Basam Musleh
David Martin
Jose Maria Armingol
Arturo De La Escalera
University Carlos III de Madrid, Spain
Advanced Driver Assistance Systems, Stereo Vision, Computer Vision, Unscented Kalman Filter.
Computer Vision, Visualization and Computer Graphics
Motion, Tracking and Stereo Vision
Optical Flow and Motion Analyses
Stereo Vision and Structure from Motion
Present work analyses the continuous self-calibration of extrinsic parameters of a stereo vision system for safe visual odometry applications in vehicles at urban environments. The calibration method determines the extrinsic parameters of a stereo vision system based on knowing the geometry of the ground in front of the cameras. The slight changes of the road profile cause variations in the extrinsic parameters of stereo rig that are necessary to filter and maintain between tolerance values. Then, height, pitch and roll parameters are filtered, to eliminate pose outliers of the stereo rig that appear when a vehicle is maneuvering. The reliable approach at urban environment is firstly composed of the calculation of the road profile slope, the theoretical horizon, and the slope of the straight line in the free map. Secondly, the nonlinear filtering is applied using Unscented Kalman Filter to improve the estimation of height, pitch and roll parameters.