Jarosław Sta
Lehrstuhl f
ur Systemtheorie technischer Prozesse, Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg
Postfach 41 20, D-39016 Magdeburg, Germany
Eckart Mayer
Max Planck Institute Dynamics of Complex Technical Systems, Sandtorstr. 1, D-39106 Magdeburg, Germany
org Raisch
Lehrstuhl f
ur Systemtheorie technischer Prozesse, Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg
Postfach 41 20, D-39016 Magdeburg, Germany
and Max Planck Institute Dynamics of Complex Technical Systems, Sandtorstr. 1, D-39106 Magdeburg, Germany
Discrete event systems, max-plus algebra, performance evaluation.
This paper discusses the usefulness of (max, +) algebra as a mathematical modelling framework for discrete
event systems (DESs). A Max-Plus Algebra Toolbox developed at Lehrstuhl f
ur Systemtheorie technischer
Prozesse is presented. This software package is a set of functions to take advantage of the (max, +) algebra
in the Matlab environment for rapid prototyping, design, and analysis of DESs. An overview of the modelling
and analysis concepts of the (max, +) algebra approach for DES is given. Application examples are provided
in the final part of the paper to illustrate the potential of this approach and the toolbox.
Many phenomena from manufacturing systems,
telecommunication networks and transportation sys-
tems can be described as so-called discrete event
systems (DES), or discrete event dynamic systems.
A DES is a dynamic asynchronous system where the
state transitions are initiated by events that occur at
discrete instants of time. An event corresponds to the
start or the end of an activity. A common property of
such examples is that the start of an activity depends
on termination of several other activities. Such sys-
tems cannot conveniently be described by differential
or difference equations, and naturally exhibit a peri-
odic behaviour.
An introduction to DES has been given, e.g. in
(Cassandras and Lafortune, 1999). Many frameworks
exist to study DES. Examples are queuing theory,
e.g. (Gross and Harris, 1997), Petri nets, e.g. (Ba-
naszak et al., 1991), the (max, +) algebra (Baccelli
et al., 1992) and many others. The most widely used
technique to analyze DES is computer simulation.
An important drawback of simulation is that it often
does not give a real understanding of how parame-
ter changes affect important system properties such
as stability, robustness and optimality of system per-
formance. Analytical techniques can provide a much
better insight in this respect. Therefore, formal meth-
ods are to be preferred as tools for modelling, analysis
and control of DES.
This paper presents a software tool for rapid pro-
totyping, design and analysis of DESs: a Max-Plus
Algebra Toolbox for Matlab (Sta
nczyk, 2003). This
is a set of functions implementing major aspects of
the (max, +) algebra in the Matlab environment.
The (max, +) algebra was first introduced in
(Cuningham-Green, 1979). A standard reference is
(Baccelli et al., 1992), a brief survey of methods and
applications of this algebra is given in (Cohen et al.,
1999) and (Gaubert and Max-Plus, 1997). In certain
aspects, the (max, +) algebra is comparable to the
conventional algebra. In the (max, +) algebra the
addition (+) and multiplication (×) operators from
the conventional algebra are replaced by the maxi-
mization (max) and addition (+) operators, respec-
tively. Using these operators, a linear description (in
the (max, +) algebra sense) of certain non-linear sys-
tems (in the conventional algebra) is achieved.
There are other tools available in the Internet for
computation in (max, +) algebra: