Manu Malek and Fotios Harmantzis
Steven Institute of Technology, Castle Point on the Hudson, Hoboken, NJ 07030, USA
Keywords: Security services, Security attack, Denial of service, Intrusion detection, Security safeguards
Abstract: The Internet, while being increasingly used to provide services efficiently, poses a unique set of security
issues due to its openness and ubiquity. We highlight the importance of security in web services and
describe how data mining techniques can offer help. The anatomy of a specific security attack is described.
We then survey some security intrusions detection techniques based on data mining and point out their
shortcomings. Then we provide some novel data mining techniques to detect such attacks, and describe
some safeguard against these attacks.
Cyberspace is used extensively for commerce. For
years banks and other financial organizations have
conducted transactions over the Internet using
various geographically dispersed computer systems.
Businesses that accept transactions via the Internet
can gain a competitive edge by reaching a
worldwide customer base at relatively low cost. But
the Internet poses a unique set of security issues due
to its openness and ubiquity. Indeed, security is
recognized as a critical issue in Information
Technology today. Customers will submit
information via the Web/Internet only if they are
confident that their private information, such as
credit card numbers, is secure. Therefore, today’s
Web/Internet-based services must include solutions
that provide security as a primary component in their
design and deployment.
Web services generally refer to web-based
applications that make it possible for enterprises to
do transactions on the web and for users to share
documents and information with each other over the
Web. The standard that makes it possible to describe
the communications in some structured way is Web
Services Definition Language (WSDL). WSDL is an
XML format for describing network services as a set
of endpoints operating on messages containing
either document-oriented or procedure-oriented
information [1].
But openness and integration have their price.
Without adequate security protections and effective
security management, these features can be used to
attack the availability and integrity of information
systems and the networks connecting to them. Here
we highlight a few typical ways an attacker may
gain illegal access to an information system, or to
make it unavailable to legitimate users. We identify
the profiles or signatures for the sequence of actions
an attacker may perform to perpetrate such attacks.
We use data mining techniques to discover such
attack profiles to detect the attacks.
Data mining refers to a technique to intelligently and
automatically assist humans in analyzing the large
volumes of data to identify valid, novel, and
potentially useful patterns in data. It offers great
promise in helping organizations uncover patterns
hidden in their data that can be used to predict the
behavior of customers, so that they can better plan
products and processes. Data mining takes
advantage of advances in the fields of artificial
intelligence (AI) and statistics. Both disciplines help
in pattern recognition and classification. Other
disciplines used in data mining include rule-based
and case-based reasoning, fuzzy logic, and neural
networks. The techniques used in data mining
include rule induction, clustering, projection, and
visualization (e.g., see [ 2] for details).
This paper provides a glimpse at the cyberspace
security situation, and offers some techniques to
manage the security of web services. The paper
Malek M. and Harmantzis F. (2004).
In Proceedings of the First International Conference on E-Business and Telecommunication Networks, pages 61-67
DOI: 10.5220/0001382300610067
describes some security attacks, and provides some
techniques to detect and defend against them. In
Section 2, we present some statistics related to
security attacks to highlight the urgency of the issue.
Some typical security vulnerabilities and attacks are
discussed in Section 3. In Section 4, we provide a
survey of data mining applications in intrusion
detection and point out their shortcomings. We then
define attack signatures and outline how to use them
in conjunction with data mining techniques for
efficient intrusion detection. Section 5 summarizes
the paper.
Based on data provided by CERT/CC, the number of
incidents and vulnerabilities for cyber attacks have
increased exponentially during the period 1998 to
2002 [3]. Figure 1 shows that intrusions were
relatively few in the early1990s, but there has been a
major increase since 2000. About 25,000 intrusions
were reported in the Year 2000 [3]. Keep in mind
that not all enterprises that suffer security breaches
report them. The line moving upward in this figure
shows various types of threats, starting with very
simple ones in the early ‘90s, like password
guessing. The sophistication of attacks increased
with self-replicating codes, such as viruses, then
password cracking (where the cryptographic
password is broken), and on to the more
sophisticated threats shown. Against this rising
sophistication in threats, we have easy availability of
hacking tools: hackers no longer have to be experts
in computer science or security; they could use
available tools. For example, a tool such as nmap [4]
can be used to find all the open ports, a first stage in
an attack. This combination of decreasing
knowledge required of the attackers and the
increasing sophistication of the attacks is giving rise
to major security concerns.
