In this paper a new method for tracking expanded ob-
jects as an application of the Viterbi algorithm has
been introduced. The special problem of tracking two
crossing targets has been investigated qualitatively.
The mathematical background of this topic has been
analysed briefly. A solution to the problem in form of
a heuristic approach has been suggested and evaluated
on simulated and real data. It has been demonstrated
by means of these examples that the new algorithm
performs well under general conditions.
A more detailed and advanced analysis of the math-
ematical description of crossing targets together with
further experiments might be the content of a consec-
utive journal paper.
We want to thank Dr Martin Ulmke from the depart-
ment SDF at the FGAN for drawing our attention
to the fact, that particle filters can represent bimodal
probability distributions. From this we recognized
that our implementation of the Viterbi algorithm has
a comparable property and that this characteristic can
be used to develop a robust algorithm for the problem
of expanded crossing targets. Furthermore we want
to thank Dr Koch, the department head of SDF, for a
lot of helpful suggestions about the philosophy of a
tracking algorithm.
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