I Sugiarta
I Suparta
I Teresna
Electrical Engineering, Bali State Polytechnic, Jimbaran, Bali, 80361, Indonesia
Poly Crystalline Solar Panels, Mono Crystalline Solar Panels, Rooftop on Grid, Series Circuit and Energy.
To support the government program that proclaimed "green energy" and energy savings or energy efficiency, especially the use of electrical energy, the authors need to conduct research on the use of solar renewable energy sources as additional power sources, especially during the day combined with electrical energy sources from State Electricity Company. Solar power plant has several systems such as on grid, off grid and hybrid. Solar power plant rooftop on grid is run in parallel with the State Electricity Company network without batteries. The on-grid solar inverter is connected directly to the State Electricity Company network so that the output generated from the solar panels simultaneously serves the load. The solar panels used for this system are mono crystalline and poly crystalline. The author will conduct testing and measurements for 4 hours from 10.00 – 14.00 for 28 days in Denpasar City, Bali Indonesia is located at coordinates 8.67 south latitude and 115.21 east longitude
using empirical methods. The total energy produced by two poly crystalline 100 Wp solar panels in series is 12.84 kWh, two mono crystalline 100 Wp is 12.22 kWh and a combined mono-poly crystalline 200 Wp solar panel is 9.98 kWh. The average electrical energy produced by two poly crystalline 100 Wp solar panels arranged in series in various weather is 0.46 kWh/day, two poly crystalline 100 Wp solar panels is 0.44 kWh/day and combined mono-poly crystalline 200 Wp solar panels by 0.36 kWh/day. It can be concluded that the series circuit two poly crystalline 100 Wp solar panels is able to obtain maximum electrical energy in the on-grid system by using a smart inverter compared to two 100 Wp mono crystalline and mono-poly crystalline 200 Wp solar panels.