Manuel Grand-Brochier
Christophe Tilmant
Michel Dhome
UMR 6602 UBP-CNRS, France
Ellipsoid-HOG, Local Descriptor, Space-time Robustness.
Computer Vision, Visualization and Computer Graphics
Features Extraction
Image and Video Analysis
Shape Representation and Matching
This article proposes a generalization of our approach REFA (Grand-brochier et al., 2011) to spatio-temporal domain. Our new method REFA3D, is based mainly on hes-STIP detector and E-HOG3D. SIFT3D and HOG/HOF are the two must used methods for space-time analysis and give good results. So their studies allow us to understand their construction and to extract some components to improve our approach. The mask of analysis used by REFA is modified and therefore relies on the use of ellipsoids. The validation tests are based
on video clips from synthetic transformations as well as real sequences from a simulator or an onboard camera. Our system (detection, description and matching) must be as invariant as possible for the image transformation (rotations, scales, time-scaling). We also study the performance obtained for registration of subsequence, a process often used for the location, for example. All the parameters (analysis shape, thresholds) and changes to the space-time generalization
will be detailed in this article.