Simone Vasconçelos Silva
North Fluminense State University ,Av. Alberto Lamego, 2000, Horto. Campos-RJ, Brazil
Daniel I. De Souza Jr.; Ph.D.
Fluminense Federal and North Fluminense State Universities, Brazil
University of Florida, ISE Department, Gainesville, FL, USA
Keywords: Quality, usability of software products, custom-made software products
Abstract: In this work, we will develop a methodology based on the quality of the interaction between users and
custom-made software products, aiming at the determination of the degree of users’ satisfaction, that is, the
usability. This approach is divided into four parts: First we will define the criterions to be used in the
evaluation of the quality of software products. After these criterions have been chosen, an approach will be
developed to classify them by their level of importance related to a selected area of application. The level of
importance of a usability criterion will vary depending on the area of application. As a next step, a second
approach will be introduced to classify usability criterions by the quality level presented by a certain
software product utilized in a selected area. This classification is based on the users’ opinion about the
quality level a certain usability criterion related to the above software product would have. Finally a third
and final approach will be set up to evaluate the usability of software products according to users’ judgment.
It combines the first method with the second method in such a way as to define a usability factor that will be
used to evaluate the quality of the selected software product. This proposed methodology can be applied to a
finished software product to evaluate its usability according to users’ judgment, and can be also applied
during the development of the product to ensure it will have the desired usability attributes. In a future
work, we will show an application of this methodology in the evaluation of the usability of software
products in Brazil.
In the last years the approach of software
development has been concentrated in the structural
and functional features of the product. The man-
machine interface is mainly centered in the
performance of the product during its useful life.
Quite often, in the development of a software
product, the technological level presented by the
product is given higher importance than the facility
of its use. The immediate response to this situation is
the complete dissatisfaction by the users with the
software. In some cases, the software is simply
abandoned by the customers. The man-machine
interface, in the past neglected due to a higher
emphasis in software development techniques,
achieved major importance after the realization of
the necessity to focus the information system in the
The software industry has recently shown an
increased concern with the development of software
methodologies that allow at the same time effective
quality control of the product and the customers’
satisfaction in using the product. Due to this fact,
one of the most important characteristics associated
with the quality presented by the software is related
to the interaction between the user and the computer,
the usability.
The usability can be comprehended as a major idea
in the conception of the project, placing the user’s
needs as a main aspect of the project (Caldeira,
2000). The communication between the users and
Vasconçelos Silva S. and I. De Souza D. (2004).
In Proceedings of the First International Conference on E-Business and Telecommunication Networks, pages 96-102
DOI: 10.5220/0001381000960102
the system, the usability, is today regarded as
important as the whole computation performed by
the system. Evaluation techniques as well as
usability tests should become important tools in
helping the software development area to achieve a
high degree of satisfaction among its users; thereby,
coordinating the characteristics of the software with
the users’ requirement.
In this work, we will develop a methodology based
on the quality of interaction between the users and
the software products, developed under customer
specifications, aiming at the determination of the
degree of users’ satisfaction, that is, the usability.
The continuous improvement of the quality of
products and services is at the moment the main
driving focus in all the areas related to the human
environment. It is highly desirable to receive and to
offer products and services with high quality levels.
In today’s very competitive world, quality is the true
differential, most of the time responsible for the long
term success of a product or service. The
development of high quality software is paramount
for the majority of companies. The main issue to be
achieved is to satisfy customers’ requirements,
which in some cases is not necessarily the same as
the defined specifications; for that reason, in order to
achieve a system with a high quality level, the first
step to take is to assure that the specifications be
defined according to the customer’s needs (Da Silva,
During the 80’s, the main objective of the
software industry was to focus on the productivity
increase of its products; the software quality was
solely concerned with the observance of the
specifications related to the product and the delivery
of products on time with low costs; starting in the
90’s, the emphasis related to the quality of the
software was directed to characteristics such as
reliability, efficiency, interaction with the users, the
lack of defects, usability, etc. With the development
of information technology, which is significantly
helping in fulfill customer’s requirements and
allowing the development of a marketing-
competitive information system, the importance of
software products with high quality is essential to
achievement of the customers’ goals (Da Silva,
According to (Pressman, 1995), software quality
means conformance of specified functional and
performance characteristics with documented
development standards and with implicit
characteristics presented in all high level software.
The evaluation of the quality of software can be
performed on two occasions: during the
development of the software, the process phase, and
after the finishing of the software, the product phase.
At the process phase, the objective is to evaluate the
development of the software, identifying features
that could lead to problems related to the quality of
the product and developing and utilizing
mechanisms that could prevent such problems from
occurring. At the product phase, the purpose is to
evaluate the quality of the product with the intention
of identifying its deficiencies and limitations related
to its applicability as a final product.
