Neelima Arora
Tata Institute of Fundamental Research
Mumbai, India
R. K. Shyamasundar
Tata Institute of Fundamental Research
Mumbai, India
Ad-hoc networks, key distribution, security
A wireless ad-hoc network is a collection of mobile nodes with no fixed infrastructure. Security in such net-
works poses serious challenges due to (i) the network connectivity could be intermittent and hence on-line
authentication is not guaranteed, and (ii) susceptible to wide range of attacks due to broadcast communication
and large scale number of users. In this paper, we propose a security protocol, called UGSP, for wireless ad-hoc
networks using a tamper-proof hardware. We show that the proposed protocol fits well with the resurrecting
duckling security paradigm (Stajano and Anderson, 1999). Once the hardware is imprinted for authentication,
UGSP is robust to man-in-the-middle attack, passive eavesdropping, active impersonation attacks ensuring
source authentication, data confidentiality and data integrity for communication amongst nodes with identi-
cally configured hardware. The system is amenable to dynamic addition of new members whose hardware
has also been imprinted with authentication information. We provide a comparative evaluation of UGSP with
other approaches and show that UGSP is scalable and cost-effective.
Ad-hoc networks do not have fixed infrastructure such
as base station or mobile switching centers. Mobile
nodes, which are within the range of each other, com-
municate directly while those that are far apart rely
on other nodes to forward messages as routers. Node
mobility in the network causes frequent changes of
the network topology.
The salient features of ad-hoc networks pose both
challenges and opportunities in achieving security
goals characterized by attributes like availability, con-
fidentiality, integrity, source authentication and non-
repudiation (Zhou and Haas, 1999). Nodes, roaming
in hostile environment (e.g., a battlefield) with rela-
tively poor physical protection, have non-negligible
probability of being compromised. Therefore, we
should not only consider malicious attacks from out-
side a network, but also take into account the attacks
launched from within the network by compromised
nodes. We envision ad-hoc networks to be formed
by nodes without any prior contact, trust or authority
relation. This precludes any pre-distributed symmet-
ric keys or a reliable (external) PKI supported across
all nodes. This issue has been largely ignored until
now; most protocols assume that the key-distribution
has already taken place. Further, security mechanisms
should be scalable to handle large networks.
1.1 Current State of Ad-Hoc
Network Security
One of the largely investigated areas of ad-hoc
network security research is devoted to secure rout-
ing protocols (Toh, 2001)(Royer and Toh, 1999),
that form an essential component of security in ad-
hoc networks (Khaili and Arbaugh, 2002). How-
ever, most of the routing schemes known neglect
the crucial challenge in ad-hoc security: key estab-
lishment and key distribution. Protocols such as
ARAN, Ariadne(Hu and Perrig, 2002), SPINS(Perrig
et al., 2002b), TESLA(Perrig et al., 2002a), SEAD
(Hu et al., 2002) and SRP (Papadimitratos and Haas,
2002) all assume the pre-existence and pre-sharing of
secret and/or public keys for all the nodes. In other
words, key management and key distribution in an ad-
hoc networks has been left a wide open problem. Re-
cently some approaches for key distribution in ad-hoc
networks have been proposed (Zhou and Haas, 1999;
Bobba et al., 2002; Khalili and Arbaugh, 2003). Note
Arora N. and K. Shyamasundar R. (2004).
In Proceedings of the First International Conference on E-Business and Telecommunication Networks, pages 191-196
DOI: 10.5220/0001400601910196
that a mechanism is needed wherein we can accom-
modate the new trust scenarios in ad-hoc networks.
1.2 Our Approach
In this paper we assume that both active and passive
attackers are present in the environment. The attacker
is allowed to watch regular runs of the protocol be-
tween the two communicating nodes and also send
arbitrary messages to the parties. We also assume
that the attacker has sufficiently large computational
In this paper, we describe a protocol called UGSP
(User Group Security Protocol) for communication
amongst a dynamic user group (DUG), that is resilient
against the above mentioned attacks while maintain-
ing all the necessary attributes (confidentiality, in-
tegrity and authenticity). Even if the node gets com-
promised, it should not allow the attacker to gain ac-
cess to any useful secret of the network. We see exam-
ples of DUG in our day to day life such as employees
of a company or all the mobile cell-phone users of a
particular network.
