Recommendations about the use of a PKI for e-payment security
El Bakkali Hanan
Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Informatique et d’Analyse des Systèmes, Rabat, Morocco
Keywords: Electronic Payment, Security, Authentication, Electronic Signature, Certificates, PKI, trust model.
Abstract: The security of the electronic payment requires not only the deployment of cryptographic technologies such
as encoding
and the electronic signature, but above all, the existence of third parties of confidence whose
role is to enable the users of electronic payment applications to have confidence in the use of these
technologies. In general, Authorities of Certification belonging to the same infrastructure of management
and publication of public keys, commonly called Public Key Infrastructure or PKI, can ensure the role of
these third parties of confidence. In this paper, first of all, I will pass in review the various methods of
electronic payment. Then, the requirements of the participants of these methods will be presented. Finally, I
will introduce some elements of response to the question on which this paper is focused: "Which PKI for the
electronic payment security". Indeed, I will present my recommendations concerning both the desirable
qualities and the characteristics of such a PKI, namely, the nature of its entities, its trust model and the
of its certificates.
No one is unaware of that we start a new era: the era
of new information technologies, where Internet
occupies an increasing important place, not only in
the traditional field of research and teaching, but
also in the artistic, medical, media field and lately in
that of the businesses and the commerce. This type
of commerce via Internet, known under the name of
e-commerce, facilitates the access of the customer to
the information and the products which are adapted
to him, and gives to the companies which adopt it an
important competitive advantage and, thanks to its
universal aspect, an opening to other markets judged
until there inaccessible.
The electronic payment is the mo
st critical part in the
deployment of e-commerce. It often requires the
authentication of all the parts implied in the payment
transaction, the integrity of the exchanged data, the
privacy of these data or, at least, the financial or
personal ones and, finally, the non-repudiation. The
electronic signature, based on public key cryptography,
seems being the suitable means to answer these
requirements, in particular, the need for authentication.
However, without a global and efficient infrastructure
r the public keys management and publication, the
use of the electronic signature remains vain, even
foolish. Indeed, even with the
use of reliable crypto-
graphic protocols which are based on electronic
signature, the mutual authentication of a transaction
actors assumes that each one of them is convinced of
the authenticity of the binding between the other actor
and its public key. The last requirement is precisely
ensured by this type of infrastructure, commonly called
Public Keys Infrastructure (PKI), whose role is to
allow to the users of e-commerce applications to have
`trust' in the use of cryptographic technologies and,
particularly, that of the electronic signature. A PKI uses
for assuming its role the public keys certificates which
make it possible to bind a key to its owner. These
certificates are generally signed by certification
authorities (CAs) of trust that are the PKI key components.
Convinced of the necessity
of a PKI for electronic
payment security purposes, I will try in this paper to
bring some answers to the crucial question: "Which
type of PKI is adapted to the needs for electronic
payment securisation?". The first section of this paper
points out the various methods of electronic payment
according to the used payment instrument. The second
section is devoted to the requirements of the users of
these methods. In the third and last section, I will present
my recommendations concerning desirable qualities in a
PKI for the electronic payment (PKIEP); then, I will
Hanan Bakkali E. (2004).
E-PAYMENT SECURITY - Recommendations about the use of a PKI for e-payment security.
In Proceedings of the First International Conference on E-Business and Telecommunication Networks, pages 317-323
DOI: 10.5220/0001396803170323
translate these qualities of a general nature into terms of
some characteristics suggested for this PKIEP.
The electronic payment has the same actors as the
conventional payment; thus, it has at least a payer and
a paid. Particular financial intermediaries (banks,
credit card operators, compensation systems, etc) can
intervene according to the used payment instrument.
The computerized infrastructure connecting these
intermediaries is already set up on a worldwide scale.
The e-payment contribution lies in the computeriza-
tion of the relation between the paid, the payer and the
financial universe in general. The figure1 shows the
general architecture of an electronic payment system
(O’Mahony, 1997) with the various transactions
between its participants. The issuer is an organization
(in general, the payer bank) which issues to the payer
a valid instrument of e-payment whereas the acquirer
is an organization (in general, the paid bank) that the
paid has charged with checking the validity of the
instrument of payment used by the payer at the time
of the payment transaction and, then, to credit its
account with the transaction amount. The methods of
e-payment are generally classified according to the
payment instrument on which they are based.
Nowadays, we distinguish three types of instruments,
which are all inspired by conventional payment means:
electronic cheque, electronic money and credit card.
2.1 Payment with e-cheque
An electronic cheque (e-cheque) must contain an
instruction addressed to the payer bank to carry out a
payment of a specific amount to an identified paid.