According to (Fernandes , 2001), quality control
is an important requirement, highly useful in the
evaluation of the quality of software. This software
quality evaluation is very important for the:
Software producer: during the process phase, to
ensure the high quality of the final product and to
correct any possible problem before the product is
released; during the product phase, to employ
possible corrective and developing actions.
Purchaser: to help in the selection of a product
suitable to his requirements.
User: to increase his confidence in the product
he is utilizing.
Seller: uses the quality of the product as a
reason to sell.
2.1 Standard ISO/IEC 9126 and
ISO/IEC 9126-1
The Standard ISO/IEC 9126 defines a group of
characteristics that allow evaluating the quality of a
software product. These characteristics were chosen
in such a way as to insure, as much as possible, the
lack of correlation among them. This standard was
published in 1991 and in its section 1 is proposed a
quality model for software.
The standard ISO/IEC 9126-1 allows the
evaluation of the quality of a developed software
product through the evaluation of a group of
characteristics and sub-characteristics. This standard
presents a group of six characteristics that should be
present in any software product with high quality: It
has to be functional, reliable, usable, efficient,
moveable, and of easy maintenance.
2.2 Interaction Man Computer
According to (Conçalves, 2001), “the interaction
man-computer is the determining factor related to
the strategy and accomplishment of a user doing his
work. The use of products or information systems
with poor quality related to the usability can be
associated with reasons for low productivity levels
and with financial failures linked to investments in
the information area”.
Users of computer programs evaluate the quality
of a software product through the existing
interaction between man and computer. It is not
sufficient for a program to only display several
advance functions, it is fundamental that the user be
able to utilize them. To achieve that, a high degree
of usability is mandatory.
It is important to realize that at the moment only
a small number (around 30%) of Brazilian software
corporations perform marketing research focusing
on customer satisfaction (around 30%). These
numbers are presented in Table 1.
Table 1: Frequency of marketing research focusing on
customer satisfaction performed by Brazilian companies.
Source: Quality and Productivity of Brazilian Software -
2001. (MCT/SEPIN, 2002)
All the time 130 29.5
Occasionally 173 39.2
Thinking about it 51 11.6
Utilize published data 11 2.5
Never 76 17.2
Total 441 100
The term “user friendly” was very popular in the
60’s and 70’s when computer manufacturers first
started viewing users as more than a nuisance. This
term was lately replaced by a most appropriate one,
“usability”. Efforts to come up with a clear and
concise definition of usability have shown elusive
results. The following definitions of usability show a
noticeable similarity:
According to the International Organization for
Standardization ISO – 9241-11, “Usability” is the
extent to which a product can be used by specified
users to achieve specified goals in a specified
context of use with effectiveness, efficiency, and
satisfaction. According to (Mayhew, 1999), usability
is a measurable characteristic of a product-user
interface that is present to a greater or lesser degree.
According with (Nielsen, 1998), usability is the
measure of the quality of the user experience when
interacting with something – whether a Web site, a
traditional software application, or many other
devices the user can operate in some way or another.
There are several attributes which are associated
with usability. The five of them traditionally
associated with usability are:
Learnability: Probably the most fundamental
usability attribute, indicating that the system must be
easy to learn;
Efficiency of Use: Once it is learned by the user,
a high level of productivity is possible to be
achieved by the user.
Errors: The system should have a low user error
rate. Users should make as few errors as possible
and be able to easily recover from them.
Catastrophic errors must not occur.
Memorability: The system should be easy to
remember. Occasional users should be able to return
to the system after a time and not have to learn it all
over again.
Satisfaction: This attribute refers to how pleasant
it is to use the system. The users should be satisfied
when using the system.
As we can see in all these definitions of usability,
the focus is on the user, not on the product.
Usability evaluation can be performed on any
occasion in the development of a system: at the
initial phase, it is useful in identifying parameters to
be improved in the system; at the intermediate
phase, it is useful to validate or improve the project;
and at the final phase, it assures that the needs and
goals of users are fulfilled by the system.
The methodology proposed in this paper is related to
the evaluation of the quality presented by custom-
made software, based on the customers’ satisfaction
with the final product. This approach is divided into
four parts:
a) Definition of the criterions to be used in the
evaluation of the quality of software products. A
total of 16 criterions will be employed by the user to
evaluate the software product. These standards are
the following: Online Help; Navigation, Easy to be
Installed; Operation Errors Prevention; Auditability;
Reuse of Input Data; Standardization; Messages;
Documentation; Self-instruction; Glossary;
Accuracy; Processing Time; Security; Data
Recovery; Resistance to Errors.
b) Method used to classify the usability criterions
by their level of importance. The purpose of this first
method is to establish an approach to classify the
usability criterions according to their level of
importance related to a selected area of application.