Rest of the paper is organized as follows: section 2
gives the system architecture required for the proto-
col, section 3 details the protocol, analysis of the pro-
tocol is done in section 4, section 5 gives the imple-
mentation details and section 6 contains the conclu-
sion, future work and generalizations.
To make UGSP as generic as possible, we have de-
signed the protocol minimizing the energy cost. Most
previous work on secure ad-hoc network relies on
asymmetric cryptography for establishing the secu-
rity parameters every time. However, computing such
signatures on resource-constrained nodes is expensive
and hence may not be the ideal solution. A protocol
with shared secret is the most generic option, as it is
not expensive both in terms of bandwidth and compu-
The system has the following three components:
(1) Communication Link: Our system does not as-
sume any special characteristic of the communication
link and will work over any form of communication
system such as ethernet, bluetooth, 802.11, optical
fiber etc.
(2) Nodes: Every node that participates in the ad-hoc
network is assumed to have the structure shown in
Figure 1. That is, it has
Processing and storing capabilities as demanded by
the protocol,
Tamper Resistant Hardware
User Interface
Figure 1: A valid node in the network.
Tamper Resistant Hardware: the capabilities of this
hardware are described in the next paragraph,
Interface for the tamper resistant hardware.
used for generating
MAC for transmit
used for authentica−
ting received data
Figure 2: Hardware on the node.
The structure of the ideal tamper proof hardware
(TPH) for UGSP is shown in Figure 2. The salient
features of the TPH are given below:
a universally unique, unalterable id
Write only memory for group access code (GAC)
and hardware access code (HAC), attempt to over-
write HAC destroys GAC as well.
non invertible pseudo random hash function
F (w, x, y, z) embedded in the hardware (Lamport,
provides service of three functions F
(used to gen-
erate message digest for transmission), F
(used for
authenticating the message digest received from the
sender) and F
(used for local authentication of the
HAC) defined below:
(y, z) = F (GAC, id, y, z)
(w, id
, y
, x
= T RU E if w = F (GAC, id
, x
, y
= F ALSE otherwise
, HAC) = T RUE if HAC = HAC
= F ALSE otherwise
Tamper resistance of the hardware is interpreted as:
Codes of functions (F (w, x, y, z), F
, F
, F
and id cannot be accessed by any one, and
For F
, id and GAC are implicit (or hidden) pa-
rameter, for F
, GAC is implicit parameter and
HAC is implicit parameter for F
Password Enabled Access: the use of the hardware
will be restricted by a HAC. Only after a user
has entered the HAC correctly, he will be able to
use the TPH. This ensures source authenticity at the
user level.
Imprintable TPH can be obtained in the market and
the user can download the image for the specific ap-
plication over a secure channel to imprint the TPH.
(3) User Group Administrator
: We envisage the pres-
ence of a User Group (UG) Administrator with the
following roles:
Assign a GAC for the UG
Develop and maintain image for imprinting TPH
Provide image and configure the TPH on request
by a user on getting necessary information.
The role of UG administrator is limited to configur-
ing the nodes and does not have any role during the
interaction between the end nodes.
The TPH token is not integrated with the mobile host,
but the user carries the token with himself.
The protocol consists of the following steps:
1. First, every node that is allowed into the network
is initialized by the group administrator by writing
the HAC (user specific) first and then the GAC
(which is same for all nodes) in the write only
memory of the tamper resistant hardware. HAC is
written before GAC because write to HAC over-
writes GAC also. The write-only memory is inter-
preted as follows: once the secret is written into the
memory, no one can read the secret. That is, a node
can be a part of a DUG ad-hoc network provided it
has the TPH with the same GAC.
2. The user will carry the configured TPH with him as
a token. In order to use the hardware, the user will
be required to interface it with his mobile device
and to enter the HAC correctly, which will be lo-
cally authenticated within the hardware. Only after
successful authentication, he can use the hardware
for the subsequent steps.
3. Communicating nodes generate 1024 bit RSA key
pair and exchange their public keys using the MAC
generated by the TPH.
4. The sender now generates a 64 bit DES symmetric
key, encrypt it using the receiver Public Key, ap-
pend a MAC generated by the hardware and trans-
mit. The receiver also confirms that he has received
the correct symmetric key by sending the symmet-
ric key encrypted with the sender Public Key.