The fundamental difference with its paper counterpart
is that this instruction is in an electronic form and is
conveyed via telecommunications networks as Internet.
The e-cheque must contain the electronic signature of
the issuer as well as a paper cheque contains its
handwritten signature. Indeed, in both cases, the
signature ensures the paid about the payer identity.
In addition, an e-cheque, contrary to a paper cheque
which is supposed to circulate only between few
`hands’, is brought to cross an open network where the
information it contains can be intercepted and misused
by bad intentioned people. For this reason, the e-
cheque has to be encrypted before being transmitted.
Lastly, the e-cheque is an electronic instrument of
payment which is intended to be the equivalent of
the paper cheque in the electronic commerce, while
decreasing the risks of fraud, the time of transaction
and the the cheque handling costs. However, even if
it has these advantages as well as indisputable
others, its expansion can be made only if there is a
global PKI implying a growing number of banks and
thus facilitating the use of the electronic signature all
over the world. In the absence of this PKI, the
solutions implying the e-cheque will have an
‘owner’ character and thus, their use will be limited
as it is the case of NetCheck (Netcheck, 2003).
2.2 Payment with e-cash
E-cash is money under electronic form. It is thus
represented by numerical data, which must inform
about the value of the electronic money in question
and the issuing organization (for checking and
money recovery by the paid) and if possible preserve
the anonymity of the payer. Like its counterpart in
the conventional world, the e-cash must also allow
the checking of its authenticity. This authenticity is
proven thanks to the electronic signature of its issuer.
The problem which is particular with the e-cash and
which is not posed with the ordinary cash is the risk
of the sending of the same e-cash on several
occasions to carry out different payments (double
spending). Some systems of payment by e-cash try
to resolve this problem by conserving, in the issuer
databases, the coins already used, as well as the
association of an expiration date to each coin in
order to prevent that these databases do not become
too bulky. Other systems are based on the resistance
of the chip cards (electronic purse) towards faking
attempts to guarantee the use, no more than one
time, of the coins stored on this support.
At first sight, the e-cash presents many advantages, in
particular, for the micro-payments. However, its practical
use remains prone to many challenges. Indeed, unless
being satisfied with solutions whose extent is very
limited as it was the case of E-cash of Digicash (this
solution knew an unhappy failure four years ago), the
future of e-cash resides, on the one hand, in vulgarizing
the chip cards use in order to proceed in an off-line
way without fearing the problem of double spending
and, on the other hand, in the adhesion of the e-cash
Deposit retreat collection
Clearing system
Figure1: Payement system architecture
issuers (generally banks) in a global PKI and this, in
order to enable paids to check the issuers signatures by
using their certificates and then to be sure about the e-
cash authenticity before even the deposit transaction.
2.3 Payment with credit card
In U.S.A and Europe, credit cards are very much used
like means of payment, not only for the proximity
purchases (great surfaces, hotels and so on), but also
for shopping by telephone or via Internet. Indeed, and
before even the ‘fury’ for the e-commerce, credit cards
were already used for the payment via the telephone
which was used for the transmission of the credit card
number and its expiration date, from the cardholder to
the merchant. This established fact allows credit cards
to become the first means of payment on Internet.
However, in this case and contrary to the conventional
one, the payment validation is based only on the
credit card number and its expiration date and not on
the card itself. Moreover, in absence of a receipt
signed by the payer, the paid cannot check if he is the
legitimate cardholder. In addition, the payer does not
have really any insurance as for the paid identity and
also he risks that its credit card number will be
intercepted and perhaps misused by an intruder.
It is for these reasons that encryption and electronic
signature mechanisms and then certificates are used
massively in e-payment methods by credit card.
They must ensure the privacy of critical information,
the integrity of the transactions, as well as the
authentication of the payer, the paid and any other
implied part such as a third organization which play
the role of the intermediary between the paid and the
financial organizations (credit card operator, acquirer &
issuer) to carry out the payment authorization and the
money deposit in his account, and between the payer
and the paid to ensure the privacy of the transaction
and the mutual authentication of the two parts.
Credit cards are certainly, at the present time, the
favorite means of payment on Internet but that does not
prevent that many among the Net surfers still hesitate
to cross the step by giving their credit card number to a
'virtual' and completely unknown merchant (especially
for the first time). Moreover, many are the countries (as
mine) in which the citizens do not have the possibility
yet of paying by credit card on Internet because of the
not-convertibility of their national currency. For the
hesitant ones, the encoding of the credit card number
before its sending to the merchant via Internet (as it is
possible by using SSL (Freir, 1996)) is far from being
sufficient, because if that protects them from the
intruders, it does not do the same vis-à-vis the
merchant. In this connection, the implication of an
intermediate organization of trust makes it possible to
ensure the payer for the credibility of the merchant.