The level of importance of a usability criterion will
vary depending on the area of application.
c) The second method has as an objective the
development of an approach to classify usability
criterions by the quality level presented by a certain
software product utilized in a selected area. This
classification is based on the users’ opinion about
the quality level a certain usability criterion related
to the above software product would have.
d) The purpose of this third and final method is
to establish an approach to evaluate the usability of
software products according to users’ judgment. It
combines the first method with the second method in
such a way as to define a usability factor that will be
used to evaluate the quality of the selected software
4.1 Definition of the Usability
1. Online Help
– Online information has the potential for getting
users the precise information they need faster than
manuals or any other feature.
2. Navigation
– Is the facility to move from one screen to
another screen.
3. Easy to be Installed
– Is the capacity of the software in interacting
with the user during installation in a simple and easy
4. Operation Errors Prevention
– Is the capacity presented by the software in
continuing working through errors made by the
users. In addition to having a good error messages,
the system should also provide good error recovery.
5. Auditability
– Is the capacity shown by the software in
following the logic associated with the design of a
system during its development and the reasons
underlying any possible modification in the original
6. Reuse of Input Data
– Is the ability shown by the software in
requiring the inputting of data only once during the
software operation by the user.
7 Standardization
– This specifies how the exchange of information
from the software to the users should appear.
According to Nielsen, J. (1993a), one of the major
objectives of standards is to have interface
8. Messages
– The messages should be simple and as
objective as possible and easy to understand. Error
messages should be linked to online help with
further explanation of the error and possible
9. Documentation
– The ideal scenario would be to have a system
so easy to use that no further documentation is
needed to complement the user needs in operating
the software. Since this goal cannot always be met, a
model of documentation should be provided. This
model should allow the user to easily locate the
information related to a specific need, to understand
the information and to carry out, without further
trouble, a procedure as described in the
10. Self-instruction
– The system should allow for the user to easily
learn with demonstrative lessons.
11. Glossary
– Provision by the software of a glossary with an
explanation of each of the important terms relating
to a user’s application and translation of those terms
into whatever language the user specifies.
12. Accuracy
– Is the precision presented by software products
in developing their tasks.
13. Processing Time
–Is the time a software product takes to complete
a specified task. It is also the number of tasks of
various kinds that can be completed by a software
program within a give time limit.
14. Security
– Is the capacity presented by the software in
avoiding non-authorized users access to the system
and in displaying error messages in cases where the
use of certain options is restricted.
15. Data Recovery
– Is the capacity presented by the software in not
loosing all or part of the existing data in the
occurrence of errors.
16. Resistance to Non-catastrophic Errors
– The system should provide enough information
to allow non-catastrophic-errors to be corrected
easily by the user and have no effect other than to
slow down to some extent the user’s transaction rate.
4.2 An Approach for Classifying
Usability Criterions by their Priority
Generally, not all usability criterions can be given
equal weight in a given design project. So, it is
necessary to formulate the priorities on the basis of
the analysis of the users and their everyday jobs. For
example, messages would be especially important
for engineering’s software, and standardization
would be of great importance for software to be used
in library work. This approach has two objectives:
To classify usability criterions according to
their priorities in relation to selected areas;
To show that the priority of the criterions vary
according to the selected area.
In order to verify the existence of priority
variation shown by usability criterions in relation to
different areas of application, a questionnaire or
survey form is used. This questionnaire is based on
the users’ opinion about the priority a certain
criterion will have in their areas of interest.
The employed questionnaire contains all the 16
usability criterions defined in Section 4.1, evaluated
by selected users according to the following options:
(1) High Importance (HI); (2) Average Importance
(AI), (3) Low Importance (LI); (4) Without
Importance (WI). Weights were initially associated
with each level of importance, as presented in Table
2 below:
Table 2: Weights Associated with Each Level of
Option Number Weigh
option i
% of the
option i
(1) High Importance (HI) 6
(2) Average Importance (AI) 4
(3) Low Importance (LI) 2
(4) Without Importance (WI) 0
Total 100%
After the evaluation of the 16 criterions by the
users, the level of importance that each one of these
16 criterions has, according to each one of the
selected areas, is calculated. Equation (1) shows the
calculations for each one of the 16 criterions:
Wh ×
– Level of Importance of criterion number j
in relation to selected area k.
– Weight of option number i.
– Percentage of the answers obtained by
option number i in the evaluation of criterion
number j in relation to selected area k.
For each one of the selected areas, the final level
of importance of criterion j will be classified
according to the interval levels (weight) presented in
Table 3.
