production, the most critical step is the selection of
the audiences that will be supported during the
transmission. If this selection is incorrect, customers
may suffer visualization problems due to poor
bandwidth availability. The detection of this kind of
situations can be done using equation 5.
Eq. 5
Where EQD is the expected quality deterioration,
OB is the user’s obtained bandwidth, and EB is the
expected bandwidth set during the production phase.
The higher this value is, the poorer the reproduction
quality has been. An elevated number of high values
in this metric should be interpreted as an incorrect
selection of audiences during the production phase
that needs to be reconsidered for future events.
4.3 Visualization Analysis
Visualization analysis has been designed to check
service performance from the users’ point of view.
Therefore, this analysis considers both the quality of
visualization, and the quality of the contents that are
being delivered.
Issues regarding quality of visualization are most
frequently caused by transmission problems, but
users are not aware of the problems that may arise
during the delivery of contents. What users are
aware of is that sometimes the transmission cuts, the
image stops or the initial load time is very high. To
bring this analysis closer to users’ minds or
expectations, all these problems have been grouped
into what can be called Transparency of Service.
Apart from technology evolution, the different
technical solutions or their applicability, the new
services that they offer, etc. every single distributed
service has one goal, and that is Transparency.
When software began to be distributed new
problems arose that had not been considered:
transmission problems, synchronism issues, format
incompatibilities, etc. Live-video, like any other
distributed service, has to assure Transparency.
Users must perceive the reproductions as local to
their computers and have to be unaware of the real
location of the source of the transmission.
Every incidence that takes place in the delivery
of contents, from the production phase to the
visualization of the media in the users’ computers,
has a certain impact on the final reproductions. This
impact is a clear deterioration in the Transparency of
Service. Users’ are aware that there is a problem and
realize that contents are not stored in their
computers. Moreover, they automatically tend to
think that this new –or different- product is worse
than the previous service they already know, e.g.
live Internet video versus conventional TV or video-
on-demand. A metric has been developed to evaluate
this Transparency of Service, using equation 6.
Eq. 6
Where ToS is the Transparency of Service, AQ is
the audio quality, VQ is the video quality, CI is the
coefficient of interruption, ES is the value of the
expected stop metric, WC is the waiting coefficient,
and λ is the coefficient that adjusts the results of the
metric to the preferences of service managers. A
value for λ greater than 1 corresponds to analyses
that give more importance to the quality of
visualization. On the other hand, a value less than 1
gives more importance to the rest of the features.
Audio quality, or AQ, is calculated as the
percentage of requests without lost or delayed audio
packets, and no failed audio resends. Video quality,
or VQ, is obtained equally to AQ, but using video
packets information.
On the other hand, the coefficient of interruption,
or CI, indicates the quality of reproductions from the
point of view of buffer reloads. Whenever a client’s
buffer is consumed, the current reproduction is
stopped until new packets have filled a certain
amount of this buffer. A high percentage of buffer
reloads is symptom of a poor quality in the
reproductions. Thus, this coefficient tries to obtain
the impact of those interruptions by calculating the
percentage of reproductions with no buffer reloads.
The expected stop metric or ES, considers the
fact that, sometimes, the reproductions do not end
for natural reasons, but for transmission problems.
Therefore, it tries to estimate the control level that
users have while viewing the contents, obtaining the
percentage of requests that end with the interaction
STOP, or because the transmission has finished.
The waiting coefficient, or WC, estimates the
effects of the time that users have to wait until their
reproductions start. During this interval, the
communication between the clients and the server is
established, and the client’s buffer is loaded. If these
tasks require too much time, users may feel
disappointed and decide to abandon their requests.
This metric tries to obtain the influence of this effect
by calculating the value of equation 7.
Eq. 7
Where t
is the estimated load time during
the production of contents and t
is the real load
time measured in the users’ clients.