David Eriksson
Evan Shellshear
Fraunhofer-Chalmers Centre, Sweden
Point Clouds, Distance Computation, Path-Planning, Simplification.
Computer-Based Manufacturing Technologies
Facilities Planning and Management
Industrial Automation and Robotics
Industrial Engineering
Industrial Networks and Automation
Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics
Intelligent Design and Manufacturing
Robotics and Automation
Systems Modeling and Simulation
In this paper, algorithms have been developed that are capable of efficiently pre-processing massive point clouds for the rapid computation of the shortest distance between a point cloud and other objects (e.g. triangulated, point-based, etc.). This is achieved by exploiting fast distance computations between specially structured subsets of a simplified point cloud and the other object. This approach works for massive point clouds even with a small amount of RAM and was able to speed up the computations, on average, by almost two orders of magnitude. Given only 8 GB of RAM, this resulted in shortest distance computations of 30 frames per second for a point cloud originally having 1 billion points. The findings and implementations will have a direct impact for the many companies that want to perform path-planning applications through massive point clouds since the algorithms are able to produce real-time distance computations on a standard PC.