According to the Federal Computer Incidence
Response Center (FedCIRC), the incident handling
entity for the federal government, 130,000
government sites totaling more than one million
hosts were attacked in 1998 [5]. Also, a 1999 survey
conducted by the Computer Security Institute (CSI)
and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
revealed that 57% of organizations cited their
Internet connections as a frequent point of attack,
30% detected actual network intrusion, and 26%
reported theft of proprietary information [6]. A
similar survey in 2002, showed that 90% of the 507
participating organizations detected computer
security breaches within the past 12 months, 74%
cited their Internet connections as a frequent point of
attack, but only 34% reported security intrusions to
law enforcement agencies. These numbers must be
considered observing that they relate to only known
attacks and vulnerabilities. However, they do
indicate the magnitude of the problem.
A key to preventing security attacks is to understand
and identify vulnerabilities, and to take corrective
action. A threat to computing systems or
communication network is a potential violation of
security for unauthorized, illegitimate, malicious or
fraudulent purposes. An attack is the
implementation of a threat using the system
vulnerabilities. Vulnerability is a weakness in the
security system that might be exploited to launch an
attack. Finally, a control is a protective measure –
an action, device, procedure, or technique – that
reduces vulnerabilities.
Table 1 sows the top 10 security vulnerabilities as
reported periodically by The SANS Institute [7]. The
reasons for the existence of these vulnerabilities
include: buggy software design and development,
system administrators being too busy to install
security patches in a timely manner, and inadequate
policies and procedures. Another factor is that due to
the ubiquity of the Internet, vulnerabilities are
quickly and widely published.
Figure 1: Security vulnerabilities and threats
1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000
required of
Table 1: Top 10 security vulnerabilities [7]
Vulnerabilities of
Windows Systems
of Unix Systems
1. Internet
Services (IIS)
2. Microsoft Data
(MDAC) -- Remote
Data Services
3. Microsoft SQL
Networking Shares
5. Anonymous Logon
-- Null Sessions
6. LAN Manager
Authentication --
Weak LM Hashing
7. General Windows
Authentication --
Accounts with No
Passwords or Weak
8. Internet Explorer
9. Remote Registry
10. Windows Scripting
1. Remote
Procedure Calls
2. Apache Web
3. Secure Shell
4. Simple Network
5. File Transfer
Protocol (FTP)
6. R-Services --
7. Line Printer
Daemon (LPD)
8. Sendmail
10. General Unix
Authentication --
Accounts with
No Passwords
or Weak
The motive of attackers could be anything from pure
joy of hacking to financial benefit. The attackers are
either highly technically capable, or they sometimes
breaks into the network by trial and error.
Disgruntled employees have more access rights to
enterprise computer networks compared to outside
attackers. According to the CSI/FBI 2002 Survey
[6], 60% of attacks in the US were inside attacks
(attacks that originated inside the institutions) and
40% were outside attacks
As mentioned, a security attack occurs when an
attacker takes advantage of one or more security
vulnerabilities. To improve security, one needs to
minimize security vulnerabilities. In this section we
present some typical security attacks, point out the
vulnerabilities abused to perpetrate the attacks.
Some safeguards against these attacks will be
described in the next section. An attack that we deal
with specifically in this section and in Section 4 is
the HTTP GET attack.
3.1 Denial-of-Service Attack
In a Denial-of-Service (DoS) attack, the attacker
attempts to use up all the victim system’s resources
like memory or bandwidth. When the attack is
successful, legitimate users can no longer access the
resources and the services offered by the server will
be shut down. According to the 2002 CSI/FBI
survey [6], 40% of all attacks are DoS attacks.
An attack can be directed at an operating system or
at the network. The attacker may send specially
crafted packets that crash remote software/services
running on the victim server. It will be successful if
the network is unable to distinguish between
legitimate traffic and malicious or bogus traffic.
Some common DoS attacks follow.
ICMP Flooding and Smurf Attack
These are both ICMP-based attacks. Flooding with
ICMP packets slows down the victim server so that
it can no longer respond quickly enough for the
services to work properly. If packets are sent with
forged IP addresses, the victim server not only has to
allocate system resources to receive, but to reply to
packets to addresses which do not exist. The Smurf
attack uses a similar idea: the attacking machine
sends Echo requests with broadcast IP addresses,
thus not only the victim server but the attached
network will be flooded by a large amount of ICMP
SYN Flooding
SYN flooding exploits the weakness of the TCP
Three-way Handshake [8]. In a normal TCP
connection request, the source sends a SYN
(synchronization) packet to the destination to initiate
the connection; then waits for a SYN ACK
(synchronization acknowledged) packet from the
destination. The connection is established when the
destination receives a FIN ACK (finishing
acknowledged) packet from the source. In the SYN
flooding attack, the attacker sends a large number of
SYN packets, often from bogus IP addresses, to the
victim server, which adds the entry to the connection
queue and replies with SYN ACKs. As the source
addresses are incorrect or non-existent, FIN ACKs
will never be received by the victim server, so the
last part of the Three-way Handshake never
completes and the connection queue of the victim
server fills up.
