Chiharu Ishii and Shigehiko Yamamoto
Kogakuin University
2665-1, Nakano-cho, Hachioji-shi, Tokyo 192-0015, JAPAN
Hiroshi Hashimoto
Tokyo University of Technology
1404-1, Katakura-cho, Hachioji-shi, Tokyo 192-0982, JAPAN
Simultaneous optimal design, Integrated design of structure/controller, Parallel inverted pendulum systems
An integrated design of structure/controller for parallel inverted pendulum systems is presented. In practical
parallel inverted pendulum systems, existence of a realizable stabilizing controller is inevitably determined
depending on the position of center of gravity of two pendulums. In this paper these parameters are set as
structural parameters in structural systems and a descriptor form representation is used to express the dynamics
of parallel inverted pendulum systems. A state feedback gain and structural parameters are determined based
on a design of linear quadratic regulator(LQR), in which a generalized Ricatti equation in LQR problem for
the descriptor form representation is reduced to LMI conditions. Main contribution of this paper is to give a
method to determine the position of center of gravity of two pendulums for parallel inverted pendulum systems
in a sense of suitable for control. Based on the obtained structural parameters, some experimental works are
executed. Experimental results show the effectiveness of the proposed design method.
Recently, simultaneous optimal design for structural
and control systems, in other words, integrated de-
sign of structural and control systems has attracted
an attention of control engineers (Hale, et al., 1985)
and (Pil, et al., 1996), in which structure and con-
trol system design parameters are simultaneously op-
timized to minimize a certain objective function. In
most cases, control theory gives a controller design
method for the given model of the plant. Control the-
ory seldom suggests a design of the plant itself. In
order to obtain a superior mechanism with high per-
formance, it is necessary to prepare the structural sys-
tems with higher controllability in the design stage.
In (Seto, et al., 1989), a simultaneous optimal de-
sign method for structure and control systems for an
optical servosystems is discussed, while in (Ando,
et al., 2003) this method is modified and applied to
a displacement expanders of magnetic recording test
stands. (Kim, et al., 2003) proposed a method of
simultaneous optimization for state feedback gains
and structural parameters. The system formulation
is given using descriptor form representation of the
plant under LMI(Linear Matrix Inequality) constraint.
In this paper, we propose a simultaneous optimal
design method of structure and control systems for
a parallel (double) inverted pendulum systems. It is
well known that stabilization problem of parallel in-
verted pendulum systems is very difficult compared
with the stabilization problem of single inverted pen-
dulum systems and series-type (double) inverted pen-
dulum systems. Especially, in practical parallel in-
verted pendulum systems, essential controllability is
highly depends on the length and weight of two pen-
dulums. Furthermore, existence of a realizable stabi-
lizing controller is inevitably determined depending
on the position of center of gravity of two pendulums.
If the length and the position of center of gravity of
the pendulums are not proper, realizable stabilizing
controller hardly exists in practical systems.
Analysis and stabilization control of parallel in-
verted pendulum systems is addressed in (Kawatani,
et al., 1993) and (Sugie, et al., 1993). In (Kawatani,
et al., 1993), state feedback controller with full state
observer is designed via arbitrary pole assignment.
While in (Sugie, et al., 1993), a two-degree-of-
freedom controller is designed based on H
shaping design procedure. In both cases, stabiliza-
tion is succeeded. However, although analysis for
the length of the pendulum is executed in both cases,
analysis for the position of center of gravity of the
Ishii C., Yamamoto S. and Hashimoto H. (2004).
In Proceedings of the First Inter national Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics, pages 108-113
DOI: 10.5220/0001134601080113