Bader Maktari, Naoufel Werghi, Zoheir Ezziane
ollege of Information Technology, Dubai University College , Dubai, U.A.E.
eywords: Information systems, Task management, Collaborative support technologies
Abstract: The fundamental driving force behind any business, no matter of its size is the generation of tasks. The
logical grouping of these tasks into business processes has cause the phenomenal development of software
packages to meet the need of natural internal business evolution, which is evident by the mass number of
business applications available on the market today. However this paper will try to single out a specific area
that has not received as great amount of application development attention, due to its in-between nature. The
TM.AN (Task Management and Administrative Notification) application focuses on this unlit area by
developing/outlining the needed features to encourage a more task oriented culture, thereby exploiting its
applied benefits. This paper, describes the concepts that inspired the development of TM.AN such as the
lack of information/progress sharing between employees and the design principles for instance the
development of a structure to capture performance information from employee, task and customer entities.
Often the greatest challenges are found in the most
smallest and ordinary of things as can be seen from
cases like the splitting of an atom. This false initial
presentation is not confined to a single area of
science or business and thus can be seen in many
other situations in life. Therefore the process of
breaking down the simple activity of task creation,
assignment and progress exchange into a structured
system that can be utilized along with other
resources such as customer information, is an
equally challenging endeavor to pursue, as long as it
possesses the capability of generating a viable and
effective management output. However certain valid
justifications are necessary to strengthen the case for
focusing development efforts that will be presented
1.1 The Problem of Task Generation
Today most establishments have a growing customer
base that on a daily basis calls for tasks to be
assigned to team leaders and team members sparked
off either by internal or external customers, thus in
an intensive business arena these tasks assigned
amount to a staggering number. Often the content is
far too lengthy or unclear where the requested task
can be easily classified by a standard category.
These task categories are common and are usually a
daily business activity e.g. customer follow-up,
where the goal can be summarized into a few direct
power sentences i.e. a task statement.
If tasks are assigned verbally without directly
following it up with documentation procedures, this
Figure 1:
Niche Location
Ezziane Z., Werghi N. and Maktari B. (2004).
In Proceedings of the First International Conference on E-Business and Telecommunication Networks, pages 268-274
DOI: 10.5220/0001380502680274
can intern lead to the task being forgotten or
backlogged when remembered. In addition when
weekly and monthlymeetings occur, whose main
purpose is to determine the progress of each task
assigned, a common occurrence is that a team
member notes down their tasks either in a calendar
book, notepad or electronic application and thereby
prioritizes their tasks accordingly. Succeeding this
event is a separation of work focus by team
members i.e. each member will go off to tackle a
certain issue divided and agreed upon. This
consequently causes a deficiency in structured
progress information exchange as no one team
member will be fully aware to the extent of the
other’s progress including the manager, unless a
manual request for an update transpires or an
information system is available that is capable of
tracking the progress. This is an issue because the
process of manually requesting an update is a time
consuming checkup activity that engulfs the time
and effort of two individuals rather than one. Hence
the problem lies here in the ineffective interchange
of information among team members. There is no fix
set of protocols to convey a task request, nor is there
any structured mechanism in which tracking of tasks
can take place. To add to the complexity of things,
the nature of an email oriented culture has further
extended the difficulty in the management of tasks
as the distinction between direct task requests,
notification of events, inquiries, memos, etc. merge
into a single routine of divide and conquer via
manually filtering/sorting email messages. Note that
the above observations are taken from the
environment analysis of the FedEx, but are logically
applicable to many other companies. Summing it up
best is Figure 1, where it highlights the area that
requires unification, namely the integration of PMS
(Personal Management Software) of the various
employees into a single structured unit. Drawing the
attention to project management software one of the
most heavily utilized functions is to define
milestones (high level tasks) that can be used as a
master template for the creation of sub tasks. By
basing sub tasks on a master template it can be
directly linked to it and further assist high level
management to view and track the progress of
reaching the high level goals via examining the
micro events (tasks) occurring to make this
milestone possible. What is important to remember
is that every employee must be freely able to create
as many tasks as they deem necessary to achieve
their goal, thus enabling flexibility and the
conception of duty delegation. In addition, there
should be a mechanism for management to
dynamically set the amount (percentage) that one
employee is contributing to the milestone. Of course
the unified system must be able to utilize some if not
all of the collaboration tools available to the
company’s disposal. An interesting point to note
about figure 1 is that the various software e.g. PMS
information stored are cloaked from the internal
human resources that suggests that information is
not necessarily shared, but rather exported when
required. Lastly call center software packages
nowadays act as the first point of communication
between the customer and the company, offering the
unification of all nodes of interaction such as phone,
email, web chat, etc. which along with customer data
and history can greatly assist the service level
produced. Regardless of this assistance the backend
aftermath of the customer interaction or service
request is not structured and this very much
highlights the issue that TM.AN is aiming to bolster.
