information, knowledge and experience existing on RES&EM coming from science,
production, trading into an interactive education tool.
Through this tool, the continuous vocational training will develop in terms of subject,
products, methodology and quality. The tool addresses to a broad spectrum of users:
The individuals to whom this project addresses are young people, graduating
highschools, technical schools or universities, looking for professional
(re)insertion in their national and in the European working market. It also ad-
dresses to those who intend to develop their own business/company in RES
and/or EM;
The trainers and training planners who represent a core of human resources,
meant to fulfil the project objectives and ensure the dissemination of the project’s
outcomes. They are members of the partners’ institutions;
The companies coming from different sectors: industry, architecture, building
construction, agriculture, forestry, trade, environmental protection; they represent
the “source” providing individuals that test the tool and are those who are em-
powered to make RES&EM a wide spread reality;
Local, regional and national bodies responsible for the environment quality, for
training and promoting RES and EM are also primary targets and beneficiaries of
the project outcomes;
The decision-makers in terms of the policies regarding EM and energy are those
who directly are asked to benefit and – based on the new acquired skills, to use
the eLearning tool.
The product is the result of the joint work of the entire partnership, each module in-
volving at least two partners. The participating groups are coming from Romania (the
Transilvania University of Brasov, The Brasov County Council, the Foundation for
the Promotion of SME, the National Centre for Sustainable Development), Spain
(University of Zaragoza), Germany (FH Aachen), Greece (Technological Research
Center, Patras and Euro New Horizons, Aigion), the Netherlands (TU Delft and the
Netherlands Energy Center).
The eLearning tool will start to be used, in its primary form, in October 2004 on
“testing groups” of users and, based on the registered feedback, the final form will be
developed till October 2005.
This paper presents aspects related to the content, structure and basic features of the
eLearning tool developed under the RES&M ICT Tools project.
2 The eLearning environment
The CD based product uses a platform developed by a group in the University of
Zaragoza, Spain (partner in the project). The learning environment is called GAME
(Gestor – Author for Educative Multimedia) and it allows the development of a sim-
ple electronic book that provides to the student the basic document of the subject, in
digital format and contains the typical utilities of this type of programs: text finder,
note marker, possibility of evaluation. An eLearning tool based on GAME has to
fulfill some basic requirements: