Mehdi Nouri Shirazi
Yoshiyuki Kamakura
Osaka Institute of Technology, Japan
Deformable Contours, Active Contours, Electron-microscope Tomographic Images, 3D-visualization.
Biomedical Visualization and Applications
Computer Vision, Visualization and Computer Graphics
Spatial Data Visualization
In our previous article, we introduced a class of region-based deformable contour models called R-centipedes. The R-centipedes are able to operate in three modes: 1) deflationary, 2) inflationary, or 3) a mixture of both. We demonstrated that the deflationary R-centipedes could adaptively change their structures in order to extract structures of interest and their substructures from complex Electron Microscope (EM) tomography slice images. The R-centipedes have several desirable features such as 1) structural flexibility which allows them to extract multiple objects in a single slice image, 2) high accuracy, and 3) insensitivity with respect to their initial positions and configurations. In this article, we introduce two parallel versions of the R-centipedes, 1) implicit, and 2) explicit parallel R-centipedes. We present three simulation studies to demonstrate their flexibility, effectiveness and computational efficiency in extracting structures in three different complex situations.