Daniel Limberger
Matthias Trapp
Jürgen Döllner
Hasso Plattner Institute, Faculty of Digital Engineering, University of Potsdam and Germany
In-situ Comparison, 2.5D Treemap, Visual Analytics.
Abstract Data Visualization
Computer Vision, Visualization and Computer Graphics
General Data Visualization
Information and Scientific Visualization
Software Visualization
2.5D treemaps can be used to visualize tree-structured data using the height dimension for additional information display. For tree-structured and time-variant data though, changes or variants in the data are difficult to visualize. This paper presents an in-situ approach to depict differences between two versions (original and comparative state) of a data set, e.g., metrics of different revisions of a software system, in a single 2.5D treemap. Multiple geometry variants for the in-situ representation of individual nodes, especially concerning height, area, and color, are presented and discussed. Finally, a preliminary study for the simultaneous change of attributes in height and area is described, hinting that arrow pattern help to clarify reading direction.