Therefore one can sum up figure 1 by stating that
front end interactions with customers, which
typically is brief can be unified fairly easily,
however the back end request for resolution remains
dispersed and uni-encapsulated i.e. each employee
masks their activities from one another, due in part
to the natural way of human interaction and work
Under this section two main goals are put forth,
firstly to clearly classify the product category to
which TM.AN belongs to, thereby enabling all
relevant alternative solutions to be extracted and
secondly to evaluate the effectiveness of task data as
a solid measurement for employee performance.
2.1 Product Category Fitting (PCF)
The first question that one should ask about an
application is the category to which it resides under.
To answer this, lets examine the most fundamental
element of TM.AN, that is a task. A task can be
simply a self-related event which is part of one’s
personal or professional daily life, where the task
can be either self generated or created by another
person. Furthermore tasks can be assigned to more
than one person, depending on the complexity and
the time constraints applied. Thus if the area for
Figure 2: Defining a Perform Scale for Tasks
tasks that are self generated and for a personal use
are examined (personal event managing software),
found will be thousands of applications that offers
this service effectively, along with a wide range of
rich features. However the application is not aimed
at self generated and personal tasks. The next type of
tasks is those generated from a single or small group
of sources (project manager/team) and assigned to
lower levels of employees for execution. Here again
one will find a vast number of project management
software applications that cover a vast range of
complex concepts. Then it is obvious that the subject
application is aimed for professional use, where
tasks are created and assigned by different
individuals (not self generated) meaning that it is a
collaboration tool. An immediate argument that
occurs is that email is a collaboration tool which
satisfies any task type and is immensely successful.
However if one is categorical, email is a generic
collaboration tool that is an instant messaging and
document carrying software, which suffers from a
few flaws. The first and most common flaw is
overflow of input, in that an employee of an email
oriented company is nowadays bombarded with
sometimes hundreds of email messages per day,
which may have nothing to do with any task at all.
Second, emails have a send and forget policy where
once the email is sent the tracking of it is thereby
eliminated, thus an email system totally lacks
structure in the area of progress tracking. Lastly
email systems have no inbuilt mechanism to truly
distinguish emails apart, so that it can represent them
in a categorized form. This being the case, email is
not a powerful collaboration tool, but a potent
communication relaying tool.
Back to the topic at hand the categorization of the
application. Vessey and Sravanapudi (Vessey I. et
al., 1995) in analyzing CASE tools as a collaborative
technology identified three collaborative supporting
architectures taskware, teamware and groupware.
Where the nature of taskware outlines a standalone
task without the possibility of sharing it with others
(self generated and contained). Teamware is the
sharing of work resources or products and
groupware being an act of expression through
communication with others about the work
undertaken. At first glance one might jump ahead
and select the teamware category, but sharing a
working resource for example design
focuses on teamware diagrams such as DFDs (Data
Flow Diagrams) or ERDs (Entity Relationship
Diagrams) and facilitates a venue to communicate
about design changes and decisions. Therefore the
groupware category lends itself as the most
suitable classification of the subject application.
An interesting point brought about by Henderson
and Cooprider (Vessey I. et al., 1995) is that tasks
should have an anonymous feedback rating system
to comment on the efficiency of work performed i.e.
the task’s performance. Additionally noted as
favorable essentials contained in a groupware based
application, are the inclusion of direct email
messaging in case of immediate notification
requirements and calendar management. That should
comprise of both individual calendar management
functions as well as the sharing of fellow co-
worker’s events i.e. events can be posted into
authorized calendar books of others. As for the email
notification facility, it is already present in the
application, thus providing a feedback option in
terms of rating a task, is a simple and quickly
achievable feature.
2.2 Task as a Performance
The performance efficiency of an employee will be
judged based upon the information extrapolated
from task data, which emphasizes on the importance
of the task entity being a strong indication of
performance. Then it is only logical to briefly
investigate if the task and related information stored
encompasses enough data to be exploited as a solid
measurement of an employee’s performance or is the
task measurement only a partial quantifier that
requires readouts from other assessments to achieve
a comprehensive overall employee appraisal.
Hannesson (Harkins S.S. et al., 2001) recommended
that a performance appraisal covers the activities
which an employee performs as part of their daily
routine and more importantly forms a clear
definition for each type of task executed, as to what
is meant by a good job. Thus to define how well a
job is performed a scale should be composed that
rates the performance, in which every value on that
scale has a simple and clear meaning to it.
Hannesson (Harkins S.S. et al., 2001) gave a job
example that entails basic equipment maintenance
and applied a scale of one to three (poor, average
and outstanding performance respectively) and
Figure 3: Required Elements for Task Performance
defined the scale illustrated in figure 2. Further more
Hannesson also provided a sample monthly job
review sheet that composed of columns: task of job,
when it is to be completed, task done and comments.
columns used in the review sheet have a
resemblance to the data fields
stored in the database of
TM.AN. On the other hand Kirksey’s (Kirksey J. et
al., 1994) article begs to differ, stating that in order
for an appraisal to be truly valid a so called 360°
perspective is needed, in which it has a pool of
‘feedback from both internal and external customers
to receive a broader, more accurate perspective on
employees’. The main difference between the 360°
appraisal and the more traditional type is a
dictatorship style, where the process is manned by a
single person (the supervisor) that acts as the judge,
jury and executioner. However the 360° appraisal
casts a full jury, which can compose of all entities
that the employee interacts with such as external
customers and internal customers (top management,
peers, departments, etc.). Therefore this achieves a
more dynamic and fair appraisal as the sources of
feedback are diverse, covering all angles and
perspectives, thus leaving no position for an
employee to hide and hence rendering it a more
valid rating system. The important issues to note
about this type of appraisal is that it offers peer
rather than manager feedback (stronger), encourages
more self-development, assists in correlating ones
own perceptions of performance with the actual and
decentralizes an employee’s focus on satisfying the
manager alone, thereby refocusing it on the
internal/external customers that now will contribute
to their performance evaluation. It is clear that a
task can act as a standalone performance measure in
a certain frame of mind. However the contradicting
arguments expressed that this type of task based
single evaluator assessment, is ineffective at gaining
a factual rating of an employee’s performance.
Regardless, the application stores enough data about
a task to satisfy Hannesson’s recommendation for
evaluation, but lacks one key element that is the
weighting of a selected task. Thus one could put in
place a weighting to each main category listed in the
DB (Database), in which a three point scaling
system can be used as mentioned by Hannesson, but
stored will be the definitions defined on the scale.
This then could take the shape of the supervisor
editing these main categories and assigning the
appropriate values to it. Therefore when a rating is
required these definitions can be extracted and
formulated into a visual three point grading bar,
which is exemplified by the upper portion of figure
3. With regards to Kirksey’s (Kirksey J. et al., 1994)
point of offering a broader range of feedback inputs,
if we compare it to Vessey and Sravanapudi’s
(Vessey I. et al., 1995) comment on offering a
feedback rating implementation, essentially the two
are referring to the same issue of incorporating a
feedback mechanism into a groupware application.
The only difference is that Kirksey suggested the
sources of feedback, internal and external customers.
Having said that, this then highlights the importance
of a feedback mechanism as being a key contributor
to a groupware application’s effectiveness and
success. So if we briefly review TM.AN’s core
features for the previous key element, it offers the
ability to assign tasks that come from “internal
customers” and at the same time the tasks created
are directly related to “external customers”, but
missing from it is the feedback mechanism, however
the structure of the mechanism i.e. the data and
logical relationships are already in place within the
system. Therefore all that is required is an additional
process for feedback creation, submitting and
storing, thereby achieving the necessary extended
data to create and map out a so called 360° appraisal,
as is partially illustrated by the lower portion of
figure 3. One could envision that the external
customer’s feedback takes the shape of offering
monthly the opportunity to rate the performance of
services received. In which the customer could have
an interface that displays all of the tasks related to
the organization and therewith submits their
feedback on the desired tasks. The points mentioned
previously have not as of yet been incorporated into
the application, however the current structure of the
application does not prevent these new features
highlighted from being easily molded in. Neither
will its induction cause the existing system
composition to be modified in a reconstruction
sense, but instead in more additional building block
The FedEx who TM.AN was intended for supplies
software solutions to their existing and new
customers. In which the process of after sales service
support, lacks true documentation and customer
interaction visibility and thus the construction of
TM.AN was deemed necessary to tackle four key
areas in this regard:
1) Interaction Transparency 2) Performance
Monitoring 3) Progress & Info Exchange 4)
Activity Documentation. Where interaction
transparency is the ability of any of the concerned
parties being able to view and log the various task
interactions occurring between a single employee
and the customer, even at the most simplest level.
One of the key advantages of adopting an interaction
transparency policy is that each employee is
consciously aware as their manager can be, of the
activity’s performance with respect to handling the
designated duties and the effective documentation of
them. Secondly, by putting forth an interaction
transparency policy, employees are forcefully
encouraged to collaborate, as by doing so they are
effectively placing a record of occurred
communications that can be used as proof of
transpired events and also permits one to generate
fairly automatically a daily report for activities
performed. However the strongest advantage is that
Indirect Customer Interactions (ICI) taking place are
not shielded from other involved employees. As if
this occurs, the customer may feel a lack of internal
communication within the company as each person
has no idea of his/her previous interaction. Even
employees themselves may duplicate work or extend
work effort as their lacks task transparency and
information of ICIs.
To give a better understanding of the concept of
interaction transparency or in the case of figure 4 the
lack of it, depicted are some of the pressing issues
that can arise. To begin with figure 4 illustrates that
each employee uni-encapsulates five pieces of
information, most of which are kept protected by the
individual. One of the points which figure 4 attempts
to exemplify is that much of what an individual
knows and does (some of which is processing of
tasks) is masked from other key individuals, whose
involvement maybe instrumental in the success of
their own activities. This in a personal and private
sense is understandable and often desired, however
it is not an attractive quality when the information
stored by the employee can be better utilized when
shared. Furthermore, even when information is
shared by a person, it is done so with control and
limitations being impose over the extracted content.
Thus any additional information needed is still
housed under the individual’s knowledge pool and to
access it direct contact is necessary, which may span
over several communication instances. This
inevitably leads to a single point of knowledge
failure, if that person becomes unavailable. Moving
on, if one draws attention to the lower portion of
figure 4, put forth is the obvious notion that
customers and co-workers can directly modify the
required tasks that an employee has to perform,
given that a task authorization type relationship has
been formed. In which the modification process
occurs via a communication tool such as fax, phone
and email or via face-to-face contact. An important
point to note about figure 4 is that every interaction
that takes place whether it maybe from a co-worker
or customer to one employee is shielded information
i.e. the other concerned parties may not know about
the interaction’s occurrence as it passes through a
single person and thus the responsibility for the
escalation and conveying of that task is solely reliant
on one person. Finally, if one is to permit interaction
transparency the needed scenario is simply to move
the information elements outside the limited scope
of an individual and place it into the public arena,
whilst maintaining the same logical security that
would be applied by that individual. Tools like
Knowledge Based System (KBS) can move what has
been learnt to the outside arena as can tools in
regards to document sharing, however most tools
with a task organization role tend to keep what a
person is doing in the same encapsulated state, only
improving and not moving the process (one of the
goals of TM.AN) outside a single knowledge pool.
Lastly as information aging occurs, it only seems
logical to exploit it at its early stages as one would
do a disease and if done so one can easily merge
software tools from each of the information elements
into a single unified system.
The following area of progress and info exchange
examines tasks that involve at least one target person
and a task owner, in which required is an effective
exchange of collaboration information and the
event’s progress as it matures to completion. The
key point to note is that exchanges maybe
synchronous or asynchronous and thus it is
important for asynchronous exchanges to be stored
in a centralized location that is universally
accessible. As it will allow the parties involved to
check on the progress of the task, even if the person
needed is unavailable, however even when the
exchanges are synchronous miscommunications or
forgetfulness can lead to issues. Hence in either case
exchanges need to be logged centrally to maintain
clarity of the progress made. Performance
monitoring is the exploitation of the data stored
about tasks in order to extract performance based
information. If one cross references this with data of
Figure 4: Lack of Interaction Transparency
employees and customers, further interesting
inferences can be extracted from this connection.
Such examples include viewing a customer
utilization of the workforce, viewing the team’s
effort and outcomes, comparing employee
compatibility with one another, etc. From a
manager’s perspective by having an effective
performance monitoring system in place, achievable
is a current mapping out of interactions taking place,
an improved sensitivity to trends among the different
entities in the organization and accountability for
activities performed or not. Activity documentation
refers simply to the structure documentation of all
interactions especially of a customer type that has
two phases activity instantiation and wrap-up duties
i.e. fifty percent or more of the required activity
actions are performed during the first phase and the
rest of the duties are performed afterwards in an
unknown timeframe. Activity documentation is
needed in order for interaction transparency,
performance monitoring and progress/info exchange
to be achievable. Any interaction that can justify a
task creation should be carried out, as even a few
sentences of documentation can turn very useful
later on when unseen circumstances occur. Also by
documenting activities it provides an instant action
statement that can assist an employee to execute
routinely requested reports, gauge performance and
even formulate a calendar outline. It is interesting to
note the mentioned information that one can extract
from so called simple task data, which is clearly
quiet useful on many fronts. This indicates that the
documentation of activities performed in relation to
customer and employee data has a strong base for
data mining. Having said that one can infer that an
application which documents and assists in the
carrying through of customer requests is a highly
desirable notion, because thousands of businesses
have customers to support and this support intern
generates internally numerous forms of
informal/formal task assignment that merges into
one solid result, a complete customer resolution.
However in most cases this internal resolution is
either unstructured or lacks efficiency in one of the
mentioned areas. Hence if one can develop an open
and modular system that can handle a generic task
assignment features, integrate it with customer data
and meet the mentioned items, then a definite and
large market is open for the taking.
One might get the impression from reading the
previous passages that TM.AN is an application of
some great nature, but the fact of the matter it is not,
as its peak of maturity has not even been touched.
Potentially the most interesting thing discovered was
that most developers have skipped this issue of
managing and sharing task data by either creating
applications that are meant for high level project
management environments or by developing fine
task organizational tools. One of the most important
notions presented was expressed by figure four as it
attempted to abstract the idea that in order to achieve
sharing of what someone knows and has learnt, it
can be done so via exploiting the point of origin (the
assignment of tasks), thereby enabling one to access
the above information elements, allowing the
unification/integration of these elements by an
intelligent application. Since it has been established
that the process of task handling is important
(processing) and the management deliverables are
useful (output), no mention has been made to the
inputting process for tasks, which should logically
also hold a potential benefit. The communication
tool used to relay task data have a high beneficial
value, but is outside the scope of this paper.
However it is useful to touch on it lightly, to further
strengthen the importance of task management.
Bellotti et al. (Bellotti V. et al., 2003) in their
research confirmed that email and task management
are frequently in separable, sometimes being
indistinguishable and always a priceless resource,
which needs a strong set of streamlining
measurements to be applied to the email
environment. The main point suggested by Bellotti
et al. is that email is the primary communication tool
used today in most businesses as the prime input
source to a task management system, due to its
widespread and accessible nature. Hence this all
points to developing a task management system that
stores beneficial and utilizable data, whose chief
concern is a strong development, centered on task,
customer and employee data. Where the
development process should maintain three key
points, increasing management’s knowledge of
interactions occurring through performance
information, facilitate a task transparency
environment and streamline the inputting process, by
focusing on the available communication tools,
giving priority to email.
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