Seung-Woo Hong
Seong Moon
Ho-Yong Ryu
ETRI (Electronics and Telecommunication Research Institute), Korea, Republic of
Live Software Upgrade, Run-time Upgrade, Mission-critical.
Enterprise Information Systems
Information Systems Analysis and Specification
Internet Systems Performance
Software Agents and Internet Computing
Tools, Techniques and Methodologies for System Development
In mission critical and safety software applications such as internet infrastructure, telecommunication,
military and medical applications, service continuity is very important. Since for these applications it is
unacceptable to shut-down and restart the system during software upgrade, run-time software upgrade
techniques, which are deployed for online maintenance and upgrades without shutdown the system, can
meet the demand for high levels of system availability and service continuity. However, upgrading an
application while it is running without shut-down is a complex process. The new and the old component
may differ in the functionality, interface, and performance. Only selected components of an application are
changed while the other parts of the application continue to function. It is important to safeguard the
software application’s integrity when changes are implemented at runtime. Various researchers have
employed different tactics to solve the problem of run-time software up
grade such as compiler-based
methods, hardware-based method, and analytic redundancy based. In order to ensure a reliable run-time
upgrade, we designed and implemented a software framework based run-time software upgrading method,
which has the ability to make runtime modification is considered at the software architecture-level. In this
paper, we present the software component architecture for run-time upgrade and software upgrade
procedure, and then show the implementation results.