However, the not-disclosure of the credit card number
to the merchant remains always more reassuring. The
protocol SET (MasterCard, 1997) that was developed
jointly by visa and MasterCard with other partners
precisely makes it possible to avoid this disclosure.
However, SET supposes the existence of a hierarchical
PKI for the certificates management, necessary to the
authentication of the paid, the payment gateway (third
part of trust) and the payer, which is currently different
for each solution of e-payment based on SET.
The electronic payment can take a true take-off only if
the used methods fulfill the requirements of the
various actors. Admittedly, the criteria to be satisfied
can vary from a method to another and from an actor
to another. Nevertheless, three essential criteria make
the unanimity of all the actors, that are: security,
conviviality and universality of the payment process.
3.1 Security
Security is the most paramount criterion of a method
of e-payment. This security is not however supposed
to exceed that usually assured by the conventional
payment methods. Indeed, the payment security is
not synonymous with impossibility of frauds or
conflicts between actors. This criterion of security
cannot be filled by a method of e-payment only if it
ensures the following points:
-Authentication: It is the process that allows the identity
checking of an actor by another. As we’ve seen, each
part implied in a payment transaction (except sometimes
the payer) must be able to be authenticated in a sure way
by the others. For example, a purchaser must be sure about
the merchant identity before the payment transaction.
E-PAYMENT SECURITY - Recommendations about the use of a PKI for e-payment security
- Authentication of the instrument of payment: The
payment instrument himself must be conceived in
such way that the parts concerned can check its
validity. As we saw that in the case of a payment by
e-cash, the paid must ensure itself of the authenticity
of the electronic coins, which he receives, from the
payer and this by checking the issuer signature.
-Privacy: The information contained in the transactions
of an e-payment method in particular the payment
transaction must remain confidential and only readable
by its recipient(s). For example, the credit card number
must be illegible except for the part(s) which must
know it to make succeed the payment transaction.
- Integrity: it makes it possible to prove to the actors
of an e-payment method that the information
contained in a transactions is authentic in the sense
that it was not modified by unauthorized thirds.
- Non-repudiation: It allows to protect the payer
against the possible refusal from the paid to deliver
the actually paid goods/services and this, while
denying to have received the corresponding payment
transaction. It also permits to protect the paid against
false complaints from the payer.
3.2 Conviviality
A method of e-payment must be easy to use and also
to implement particularly on the level of the payer.
The response times must be acceptable especially for
the on-line methods. It should be noted here that the
conviviality of the payment process does not go hand
in hand with its security. However, it is necessary that
a payment method overcome these problems by finding
a compromise between the two so that the satisfaction
of the actors requirements as for the payment security
does not block the method conviviality.
3.3 Universality
Internet being universal, a method of payment via
Internet which can be adopted only by one restricted
community on the level of the payers or of the paids,
does not offer to the latter all the copetitive
advantages of the e-commerce. The e-payment
method ‘quality’ is also measured by the possibility
of its adoption by general public.
The description of the various methods of e- payment
as well as the requirements of the actors of these
methods, which we have just seen in the preceding
sections, show that a global PKI is essential to ensure
the security of the electronic transactions between
these actors who can a priori not have any pre-
established relation between them and even to belong
to different legislations. In this connection, we notice
that more and more governments become aware of
the importance of such a PKI for the e-commerce
deployment. The government of Canada is, on this
level, pioneer in the implementation of a PKI which
aims at satisfying the security requirements of the
electronic service of the federal services but also to
emphasize Canadian industry on a leader position in
the increasingly popular field of the e-commerce (
Government of Canada PKI,
2004). Asia on its side has a
forum for the promotion of PKIs and the e-commerce
which is called Asia PKI Forum (
Asia PKI Forum,
). The first forum took place in June 2001 in
Tokyo and he knew the participation in more of Japan
of many Asian countries like Malaysia and Indonesia.
In this paper, I anticipate a little while thinking of
qualities and characteristics of a global PKI for the
electronic payment (PKIEP) and which would be, I
hope that, probably the fruit of such forums.
4.1 Recommended qualities in PKIEP
I present in what follows the qualities that I
recommend in this PKI for e- payment PKIEP:
- Global: PKIEP must be able to provide its services
to the potential users of e-commerce applications,
namely, the community of Net surfers, the companies
which are presents (or will become so) on the Web as
well as governments, banks, credit card operators, etc.
