1/3, and 50% puncturing is applied to its output.
Five physical channels are used, which are spreaded
with a Spreading Factor (SF) of 16. Sub-frames of 2
ms are used, corresponding to 3 time slots of the
normal UMTS mode. A link level simulator was
built, from the transport block level, turbo coding,
transmission of the encoded chips, emulation of the
channel, RAKE receiver, turbo decoding, and all
necessary operations up to the received transport
block. All modules specified in the standards were
built (3GPP, 25.211-213), with the addition of the
STD, STTD (3GPP 25.211) and PC (3GPP 25.101)
modules. Although HSDPA is based on Adaptive
Coding and Modulation (AMC), PC was considered
in order to further improve the performance of the
system, although the AMC itself is not considered.
Results were drawn with and without the
enhancement schemes, in order to evaluate the
performance gains.
This paper is structured as follows: in section 2,
the STD, STTD and PC are summarized, and section
3 analyzes the obtained results. Conclusions are
drawn in section 4.
Both STD and STTD schemes are based on the
usage of 2 antennas, though more antennas could be
employed. The STTD scheme consists on having the
message bits transmitted by two antennas (Figure 3),
encoded as shown in Figure 4. The hand-set receives
both transmissions from the antennas, and performs
the STTD decoding, as explained in Figure 6 and
Equations (1) and (2). From Figure 6, the signal after
the RAKE receiver is:
22 2
** '
0011 10
22 2
(2 )
(2 )
rk T S c h S c h n c h
Sc h Schh n
rk T S c h S c h n c h
Schh Sc h n
rk T S c h S c h n c h
Sc h S c hh n
rk T S c
=⋅ ⋅ −⋅⋅⋅+
=⋅ ⋅⋅−⋅ ⋅ +
=⋅ ⋅ +⋅ ⋅⋅+
00 11 1
** '
1010 11
hSchn ch
Sc hh S c h n
+⋅⋅+ ×⋅=
=⋅ ⋅⋅+ ⋅ ⋅ +
The final STTD-decoding combination yields:
12 0 01
() (2)
(2 ) ( )
SrkTrkT Sc h h n
SrkTrkT Sc h h n
=+ =⋅⋅++
The STD algorithm is quite simple; the mobile
chooses the best antenna for transmission, and uses
such antenna until the other antenna starts yielding
better estimated values for the channel state. The
equivalent received power for the STD scheme is
max ,
instead of
. Note that, in the STTD
scheme, both antennas transmit the original
message, though the second antenna uses a modified
version of the message. There is no feedback for
these kind of transmit diversity. In the STD scheme,
only one antenna transmits the message, whereas the
other antenna transmits pilot bits to assess the
channel quality, with the mobile transmitting back
control bits in order to choose the best antenna
(closed loop scheme – Figure 5). The antenna that
transmits the message may vary, according to the
channel state associated to each antenna.
At the receiver side, a soft decision Rake receiver
was built, and a turbo decoder using the Maximum
A Posteriori (MAP) algorithm (Bahl, 1974), was
employed. A maximum of 8 iterations were used,
with iteration stop criteria linked to the Cyclic
Redundancy Check (CRC) result. The simulated PC
mechanism was the standardized downlink type 1,
with a step size of 1dB (which is the value
mandatory for the UTRAN to support, though other
values can also be used) and a delay of 1 Time Slot
(TS), due to being the PC scheme that yields best
results (Silva, 2003). A dynamic range of ±15dB
was employed, to simulate saturation. Figure 7
shows a simple diagram illustrating the downlink
Power Control scheme. At a time resolution equal to
1 TS (0,667ms), the power control algorithm
instructs the hand-set to increase/ decrease its power
level by 1dB. There is a delay of 1TS for the
simulated case, since the corrected power level for
the current TS takes into account the power level of
the previous TS.
The Tapped Delay Line (TDL) model specified
for UMTS (ETSI, 1998), (3GPP 25.943) was
simulated, and a speed of 3 km/h was used for the
Indoor A channel, whereas a velocity of 10 km/h
was used for the Pedestrian A channel. Only fast
fading was considered; slow fading/ shadowing was
assumed to be completely compensated. Perfect
channel estimation was assumed. For the STD
simulations, a delay equivalent to 1 TS was used, in
order to model a realistic scenario. When the STD
was combined with PC, a smart mechanism was
activated which reduced the STD delay to 0, thus
simulating a STD capable of predicting what the
power control is about to do for the next TS, and to
anticipate what the next channel value will be.
Though the latter assumption is not very realistic,