schema. Instead, developers must be in charge of this task that is time-consuming
and error-prone. Object-NoSQL mappers are emerging to alleviate this task and facilitate the development of
NoSQL applications. These mappers allow the definition of schemas, which are used to assure that data are
correctly manipulated. In this article, we present an MDE approach that automatically generates schemas and
other artefacts for mappers. As proof of concept, we have considered Mongoose, which is a widely used mapper
for MongoDB, but the solution is mapper-independent. Firstly, the schemas are inferred from stored data
by using an approach defined in a previous work. Then, NoSQL schema models are input to a two-step model
transformation chain that generate
s schemas, validators and updating procedures, among other Mongoose artefacts.
An intermediate metamodel has been defined to ease the implementation of the transformations. This
work shows how MDE techniques can be applied in the emerging “NoSQL Data Engineering” field.