-Extensible: More the Net surfers number increases
more the potential users number of the e-commerce
applications increases too. It is thus obvious that PKIEP
must be extensible in order to follow the growing
number of its users and their corresponding certificates.
- Flexible: PKI basic technologies are various and
can moreover know important changes and
improvements in the future. PKIEP should not
depend closely on technologies which it uses. It
must be, on the contrary, flexible in such way that
can be adapted to new technologies as they appear.
- Universal: if PKIEP will be ‘born’, the developed
countries will be the countries most implied in its
creation. Nevertheless, from its global nature, several
governments and organizations with high international
notoriety and operating in financial and communications
security fields must take part in its development and, once
created, participate in its management and maintenance.
-General: A PKI of this scale and inevitably implying
a heavy investment on behalf of several participants
should not be limited to only one type of use. The
various e-payment applications must be concerned as
like as those of other e-commerce applications.
-Of trust: CAs of PKIEP must enjoy of notoriety near
the end-users. Indeed, the governments implication is
more than desirable. Also, it is necessary that the
certificate policies of CAs be available to the certificates
verifiers so that they can judge of the confidence degree
which they will assign to the certificates issued by these
CAs. On this subject, it is very useful that these
policies are written in a formal way in order to allow
an easy and non-ambiguous reading.
- Feasible & convivial: It should not be so much
‘perfect’ at the point to become impracticable. It
should not be forgotten that e-commerce is not
supposed being surer than traditional commerce.
Moreover, if the e-payment applications must become
less convivial to be able to use the PKIEP services,
the users naturally will turn aside from these applications.
These qualities are obviously both general and
informal; they show, however, the great difficulty of
the undertaking task to create this PKI and even the
practical impossibility of this task. I believe, in spite
of that, that while proceeding in a progressive way
this PKIEP-dream can become a reality, especially if
there is behind a real determination and if the
tendency towards the commerce globalization and the
fury towards the e-commerce applications continue.
4.2 Recommendations concerning the
PKIEP characteristics
In this section, it is a question of presenting my
recommendations concerning the PKIEP characteristics
for which I discussed above the general ‘qualities’. The
PKIEP characteristics, that I consider here, relate to its
certificates format, its trust model and its entities.
4.2.1 Certificates format
To remain in conformity with qualities of
universality and globality of the PKIEP, there should
preferably have one format for the certificates.
However, this format must be flexible enough to
contain the various types of certificates, that is to
say, identity and authorization certificates.
X.509 V3 format (Housley, 1999) could be the format
used in PKIEP provided that it undergoes certain
improvements. Among those, I suggest that the
‘name’ field becomes more general in the way that it
will contain information not identifying the certificate
subject, for example, a nickname (
Clarke, 2001).
Moreover, one extension -to be standardized- should
be reserved for the attributes, roles or privileges of
the certificate subject. Indeed, it is sometimes
useless to know the payer identity, but what it is, on
the other hand, necessary, it is to know some ones of
its attributes. I notice besides that the majority of the
individual/payers prefer to keep their anonymity at
least with respect to the paid.
At this level, to minimize the risks of frauds, I propose
that only the CA, which certifies the payer, takes note
of its identity at the time of its first registration. This
CA issues then an attributes certificate to him -after
checking their attributes-which comprises a 'Nickname'
that it will associate to its true identity and this, for
example, in a confidential document that the payer
should sign. Among the attributes which could be
useful to individual/payer, I propose the followings:
age, nationality, profession, police record, existence of
a valid account for e-cheques, e-cash or credit card, a
hash of the account or credit card number, etc.
In addition, I prefer that the paid and the other actors
be identified to avoid many frauds. However, I
suggest also, for the paids/merchants certificates,
that the extension reserved to the attributes contains
information which can be useful for the payers, such
as: Web site address, references, certifications, trading
licence number, jurisdiction, sales turnover, etc.