Badly-formed Packets
In this type of attack, the attacker sends badly-
formed IP packets, e.g., packets that consist of
invalid fragments, protocol, packet size, or header
values, to the victim server. Once the destination
TCP stack receives such invalid packets, the
operating system must allocate resources to handle
them. If the operating system cannot handle the
misbehavior, it will crash. An example of this is the
Ping-of-Death attack [9] which causes buffer
overflow in the operating system. In this attack, the
attacker sends a larger than standard ICMP (Internet
Control Message Protocol) packet, such as a ping, in
fragments to the target server. Since the allowed
maximum size of such a packet is 65,535 bytes, the
server allows a corresponding buffer space to collect
the fragments. A clever attacker may create a ping
with many fragments destined to a target server. The
server receives the fragments and starts to
reassemble them. When reassembled, the buffer will
overflow, leading to program termination,
overwriting other data or executable code, kernel
dump, etc. More than 50% of attacks on servers are
due to buffer overflow [3].
Distributed Denial of Service Attack
With the speed and power of computing resources
today, an attacker may not be able to simply use one
computer to craft a DoS attack. In the Distributed
Denial of Service (DDoS) attack, many computers
may be hijacked by the attacker as agents (zombies)
to simultaneously flood a victim system’s resources.
A typical way to recruit zombie computers is for the
perpetrator to send viruses to multiple computers, or
to break into computer systems and load them with
DDoS programs. Each infected system then finds
other vulnerable systems and loads them with the
programs, etc. The perpetrator uses the first system
that was overtaken to instruct all the other
compromised systems to launch the attack
3.2 HTTP GET Attack
For many web applications, a client should be able
to send information to the server. HTML 2.0 and
later versions support the Form element within an
HTML document to allow data to be sent to web
servers [10]. One of the attributes of Form is Method
which indicates how data is submitted to the web
server. Valid choices for the Method attribute are
GET and POST. In METHOD=GET, the values
inputted by the user are concatenated with the URL,
separated by a special character (usually ?); fields
are separated by &; space is represented by +. For
example, the following URL:
indicates that the customer’s name and address with
the customer’s credit card number are to be sent to
the web server at A savvy user
(attacker) may be able to use this feature to get
access to proprietary information if appropriate
security mechanisms are not in place. The following
scenario, adopted from Ref. [11], is an HTTP GET
attack on a typical web server which has some
The server
runs Apache
1.3.12 on a Linux operating system. Firewalls
prevent all but HTTP traffic via ports 80 (HTTP
default port) and 443 (SSL port). Perl CGI scripts
are used for the online store. A visitor to this site
first begins browsing through the
site, viewing the site’s main page and a few images
on it. The visitor notices that for the last selection
(viewing the picture of a sunset), the URL in the
browser window shows:
Following this pattern, the visitor (now attacker)
issues a request for index.cgi by typing the following
Now, if the program does not validate the
parameters passed to the index.cgi script, the
filename passed as a parameter from the URL is
captured by the CGI script, appended to the absolute
path, and causes to open the index.cgi script as
requested. Consequently, the browser display shows
the source code of the index.cgi script!
At this point the attacker realizes that this technique
can be further exploited to retrieve arbitrary files
from the server. So the attacker may send the
following request through the browser:
If permissions are not set properly on the
file, its contents will be displayed by the
browser, providing the attacker with user’s password
information. The attacker could now execute
arbitrary commands on the server, for example, by
(% plus the hex character 0a indicates line feed)
ls –al (to show a file list of the server’s root
id (the effective user id of the process running
which xterm (path to the xterm binary code, to gain
interactive shell access to the server
and the attacker could gain full interactive shell-
level access to the web server.
Note again that the vulnerabilities: the program does
not validate the parameters passed to the index.cgi
script, and permissions are not set properly on the
In this section we review server logs, introduce
attack signatures, and present our main contribution:
how security attack signatures are used in
conjunction with data mining to detect security
intrusions. More specifically, we first describe the
relevance and importance of the different log files
that are available; we then define specific patterns in
the log files for an attack (the individual log records
as well as their sequence/order) as the attack
signature; and use data mining to search and find
such patters for attack detection. The efficiency and
speed of the overall process can even lead to attack
prediction capabilities.
