Luis Quesada
Fernando Berzal
Francisco J. Cortijo
University of Granada, Spain
Parallel Finite State Machine, PFSM, Regular Expressions, Automaton, Distributable.
Domain-Specific Languages
Modeling Languages
Paradigm Trends
Software Engineering
Regular expressions provide a flexible means for matching strings and they are often used in data-intensive applications. They are formally equivalent to either deterministic finite automata (DFAs) or nondeterministic finite automata (NFAs). Both DFAs and NFAs are affected by two problems known as amnesia and acalculia, and DFAs are also affected by a problem known as insomnia. Existing techniques require an automata conversion and compaction step that prevents the use of existing automaton databases and hinders the maintenance of
the resulting compact automata. In this paper, we propose Parallel Finite State Machines (PFSMs), which are able to run any DFA- or NFA-like state machines without a previous conversion or compaction step. PFSMs report, online, all the matches found within an input string and they solve the three aforementioned problems. Parallel Finite State Machines require quadratic time and linear memory and they are distributable. Parallel Finite State Machines make ve
ry fast distributed regular expression matching in data-intensive applications feasible.