Michela Quadrini
Emanuela Merelli
Riccardo Piergallini
School of Science and Technology, University of Camerino, Via Madonna della Carceri 9, 62032, Camerino, Italy
RNA Secondary Structures, Relations, Hairpins, String Pattern Matching.
The biological functions of an RNA molecule are largely determined by molecular configuration. Understanding the link between the structure and the biological functions has been considered one of the challenges in biology. In this study, we face the problem of identifying a given structural pattern into an RNA pseudoknot-free secondary structure. We introduce a context-free grammar, Loop Grammar, that formalizes the primary and secondary structure of an RNA molecule as a composition of loops. Such composition is expressed as to concatenation or nesting of the simplest structural elements, hairpins, generated during the folding process when a bond between two nonconsecutive nucleotides is established. Then, we formalize the concatenation and nesting on Fatgraphs, oriented surfaces with boundary, and we define a Surface Loop Grammar, whose algebraic expressions uniquely identify such surfaces associated with given RNA structures. The terms of the Loop Grammar allow us to face the probl
ems of identifying substructures considering both the primary and secondary structures, while the strings generated by Surface Loop Grammar permit to identify a given structural pattern in a secondary structure in terms of relations among hairpins. Both use the string pattern matching.