12. To use the information obtained through this analysis to define measures
which allow for us to guarantee the existence of an adequate component of
support from the teachers. The global success of the solution depends not so
much on the value of the technological solution, but rather on the existence
of a human structure which insures adequate teaching support.
13. To devise mechanisms that allow the teachers to control the students’ study-
ing process, more specifically, to become familiar with the students who are
studying according to this method, when and what they study, where they
met their biggest difficulties, time spent studying and the results of the
7 Conclusions
From the work that has been done so far, one can conclude that computer-assisted
teaching solutions can be an effective tool used to complement traditional teaching
methods. However, some care must be taken when building a solution such as this.
It is essential that the solution, when implemented, appeals to, motivates and cap-
tures the students’ interest. For this reason, it is vital that the language used be
straight-forward and appropriate for its target audience, and that visual examples,
such as images and multimedia animation be used whenever possible to illustrate the
theoretic concepts presented in the material. Equally important is an entertainment
component, as well as a rewards system that is continuous in nature and is accepted
by the students as being fair and just, and which they feel adequately compensates
them for their achievements.
Another important point to consider has to do with the alterations bound to occur
in the relationship between the teaching staff and the student body. The use of this
type of solution leads to a more individualized type of teaching and in order for it to
be effective, it will be necessary to re-define the role of the teacher in a methodical
and organizational matter. This re-definition will place more demand on the
teacher, in terms of time and dedication.
Finally, to touch on the project execution, some aspects have shown themselves to
be critical to the project’s success to the formulation of the initially-defined goals,
namely the tremendous amount of skill and effort that the Steering Committee will
have to put in to the project to guarantee an effective communication and coordina-
tion among the other teams, as well as the great importance that the design of the
multimedia images and animations, as well as the practicality of the solution, in
terms of the quality of the final product.
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