Pier Luigi Gentili
Perugia University, Italy
Molecular processors, Qubit, Fuzzy sets, Wavefunctions, Fuzzy logic systems, Logistic function.
Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence and Decision Support Systems
Computational Intelligence
Enterprise Information Systems
Fuzzy Systems
Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics
Intelligent Control Systems and Optimization
Soft Computing
Current Information Technology is pursuing a revolution in the design of computing machines: it is trying to pass from macroscopic processors miniaturized through top-down approaches, to microscopic processors made of single molecules assembled through bottom-up approaches. When computations are carried out by single atoms and molecules, quantum logic can be processed. It is difficult to devise a quantum computer due to the decoherent effects exerted by the surrounding environment. However, it is still possible to work out with molecules, by abandoning the lure of quantum logic and processing classical logic. Single molecules make binary computations, whereas ensembles of molecules can be used to implement either Boolean logic gates or Fuzzy inference engines. The behaviours of two chemical compounds after photo-excitation are described as examples of quantum systems whereby Fuzzy logic can be processed by exploiting the decoherent effects exerted by the surrounding microenvironment.