channel. Peak read and write performances of
HUST-RAID are 46MB/s and 33MB/s, respectively.
The server is configured as a FTP server and it is
connected to the 100Mbps Ethernet campus LAN of
our university.
The performance of the system is measured by
the aggregate bandwidth when a number of clients
download/upload files from/to the server
simultaneously. Table 2 shows the performance
comparison between the prototype and the
traditional system. The aggregate bandwidth of the
prototype is larger than that of the traditional one
and it approaches the network bandwidth. In multi-
user environment, its data transfer rate is 2~3 times
higher than that with a traditional disk array.
When we add another Net-DA to the prototype
system, the aggregate bandwidth is nearly 20MB/s.
It shows that the performance of the system
increases almost linearly with the increase of the
number of Net-DAs, and the system bottleneck has
been removed from the server to network.
In this paper, we proposed and implemented an
innovative network attached Disk array architecture,
called Net-DA, which adds a network channel to the
RAID and data can be transferred between the Net-
DA and clients directly. A broadcast server with
Net-DA is implemented to avoid the server
bottleneck and has been applied in a TV station. We
described the system architecture and software
implementations in detail. The architecture removes
the server bottleneck and dynamically increases
system bandwidth with the expansion of storage
system capacity. Experimental results provide useful
insights into the performance behavior of the system
based on the Net-DA with heterogeneous dual
channels. The architecture can also be adopted to
transfer massive data in other different servers, such
as database server, HTTP server and so on.
Possible directions for future work include the
development of parallel I/O scheduling algorithm,
data placement methods and storage virtualization
when many Net-DAs are attached to the server.
This research is supported by National Nature
Science Foundation of China (No. 60273074,
60303032) and Huo YingDong education
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