there, these messages can be forwarded to the C2C
As other example, airports traditionally publish
the departure and arrival tables through public TV,
through the so-called teletext (or video text)
contained especially in regional TV broadcast
channels. These can be accessed electronically by a
RF receiver unit, which is plugged into a computer.
This kind of extension hardware is also available
since many years on the consumer market.
Hence, for certain information systems, the
WEB mining may replaced or combined with
alternative methods, but these will again require a
very specific solution for the addressed problem.
For implementing the C2C Internet relay, common
WEB technologies can be applied. These are
scripting languages like Perl or PHP, or compiled
languages like JAVA servlets (Bell, and Parr, 2002).
Developing software for mobile terminals like
GSM phones, long time was restricted to the device
manufactures themselves. Fortunately, a couple of
years ago Sun company came up with the approach
to bring JAVA development to these small devices
(which was the original aim for the introduction of
the JAVA language), and a reduced JAVA version
was defined, which was named JAVA micro edition
(= J2ME), and which was intended for devices with
low resources in respect to CPU computing power
and memory (Piroumian, 2002). Hence, one
possibility today for implementing the described
terminal software is to use J2ME, especially because
it was defined with HTTP networking capabilities
(Knudsen, 2002) from its first definition.
Recently, devices from different manufactures
were introduced, which are based on the open
operating system Symbian (
Hence, it is today also possible to develop terminal
software with other standard programming
languages, like, e.g., C++, for a series of different
terminal devices.
In the second year of our studying course for
applied computer science, J2ME was offered as one
of the selectionable lectures. More than 50 % of the
students decided 2003 for this teaching content,
which consisted of eight theory-lecturing hours for
an introduction, and a practical development work of
a C2C system in teams with two students each. For
this assessment project a total workload of 60 hours
was scheduled.
The teams could select from a defined list of
C2C information systems: E-Mail access, railway
departure information, traffic channel on highways,
public transportation information, situation in skiing
arenas in the Alps, and remote chess playing with a
powerful computer. The very useful C2C tool on
traffic information is described in more technical
detail in (Weghorn, 2004-2).
Meanwhile approx. thirty C2C systems were
developed, for cost reasons and for providing
defined conditions most of these with plain
simulation of the terminal device. But around ten
projects were also tested on true devices – GSM
mobile phones – and it was shown that the concept
was applicable. Of course, since these small projects
were intended as training a first implementation, not
all the defined and desired features were obtained in
each system, but in sum over all these projects, all
the before claimed advantageous features could be
One server machine has been reserved for these
C2C systems to make these services permanently
available on the WEB. A special server was set up
also to achieve a short WEB access path name from
the wireless terminal, and to prevent any
interference with the regular IT infrastructure of our
University. Currently, it is being discussed, whether
there is interest among the students for
investigations of the usability of the C2C systems. In
this case, we can expect results of this future
research by next year.
The C2C relay is very important for achieving all the
targeted benefits out of the proposed system. An
average customer – in contradiction to a student at a
University with IT scope – will have the problem,
where and how to operate this service. Nevertheless,
technically skilled persons can use WEB providers,
who include server mechanisms in addition to the
plain presentation of WEB contents and e-mail
services, which are already widely available since
several years.
Another barrier will be the installation of the
terminal software on the mobile device, which again
requires technical knowledge and partially even
special equipment.
The system could be simplified for the end
customer by using WAP or direct WEB / Internet
accesses from the terminal software. This would
grow the terminal software without making it less
comfortable. The benefit of overcoming the
intermediate C2C relay would consequence a higher
price for the data transfer costs. At the moment, the