4.1 Logs
Every visit to a Web site by a user creates a record
of what happens during that session in the server's
log. A busy site may generate thousands of log
entries per hour, compiled in various log files. A log
file entry contains items like the IP address of the
computer requesting the Web page, the date and
time of the request, the name and the size of the file
requested. Logs vary by the type of server and the
file format. Following are some typical logs and
what they record:
Access Log records every transaction between
server and browsers (date, time, domain name or IP
address, size of transaction, …).
Referrer Log records the visitor’s path to the site
(the initial URL from which the visitor came).
Agent Log records the type and version of the
For secure systems, the standard logs and directories
may not be sufficient and one must employ
additional logging tools, e.g., information about
which computer is connecting to which services on
the system. There are many programs under the
heading of IP loggers available for this purpose, e.g.,
EnviroMon [12] and ippl [13].
4.2 Mining Logs
The data available in log files can be “mined” to
gain useful information. Data mining offers promise
in uncovering hidden patterns in the data that can be
used to predict the behavior of (malicious) users.
Using data mining in intrusion detection is a
relatively new concept. In [14], the authors outline a
data mining framework for constructing intrusion
detection models. The central idea is to utilize
auditing programs to extract an extensive set of
features that describe each network connection or
host session, and apply data mining to learn rules
that capture the behavior of intrusions and normal
activities. Detection models for new intrusions are
incorporated into an Intrusion Detection Systems
(IDS) through a meta-learning (or co-operative)
learning process. The strength of this approach is in
classification, meta-learning, and association rules.
In [15], the authors present an intrusion detection
tool aimed at protecting servers. However, their
method does not effectively handle all matches of
the signature (e.g., of the 404 type: document not
found). Attacks that have no matching signature and
are sent by a previously unknown host may be
Ref. [16] represents a first attempt to analyze
sequences of system calls issued by a process for
intrusion detection. The authors introduce a method
based on sequences of Unix system calls at the
process level for anomaly detection resulting in
intrusion detection. They address sendmail, lpr, and
ftpd processes and obtain some good results in terms
of false-positives. Ref. [17] also uses sequences of
system calls for intrusion detection. The authors
choose to monitor behavior at the level of privileged
processes. . Their proposed approach of detecting
irregularities in the behavior of privileged programs
is to regard the program as a black-box, which, when
it runs, emits some observable behavior. Privileged
processes are trusted to access only relevant system
resources, but in cases where there is a programming
error in the code that the privileged process is
running, or if the privileged process is incorrectly
configured, an ordinary user may be able to gain
super-user privileges by exploiting the problem in
the process. The system-call method, however, is
specific to processes and cannot detect generic
intrusion attempts, e.g., race condition attacks,
session hijacking (when one user masquerades as
another), and cases in which a user violates policy
without using privileged processes.
Artificial intelligence techniques have also been
applied to help in decision making for intrusion
detection. In [18], the author presents a survey of
such methods and provides an example of using
feature selection to improve the classification of
network connections. In [19], the authors present a
comparison of some neural-network-based method
and offer some “classifiers” for anomaly detection in
Unix processes. All the techniques based on
artificial intelligence, however, suffer from lack of
scalability: they work only for small size networks
and data sizes.
4.3 Attack Signatures
We use attack signatures in combination with data
mining to not only detect, but predict attacks. An
attack signature encapsulates the way an attacker
would navigate through the resources and the actions
the attacker would take. For example, in a denial-of-
service attack, the attacker may send a large number
of almost simultaneous TCP connect requests from
one or more IP addresses without responding to
server acknowledgements.
