Žiga Turk
University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Information Technology, Internet Science, Strategic Planning, Future Studies, Policy Creation.
Artificial Intelligence
Enterprise Information Systems
Knowledge Management and Information Sharing
Knowledge-Based Systems
Social and Legal Issues
Society, e-Business and e-Government
Symbolic Systems
Web Information Systems and Technologies
The rapid development of information and communication technology (ICT) is perhaps the most influential
driver that is fundamentally changing the world and the societies we live in. ICT is (a) changing the
communication fabric that is linking the elements of societies together and is (b) automating human routine
work. The latter is enabling automation and creating an abundance of food, industrial products and
information. This abundance is pushing the value creation towards the creation of new knowledge and
meaningful (rather than only functional) products and services. Information, knowledge and meaning are the
three key commodities of the modern economy. Innovation and creativity are key processes creating these
commodities. The two activities are very significantly supported by information and communication
ICTs are politically acknowledged on several levels of future planning: in R&D programs, development
strategies, future studies and visions. However, a scientific
base for all this is lacking. The interaction
among ICT, innovation and society at large is a subject of research projects such as EINS and spawning the
birth of a new interdisciplinary science, Internet Science - that is studying the interaction between
information technology and society.