The type of Neural Network that was used in this work was the Cascade Correlation
[4] that uses a supervised learning technique to train the networks. It is a Construc-
tive Network that acts on a net initially minimal (with only the input and output
layer) and introduces new intermediary units during the training, one by one accord-
ing to the need of learning. Once a new unit is added to the network, its weights are
frozen. So, this unit pass to influence the operations in the network and it is used to
detect new attributes in the set of patterns.
The unit to be included in the network can be selected from a pool of candidate units
organized as a layer. This layer is connected to the input layer and to the hidden
layers, but not in the output layer, once it should not interfere directly in the network
result. The selection of the candidate is the correlation that it has with the network
output. Therefore, the connection weight among the candidate units and the input
layers and intermediary should be defined so that it can maximize the correlation
between the candidate unit and the output layer. Thus, the candidate that to present
larger correlation will be inserted in the network as a intermediary layer and will be
connected to all the other layers [2][4].
The reason that took to opt for this network type is the fact of that is not being neces-
sary the configuration of the number of neurons of the intermediary layer, once if
Cascade Correlation is a Constructive Neural Network. This constitutes an advan-
tage, because in works that use other types of Neural Networks, just as Multilayer
BackPropagation in [10] they are necessary to do several tests with different num-
bers of neurons in the intermediary layer, in order to obtain the ideal amount of neu-
rons for better learning of the nets.
3 Experiments
To accomplish the experiments, it was used an image supplied by INPE, orbit
175/point 110 CBERS1 IR-MSS (Infra-Red Multispectral Scanner) sensor, obtained
in 2000, July, 29, that covers about 14.400 km
of the Porto Velho region in the
Province of Rondonia between 07° 50’’ and 09° 03’’ S latitudes and between the 64
10” and 62
52”O longitudes. In this image was identified and defined 4 classes:
native forest, deforestation, “no-forest” (no florestal covering area or cerrado
vegetation) and water.
To accomplish the classification it was used the Maximum Likelihood technique and
Neural Networks. To train the Neural Networks was used the NEUSIM simulator [7]
that uses the Cascade Correlation network. It was used the GIS SPRING (Sistema de
Processamento de Informações Geo-referenciadas) to make the classification with
Maximum Likelihood method.
The training and validation of the two methods was made using a set of 240 pixels
regarding the classes to be identified (60 pixels per class). Of these, was selected 120
pixels randomly that integrated the train database while the remaining 120 pixels
was used to validate the classifiers.
The training process of the Neural Network consisted in to submit the network to
learning through the sample basis that was composed of the greyscale of the spectral