To illustrate a specific attack signature, let us look at
the log lines stored by the web server in the HTTP
GET attack example described in the previous
section. The log line in the Access Log
corresponding to the visitor’s (attacker’s) first
attempt is
A. – [31/Oct/2001:03:02:47] “GET /
HTTP/1.0” 200 3008
where is the visitor’s IP address, followed
by date and time of visit, the Method and the
Protocol used. The number 200 indicates the
“normal” code, and 3008 indicates the byte size of
the file retrieved. The following log line corresponds
to the visitor’s selection of the sunset picture:
B. – [31/Oct/2001:03:03:18] “GET /
sunset.jpg HTTP/1.0” 200 36580
and the following log line corresponds to the
visitor’s first attempt at surveillance of the site
(issuing a request for index.cgi):
C. – [31/Oct/2001:03:05:31] “GET /
index.cgi?page= index.cgi HTTP/1.0” 200 358
The following log lines correspond to the visitor (by
now, attacker) attempting to open supposedly secure
D. – [31/Oct/2001:03:06:21] “GET /
index.cgi?page=/../../etc/passwd HTTP/1.0” 200 723
E. – [31/Oct/2001:03:07:01] “GET /
index.cgi?page=|ls+- la+/%0aid%0awhich+xterm|
HTTP/1.0” 200 1228
This pattern of log lines from the same source IP
address can be recognized as a signature of an HTTP
GET attack. In the above example, the sequence of
log lines A-B-C-D-E, A-C-D-E, B-C-D-E, or C-D-E
constitutes the signature of this HTTP GET attack.
Even some individual log lines from a source IP
address could provide tell-tale signs of an impending
HTTP GET attack. For example, the existence of a
“pipe” (i.e., |) in the URL, as in log line E above,
would indicate that the user is possibly trying to
execute operating system commands.
In our research, we try to establish signatures for
various types of attacks. Note the importance of
good comprehensive attack signatures in detecting
attacks. Incomplete signatures result in false-positive
or false-negative detection. Another point is the use
of data mining to detect attack signatures. One can
imagine the tremendous amount of data collected by
web services, resulting in multi-tera-byte databases.
With such large amounts of data to analyze, data
mining could become quite computationally
expensive. Therefore, efficiency becomes a major
issue. Currently, we are continuing our efforts to
identify ways data should be efficiently analyzed in
order to provide accurate and effective results.
In our research, we use the Rule Induction Kit (RIK)
and Enterprise Data-Miner (EDM) tools [20] to
detect and mine attack signatures. The RIK package
discovers highly compact decision rules from data,
while the EDM software kits implement the data-
mining techniques presented in [21] and includes
programs for (a) data preparation (b) data reduction
or sampling, and (c) prediction. Our selection of this
tool package was based on criteria related to
efficiency (speed, especially when it comes to large
amounts of data, as is the case with log files), and
portability (multiple platforms), as well as
extensibility (where the user can compose new
methods with the existing building blocks). Based
on this software platform, we are able to create a
sophisticated data mining methodology for efficient
intrusion detection.
4.4 Security Safeguards
Safeguards are applied to reduce security risk to an
acceptable/desirable level. They may be Proactive to
prevent security incidents, or Reactive, to protect
information when an incidence is detected. In either
case, they must be cost effective, difficult to bypass,
and with minimal impact on operations. Examples of
safeguards are: avoidance (keeping security
incidents from occurring, e.g., by removing
vulnerabilities), limiting access (e.g., by reducing
the number of entry points where attacks may
originate), transference (shifting risk to someone
else, e.g., via insurance or outsourcing), and
mitigation (minimizing the impact of an incidence,
e.g., by reducing its scope or improving detection).
One of the major safeguards is to detect and
reduce/remove vulnerabilities. The main reasons for
existing vulnerabilities are buggy software design
and development, or system administration
problems. Existence of bugs in software are due to
programming for security not being generally
good software engineering processes not being
universal, as well as
existence of legacy code.
The system administration problems are due to
inadequate policies and procedures, or the system
administrators being too busy with many machines
to administer, too many platforms and applications
to support, and too many updates and patches to
For the attack examples given in the previous
section, we can offer some rather simple safeguards.
For attacks that are based on making multiple
requests and ignoring the server acknowledgments,
such as ICMP Flood and Smurf Attack, and SYN
Flooding, one could employ a timer: if the response
does not arrive within a reasonable time, the request
could be dropped and the resources freed. For
attacks that are based on buffer overflow, one could
use operating systems written in “safe” languages
that perform range checking (like Java). The HTTP
GET attack could be prevented by making sure that
programs validate the parameters passed to them,
and that file permissions are set properly.
We have first set the stage emphasizing the
magnitude of the security problem, raising
awareness and focusing on the impact of security.
We have detailed two attacks: Denial of Service and
the HTTP GET attack, and defined the signature of
the latter. The application of data mining techniques
for detecting attacks was described. The novelty of
our approach is in determining the
relevance/importance of different log records,
defining intelligent signatures, and using efficient
data mining techniques. Preliminary results have
been encouraging.
There is significant work still to be done, e.g.,
improving the effectiveness of attack signatures,
developing distributed algorithms for
detection/prediction, and improving the efficiency of
pattern searching. We are currently working on these
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