Kamilia Ahmadi
Vicki H. Allan
Utah State University, United States
Adaptation, Self-organization, Meta-Reasoning and Reorganization.
Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence and Decision Support Systems
Distributed and Mobile Software Systems
Enterprise Information Systems
Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
Knowledge-Based Systems
Multi-Agent Systems
Software Engineering
Symbolic Systems
Self-organizing multi-agent systems provide a suitable paradigm for agents to manage themselves. We demonstrate a robust, decentralized approach for structural adaptation in explicitly modelled problem solving agent organizations. Based on self-organization principles, our method enables the agents to modify their structural relations to achieve a better completion rate of tasks in the environment. Reasoning on adaptation is based only on the agent’s history of interactions. Agents use the history of tasks assigned to their neighbours and completion rate as a measure of evaluation. This evaluation suggests the most suitable agents for reorganization (Meta-Reasoning). Our Selective-Adaptation has four different approaches of Meta-Reasoning, which are 1) Fixed Approach, 2) Need-Based Approach, 3) Performance-Based Approach, and 4) Satisfaction-based Approach along with a Reorganization approach, which needs less data but makes better decisions.