Konstantin E. Avrachenkov
INRIA Sophia Antipolis, 2004 route des Lucioles, B.P. 93
06902, Sophia Antipolis Cedex, France
Wojciech Paszke
Institute of Control and Computation Engineering
University of Zielona G
ora, Poland
Congestion control, system with state dependent delays, stability investigation, simulations, Simulink
This paper considers the problem of the stability for a control system with a state-dependent delay. Systems
with state-dependent delays arise naturally in the data network congestion control schemes. Simple analytical
studies of stability are provided for a particular set of initial conditions. Then, to verify these results and
to extend the stability analysis, the Simulink-based simulator is presented and described. The developed
simulator allows us to extend stability analysis for a variety of sets of initial conditions.
In data networks such as Internet or ATM one needs
to control the sending rate of data injected into the
network. For instance, in the Internet this task is
performed by Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)
(Stevens, 1994). The control of the data sending rate
is essentially based on the delayed information which
is frequently source of instability.
In several recent paper (Deb and Srikant, 2003; Jo-
hari and Tan, 2000; Kelly, 2001; Massoulie, 2000;
Vinnicombe, 2002) the researchers have analysed the
sending rate control models for data networks with
fixed delays. However, it is known (see e.g., (Altman
et al., 2001)) that the value of the delay actually de-
pends on the sending rate. In the present paper, we
make the first attempt to analyse a rate control sys-
tem with a state-dependent delay. In the next section
we introduce our model. In Section 3, we provide
an analytic study of the stability for some particu-
lar set of the initial conditions. Then, in Section 4
we described a Simulink based model and in Sec-
tion 5 we verify and extend the analytic conditions us-
ing that Simulink model. Finally, in Section 6 we
provide conclusions together with some directions for
future research.
Here we consider a single bottleneck network model.
We represent the data sent into the network by the
fluid which injection rate evolves according to the fol-
lowing equation
˙y(t) = α − βy(t − µ
x(t)), (1)
where x(t) is the amount of the data stored at the bot-
tleneck router. We can think of the above equation as
an approximation of the total rate evolution of multi-
plexed TCP sources passing through the same bottle-
neck router. The term α corresponds to the additive
increase and the term −βy(t − µ
x(t)) corresponds
to the multiplicative decrease of TCP in the Conges-
tion Avoidance phase. Since in the present Internet
state the main component of the information delay
corresponds to data queueing, in our model we ne-
glect the propagation delay and model the queueing
delay by µ
x(t), where µ is a capacity of the bottle-
neck router.
By using the fluid approach, the following evolu-
tion of data queued at the bottleneck router is consid-
˙x(t) =
y(t) − µ, if x(t) > 0,
(y(t) − µ)
, if x(t) = 0,
where (z)
= max{z, 0} and (z)
= min{z, 0}. In
general, this expression shows that the derivative of
the queue content is equal to the incoming rate minus
the drain rate and it cannot become negative. As a re-
sult the sending rate can tend to infinity and in fact a
E. Avrachenkov K. and Paszke W. (2004).