Mikhaylov Dmitry
Smirnov Alexander
Khabibullin Timur
Froimson Mikhail
Zuykov Alexander
Sychov Nikolay
Grigorenko Andrey
Tolstaya Anastasia
Youth Engineering Centre of the National Research Nuclear University “MEPhI”, Russian Federation
Environmental Conditions Monitoring, Temperature Registration, Tag.
Environmental Monitoring and Control
Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics
Intelligent Transportation Technologies and Systems
Real-Time Systems Control
Robotics and Automation
Signal Processing, Sensors, Systems Modeling and Control
The present invention is directed to an electronic tag for monitoring transportation of goods over long periods of time. It provides monitoring of all data regarding environmental conditions (for example, if an item should not be stored at more than some critical temperature, but had remained the entire time at just below the critical temperature, this also might be of interest). The tag reading device can communicate with the tag via a wired or wireless interface to transmit the data about conditions violations and display this information on its screen or forward it further to a PC or to a local area network. The paper provides the information about choice of the required for the system electronic components, tag, tag reading device, system software, monitoring methods, additional options, and system testing. The tag temperature registration accuracy is ± 0.50C.