Table 3: Interval Levels (weight) used in the classification
of each one of the 16 usability criterions by their priority
Classification Interval Levels
High Importance (HI) 6.0  4.5
Average Importance (AI) 4.5  3.0
Low Importance (LI) 3.0  1.5
Without Importance (WI) 1.5  0.0
For example, suppose that criterion number 2,
navigation, evaluated in relation to the civil
engineering area, presented a final weight of 4.2;
then, according to Table 3, it will be classified as
having average importance to the civil engineering
4.3 An Approach for Classifying
Usability Criterions by the
Quality Level Presented by a
Chosen Software Product
This approach has the objective of classifying
usability criterions by the quality level presented by
a certain software product utilized in a selected area.
This classification is based on the users’ opinion
about the quality level a certain usability criterion
related to the above software product would have.
The employed questionnaire for this evaluation
also contains all the 16 usability criterions defined in
Section 4.1, evaluated by selected users according to
the following evaluation options: (1) Very Good
(VG); (2) Good (G); (3) Average (AV); (4) Poor (P);
(5) Very Poor (VP); and (6) Non-existent (NE).
Weights were associated with each one of the
above listed evaluation options, as presented in
Table 4 below.
Table 4: Weights Associated with Each Evaluation
Option Number Weight of
Option i
% of the
by option i
(1) Very Good (VG) 10
(2) Good (G) 8
(3) Average (AV) 6
(4) Poor (P) 4
(5) Very Poor (VP) 2
(6) Non-existent (NE) 0
After the evaluation of the 16 criterions by the
users, the quality level that each one of these 16
criterions has, according to the analyzed software
product related to a selected area is calculated.
Equation (2) shows the calculations for each one of
the 16 criterions.
Wh ×
– Level of Importance of criterion number j
based on the quality level presented by the software
product under analysis. The software product is
related to a selected area k.
– Weight of option number i.
– Percentage of the answers obtained by
option number i in the evaluation of criterion
number j.
For the software product being analyzed from
selected area k, the final level of importance of
criterion j will be classified according to the interval
levels (weight) presented in Table 5.
Table 5: Interval Levels (weight) used in the classification
of each one of the 16 usability criterions based on the
quality level presented by the software product under
Classification Interval Levels
Very Good (VG) 10.0  8.0
Good (G) 8.0  6.0
Average (AV) 6.0  4.0
Poor (P) 4.0  2.0
Very Poor (VP) 2.0  0.0
Non-existent (NE) 0
4.4 An Approach for Classifying the
Quality of Software Products by
the Users’ Satisfaction
This approach has the objective of classifying the
usability level of a software product according to
users’ satisfaction. It combines both approaches
presented in sections 4.2 and 4.3 in the
determination of a usability level, which will be used
to classify a software product by its interaction with
its users.
Equation (3) shows the calculations utilized in
determining the usability level of software products.
U =
U – Usability level of the analyzed product.
– Level of Importance of criterion number j
in relation to selected area k.
– Level of Importance of criterion number j
based on the quality level presented by the software
product under analysis. The software product is
related to a selected area k.
= Sum of the Levels of Importance of all 16
criterions in relation to selected area k.
The analyzed software product from a selected
area k will be finally classified according to its
usability value obtained from equation (3). Table 6
gives the final classification obtained by the
analyzed software product based on its usability
Table 6 – Final Product Classification based on its
Usability Levels
Usability Levels Products Classification
0.0 U 2.5 Poor Usability
2.5 < U 5.0 Average Usability
5.0 < U 7.5 Good Usability
7.5 < U 10.0 Excellent Usability
The methodology proposed in this paper is related to
the evaluation of the quality presented by custom-
made software, based on the customers’ satisfaction
with the final product. This method was divided into
four parts:
First we defined the 16 criterions to be used in
the evaluation of the quality of software products.
After these criterions had been chosen, an approach
was used to classify them by their levels of
importance related to a selected area of application.
The level of importance of a usability criterion will
vary depending on the area of application. As a next
step, an approach was developed to classify usability
criterions by the quality level presented by a certain
software product utilized in a selected area. This
classification is based on the users’ opinion about
the quality level a certain usability criterion related
to the above software product would have. Finally
an approach was established to evaluate the usability
of software products according to users’ judgment. It
combines the first method with the second method in
such a way as to define a usability factor that will be
used to evaluate the quality of the selected software
product. This proposed methodology can be applied
to a finished software product to evaluate its
usability according to users’ judgment, and can be
also applied during the development of the product
to ensure it will have the desired usability attributes.
In a future work, we will show an application of
this methodology in the evaluation of the usability of
software products in Brazil.
The authors wish to acknowledge CNPq (Brazilian
National Scientific and Technological Development
Council) for their continued support and
Associação Brasileira de Normas Técnicas, 1996.
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Gonçalves, E., 2001. A Interação com o Usuário na
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