receivers can also effectively control the media
status of the session sender through the M21
middleware as shown in Figure 6.
Furthermore the application session processing
engine arranges and displays applications according
to their previous application states. Currently the
supported application session information includes
window size, position, state i.e., maximized,
minimized or user defined and size-to-resolution
Figure 6: screen shot shows session receiver choosing
media status of session sender through M21
In addition, the test-bed supports the following
usage environment descriptors and choices for
streaming medias: MediaTime, Coarse Language,
CharacterSet and Resolution. The descriptors
MediaTime and Coarse Language are transferred to
the session receiver device as they are session
related, while CharacterSet and Resolution are
configured locally according to the capabilities of
the session receiver. For the web browser, content
adaptation was demonstrated by adapting web pages
of different resolutions to various terminals
according to their resolutions. The generation and
processing overheads of MPEG-21 Digital Items are
shown to be relatively low in the experiment. We
used 83ms and 2ms on average for generating
Digital Items with application session state
information for the RTP streaming client and web
browser respectively, and 279ms for parsing the DIs
on the receiver end. The generation of DI for the
RTP streaming client is relatively higher due to fact
that session information is required to be extracted
from the client program during media streaming.
In this paper, we proposed a session mobility
architecture to improve the area of session hand-off
management with the aim of targeting multimedia
applications. There are some similarities between
our work and that of Cui’s. We believe that we have
substantiated what is missing from their work and
broader session transfer experience with MPEG-21.
This architecture enables session transfers to be
performed through two different types of approaches
(session sender driven and session receiver driven)
and this then facilitates different types of session
transfer needs. We also adopt the Digital Item
concept to facilitate dynamic session adaptations to
the session receiver, without complex content
negotiation/matching algorithms. Further, an
application state processing engine with different
“application drivers” is used to manage multiple
applications during session transfers. This can be
easily expanded to cater for other multimedia
applications by writing application “drivers” and
incorporating them into the application state
processing engine.
Several Digital Item Adaptation Tools (i.e., DIA
Configuration Tools, Session Mobility and some of
Usage Environment Description Tools), are the end-
result of our work and they are now included in the
Final Draft International Standard (FDIS) version of
DIA Tools and will become an International
Standard in 2004.
As for our future work, we shall implement a more
complex Session Mobility engine that uses more
comprehensive mobility characteristic descriptors
Sahinoglu and A. Vectro et Al., 2003)
for facilitating
session hand-offs and their adaptation processes
under more complex mobility situations.
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