4.2.2 Trust model and entities of PKIEP
Figure 2 shows the architecture of the trust model
that I suggest for PKIEP. As it is illustrated through
this figure, I suggest the existence of various types of
entities, each one with different functions. Indeed, I
make the distinction, on the one hand, as it is often the
case in a PKI, between two categories of entities: end
entities (EEs) and certification authorities (CAs) and, in
addition, between various types of the same category:
a- EEs of PKIEP:
I suggest making the distinction between two kinds
of EEs: on a side, the web surfers who will play the
role of payers primarily and, more rarely, that of
paids; and on the other side, merchants and
companies present on the Web which will play the
role of paids but also of payers (in the case of B to B).
b- Certification Authorities of PKIEP:
I insist here on the importance owing to the fact that all
the CAs of PKIEP must be trustworthy and especially
‘approved’ by their corresponding governments. Indeed,
it is not necessary that the users of e-payment methods,
all over the world, be constrained to undergo the
monopoly of a private company (like that it seems to be
concretized with Verisign (Verisign, 2004)). In addition,
I suggest that there are various types of CAs in PKIEP:
- PCAs (Policy Authorities Creation): are CAs ables
(and authorizeds) to establish suitable certificates
policies to various contexts of e-payment or e-
commerce. As it is shown on the figure2, I propose that
each country has at least one PCA under the supervision
of the government that can be, in its turn, certified and
E-PAYMENT SECURITY - Recommendations about the use of a PKI for e-payment security
Figure 2: Trust model proposed for PKIEP
'supervised' by a higher level PCA, which would
correspond to the 'economic' region of this country.
I encourage, here, co-certification between PCAs which
the role is to certify CAs of their country and to check
the respect by these CAs of the certificate policies.
- CAMs (CAs for Merchants): are CAs specialized in
the certification of merchants and companies present
on the Web and which want to adhere to PKIEP.
These CAMs must be equipped with means which
enable them to check the attributes of one merchant
(society), as those which I mentioned in (4.2.1).
I think that CAMs can be under the supervision of the
Chamber of Commerce or the Commerce Ministries.
- CAPs (CAs for Private persons): are CAs which
can certify only private persons who want to use
applications of e-payment. These CAPs must have
trust relationships with these private persons in the
real world. The banking organizations are thus very
suitable for this role especially that they are already
equipped with technical skills in the field of security.
- CAPMs (CAs for Private persons and Merchants):
are CAs which can play the role of CAMs and CAPs.
These CAPMs can certify in their turn CAMs and
CAPs if the number of merchants and private persons
wanting to adhere to PKIEP would require it.
Lastly, I suggest that the PKIEP 'initiators' be under the
responsibility of several governments, as being, for
example, the members of a committee of the United
Nations, the World Organization of the Trade or of the
International Chamber of Commerce. This committee
should start by creating an entity PAA (Policy Approval
Authority) that will have, as an initial task, to work out
the general directives concerning the PKIEP objectives
and the roles of its various entities. Once the PKIEP
created, this PAA should approve the certificate
policies created by different PCAs, control the respect
of these policies by these PCAs and finally supervise
co-certifications between PCAs of various countries.
This 'world' PAA could delegate some of its functions
to regional PAAs which would be more able to control
PCAs of their region. It is advisable to specify here
that the PAAs should not issues certificates, in order to
avoid the problem having a Root-CA for all the world
as well as the limitations raised in (Josang, 2000).
The e-payment methods are as diversified as the
conventional ones. Nevertheless, their use is undeniably
more limited and this, primarily because of the insecurity
feeling which they inspire to a great number of users.
The security of e-payment methods is thus the key
factor of their deployment. In this connection, the
existence of a global PKI having precisely as objective,
the security of these methods, would allow their
expansion and, then, the takeoff of the e-commerce.
In this paper, I presented my recommendations
concerning desirable qualities in such a PKI and a part
of my vision as-to the nature of its entities, its trust
model and the format of its certificates. I thus hope
that these recommendations constitute a contribution,
though modest, in the emerging of such a PKI.
Lastly, I currently work on other characteristics of
this PKI, in particular its certificate policies.
Clarke, R., 2001. The Fundamental Inadequacies of
Conventional Public Key Infrastructure, In ECIS’01.
Freir, A., Karlton, P. and Kocher, P., 1996, The SSL
Protocol version 3.0, Internet Draft.
Josang, A., Pedersen, I.G., and Povey, D., 2000, PKI
Seeks a Trusting Relationship, in ASISP 2000.
Housley, R., Ford, W., and Solo, D., 1999, Internet PKI;
Part I: X.509 Certificate and CRL Profile, IETF X.509 PKI
(PKIX) Network Working Group, RFC2459.
MasterCard and Visa, Secure Electronic Transaction
(SET) Specifications book 1,2,3, 1997.
O’Mahony, D., Peirce, M., and Tewari, H., 1997,
Electronic Payment Systems, Artech House.
Asia PKI Forum, 2002, http://www.asia-pkiforum.org/
Netcheck, 2003, http://www.netcheck.com
The Government of Canada PKI,
Verisign Server, 2004, http://www.verisign.com/
E-PAYMENT SECURITY - Recommendations about the use of a PKI for e-payment security