Several gradient based methods have been
proposed for solving the discrete-time optimal
control problem (Mayne, 1966). For example,
Murray and Yakowitz (Murray, 1984) and
(Yakowitz, 1984) developed a differential dynamic
programming and Newton's method for the solution
of discrete optimal control problems, see also the
book of Jacobson and Mayne (Jacobson, 1970),
(Ohno, 1978), (Pantoja, 1988) and (Dunn, 1989).
Similar methods have been further developed by
Liao and Shoemaker (Liao, 1991). Another method,
the trust region method, was proposed by Coleman
and Liao (Coleman, 1995) for the solution of
unconstrained discrete-time optimal control
problems. Although confined to the unconstrained
problem, this method works for large scale
minimization and is capable of handling the so
called hard case problem.
Each method, whether direct or indirect,
gradient-based or direct search based, has its own
advantages and disadvantages. However, with the
advent of computing power and the progress made
in methods that are based on optimization analogies
from nature, it became possible to achieve a remedy
to some of the above mentioned disadvantages
through the use of global methods of optimization.
These include stochastic methods, such as simulated
annealing (Laarhoven, 1989), (Kirkpatrick, 1983)
and evolutionary computation methods (Fogel,
1998), (Schwefel, 1995) such as genetic algorithms
(GA) (Michalewicz, 1992a), see also (Michalewicz,
1992b) for an interesting treatment of the linear
discrete-time problem.
Genetic algorithms provide a powerful
mechanism towards a global search for the
optimum, but in many cases, the convergence is very
slow. However, as will be shown in this paper, if the
GA is supplemented by problem specific heuristics,
the convergence can be accelerated significantly. It
is well known that GAs are based on a guided
random search through the genetic operators and
evolution by artificial selection. This process is
inherently very slow, because the search space is
very large and evolution progresses step by step,
exploring many regions with solutions of low
fitness. What is proposed here, is to guide the search
further, by incorporating qualitative knowledge
about potential good solutions. In many problems,
this might involve simple heuristics, which when
combined with the genetic search, provide a
powerful tool for finding the optimum very quickly.
The purpose of the present work, then, is to
incorporate problem specific heuristic arguments,
which when combined with a modified hybrid GA,
can solve the discrete-time optimal control problem
very easily. There are significant advantages to this
approach. First, the need to solve the two-point
boundary value problem (TPBVP) is completely
avoided. Instead, only initial value problems (IVP)
are solved. Second, after finding an optimal
solution, we verify that it approximately satisfies the
first-order necessary conditions for a stationary
solution, so the mathematical soundness of the
traditional necessary conditions is retained.
Furthermore, after obtaining a solution by direct
genetic search, the static and dynamic Lagrange
multipliers (the adjoint variables) can be computed
and compared with the results from a gradient
method. All this is achieved without directly solving
the TPBVP. There is a price to be paid, however,
since, in the process, we are solving many initial
value problems (IVPs). This might present a
challenge in advanced difficult problems, where the
dynamics are described by a higher order system of
ordinary differential equations, or when the
equations are difficult to integrate over the required
time interval and special methods are required. On
the other hand, if the system is described by
discrete-time difference equations that are relatively
well behaved and easy to iterate, the need to solve
the initial value problem many times does not
represent a serious problem. For instance, the
example problem presented here , the discrete
velocity programming problem (DVDP) with the
combined effects of gravity, thrust and drag,
together with a terminal constraint (Bryson, 1999),
runs on a 1.6 GHz pentium 4 processor in less than
a minute of CPU time.
In the next section, a mathematical formulation
of the optimal control problem is given. The
evolutionary approach to the solution is then
described. In order to illustrate the method, a
specific example, the discrete velocity direction
programming (DVDP) is solved and results are
presented and compared with the results of an
indirect gradient method developed by Bryson
(Bryson, 1999).
In this section, we describe a formulation of the
nonlinear discrete-time optimal control problem