the performance of probabilistic packet marking.
They do not fragment router messages. Instead, they
assume the victim knows the map of its upstream
routers, so the full IP address is encoded into 11 bits
hash values by two sets of universal random hash
functions in the packet marking. To reconstruct the
attack graph, the victim uses the upstream router
map as a road-map and performs a breadth-first
search from the victim to identify the corresponding
router which was hashed and written into the mark-
ing fields.
Our adaptive packet marking scheme is based on the
probabilistic packet marking technique, but a novel
IP packet marking scheme is proposed, which is
motivated by the below issues.
3.1 Design Motivation
The IP traceback approaches, such as iTrace or the
proposed probabilistic packet marking schemes, rely
on observing a high volume of spoofed traffic com-
prised of thousands or millions of packets, so the
attacker can undermine the traceback by spreading
the attack traffic across many attacking hosts (also
referred to as agents, slaves, or reflectors in a reflec-
tor DDoS attack (Chang, 2002)), greatly increasing
the amount of time required by the traceback scheme
to gather sufficient packets to analyze. Therefore, an
effective traceback scheme should use as few pack-
ets as possible to reveal an attack path. Using a rela-
tively short id instead of a full IP address, we do not
need to spread a mark across multiple packets, and
we thus feature a relatively small number of packets
to fulfill the traceback.
In addition, some people are challenging the ne-
cessity of the full-path traceback solution (Belenky
et al., 2003); identifying all the intermediate routers
that the attack packets traversed, may be unattractive
to the victims and ineffective for DoS (DDoS) coun-
termeasures. First, the full-path traceback is as good
as the address of an ingress point in terms of identi-
fying the attacker. Second, each packet in a data-
gram network is individually routed so packets may
take different routes even if their source and destina-
tion are identical. Third, the addressing within ISPs’
networks is not necessarily understandable to the
public since ISP may use private addressing plans
within their own networks (Belenky et al., 2003).
Therefore, we propose a domain based IP packet
marking scheme to identify the intermediate do-
mains instead of the individual routers, except the
one serving as the attack source. In the following
paragraphs, we will describe the proposed scheme in
depth and state how this method addresses the prob-
lems with the existing solutions.
3.2 Using ID for Marking
The proposed marking scheme overloads 25 bits
space in IPv4 header; the 25 bits space consists of
the 16-bit Fragment Identification field, 1-bit frag-
mentation flag and 8-bit Type of Service (ToS) field.
Employing the 25 bits in the IP header for marking
was first advocated by Dean et al. (2001). The ToS
field is currently not set except for extreme unusual
cases. The Fragment ID field is a 16-bit field used
by IP to permit reconstruction of fragments; this
field is commonly used as a marking field and the
backward compatibility is fully discussed in Sav-
age’s paper (Savage et al., 2000). The fragmentation
flag is an unused bit that current Internet standards
require to be zero. We also see there are some pro-
posals on marking in the IPv6 header; however, it is
not to be discussed in this work.
As every host or router on the Internet is identi-
fied using a 32-bit IP address (Tanenbaum, 2002), it
is a challenging issue to overload the 25-bit marking
space in the IP header with a 32-bit IP address. In
our proposal, since we only aim to identify the in-
termediate domains taking part in the attack and the
source routers, there is no need to use full IP ad-
dresses, as long as we can uniquely identify each
domain with a different identification. If we assign a
16-bit domain id to each domain, we can uniquely
identify up to 2
(65536) domains. If we assume
there are at most 2
(1024) border routers within a
domain, a 10-bit value is sufficient to be assigned as
a router id to identify the source routers within a
source domain. However, to defend against the at-
tack, the victim may demand to block the malicious
traffic at the source routers, so the victim needs to
retrieve the IP addresses from the ids. This could be
implemented as an ID-to-IP mapping table published
on websites, or it could be maintained at the victims
Two types of markings, either the router id
marking or the domain id marking, are to be per-
formed by a router adaptively by checking whether
the router concerned is the ingress point of the to-
be-marked packet or not. At first, however, the bor-
der routers, with implementation of our marking
scheme should be capable of determining which
type of marking to perform. Physically, these routers
are connected to end-hosts or other routers through
different interfaces; a router therefore checks
through which interface it receives a packet to see