Iaakov Exman
Olesya Shapira
The Jerusalem College of Engineering - JCE - Azrieli, Israel
Software Translation, Source Code, Natural Language, Programming Languages, Software Tool, Fast Translation, Generality, Relevance and Reliability.
An experienced software professional with several years of programming in some languages
is usually expected to read or write with proficiency in a new programming language.
However, if severe time constraints are involved, and given the current availability of
internet sources, there is no reason to avoid shortcuts supporting fast translation of
source code keywords into Natural Language. This work describes our tool coined PL-to-NL
Translator, the main ideas behind it, and its extensions. One basic assumption that was
clear from the beginning of this work is the need to keep as far as possible a clear
separation between generic infra-structure and the specifics of particular programming
languages. Moreover, the tool keeps its generality relative to programming languages,
enabling through its contributor engine, addition of any desired current or future
programming language. The ideas and the software tool characteristics are illustrated by
some case studies involving a
few sufficiently different programming languages.