Tomas Solarski
David Vala
Jiri Koziorek
VŠB-Technical University of Ostrava, Czech Republic
Robot, Network, Communication, Data, Acquisition, Sensor, Control, Motion.
Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics
Mobile Robots and Autonomous Systems
Network Robotics
Robot Design, Development and Control
Robotics and Automation
Telerobotics and Teleoperation
This paper covers questions about long distance communication in a difficult hazardous environment. Distant communication is presented via number of robotics carriers determined to link communication between a centre of control and a remote controlled deployed robot in hostile area or gather data from certain area. The robotic network is autonomous cooperative system of vehicles to provide data connection for the tele-operated deployed robot for example in rescue mission. This robotic network acts autonomously and reacts with surroundings background to guarantee data connection. Two main issues are presented: the data communication and the robotic carrier. Communication can be created by own wireless system carried on robots or use accessible communication such Wi-Fi/Ethernet in urban areas to use the installed networks in buildings to increase a capability of network. The robotics carriers will be realized as modular system with capability to modify each main part of carrier to fit
specific environment. Basic construction of the robotic carrier is traction unit with basic frame with motor(s) and lithium based batteries, control unit based on MCU/DSP controller and internal sensor unit with capability to install another set of the external sensors. To provide positions of the carriers to on operator a visualisation of their position is planned by Goole Earth like application.