Note that due to the underlying tamper proof hard-
ware, the following properties are satisfied:
No user has any control over implicit inputs to the
functions F
, F
and F
When a node wants to transmit data, it gives the
data to the TPH which in turn evaluates the MAC
using function F
and transmits. Note that the user
cannot change the first two inputs of function F
i.e. the GAC and id of the node (they are taken
automatically from the memory of the hardware).
Because the id cannot be changed, active imper-
sonation is not possible in the network.
Now consider a node receiving data and the cor-
responding MAC. The node now needs to authen-
ticate the MAC against the data, id of the sender
node and the GAC. For this purpose, the node
passes the received data and the sender id to the
TPH, which computes the function F
taking the
GAC stored in its memory. If the result of F
T RU E then the node will accept the data other-
wise the node realizes that there is some mismatch
in data, id or GAC, and rejects the packet and ter-
minates the communication.
3.1 Formal description
Nodes i and j want to communicate with each other,
where i is the sender and j is the receiver.
F(w,x,y,z) is the pseudo random hash function im-
plemented in the TPH, which takes in four input
parameters w, x, y, z
id(k) is the identity of the node k
is the public key of the node j
(N) means N encrypted with K
N denotes the nonce which is unpredictable.
(k l : M ) is interpreted as follows: node k is
sending message, M, meant for node l
is the symmetric session key established be-
tween the pair of communicating nodes
, M
) means message M
concatenated with
For ease of reference in the sequel, we shall refer
the value of F (w, x, y, z) as MAC.
In UGSP, even if the attacker is able to predict the
nonce, he will not be able to learn any secret in
the network unlike most other protocols (will become
clear in the sequel).
Every time a node wants to transmit, it computes
MAC using F
and transmit, and a receiving node
to authenticate the received data will compute F
mentioned above. With this background, we are ready
to describe the steps in the protocol formally.
The protocol consists of two Phases. Phase I of the
protocol consists of bootstrapping of the valid nodes
of the network, while the second phase will be session
specific and will happen as and when nodes want to
communicate with each other. In more hostile envi-
ronments, such as battlefield, where the chances of
bootstrapped nodes getting compromised is higher,
one can make bootstrapping also session specific.
Operational steps in the execution of UGSP:
P hase I: the network is being formed. In Step 1,
the user gets authenticated by the TPH by the HAC.
User inputs the HAC when prompted to do so, which
will be compared with the HAC stored on the TPH.
This can be thought of as if the smart card PIN is
stored on the smart card and which can only be read
by the smart card reading machine. Hence, user au-
thentication can be done by a standalone ad-hoc smart
card machine, not connected to the bank’s back-end
server, by comparing the PIN stored on the card with
the PIN entered by the user. In Step 2, the commu-
nicating nodes, which have been authenticated in step
1, will exchange RSA keys.
P hase II: will be invoked when any node want
to communicate with some other node in the network.
During step 3, the two communicating nodes establish
a symmetric key. We could directly use the private-
public key pair established in step 3 for secure com-
munication, but that will be bandwidth and computa-
tion expensive. Hence, we need to establish a sym-
metric key, which is accomplished after this step.
We encrypt the data using the symmetric key and ap-
pend a MAC computed using the data and the sym-
metric key and transmit in step 4. As highlighted
already, UGSP uses the Public Key operations in a
limited way as compared to other protocols.
In this section, we will analyze UGSP with respect to
security assurance and scalability.
4.1 Security Analysis
In this section we will discuss possible attacks in ad-
hoc network and analize the security assurance pro-
vided by UGSP as well as the approaches of TESLA
PHASE I : Bootstrapping
Step 1 : local authentication of HAC
1.a : Node i : user i enters his HAC
1.b : Node j : user j enters his HAC
Step 2 : exchange public keys
2.a : i j : F(GAC, id(i), N
, K
), N
, K
, id(i)
2.b : j i : F(GAC, id(j), E
), K
, K
, id(j)
2.c : i j : F(GAC, id(i), E
), )
PHASE II : Session specific
Step 3 : establish a shared symmetric
key using the established public key
3.a : i j : F(GAC, id(i), N
, E
, E
3.b : j i : F(GAC, id(j), E
), E
3.c : i j : F(GAC, id(i), E
(id(i)), )
Step 4 : data transfer
4.a : i j : E
(Data), F(id(i), data, K
Figure 3: Protocol for communication between Node i and
Node j
and PKI based security system. We shall show robust-
ness of our protocol with respect to outside attack and
the risks of compromised nodes.
4.1.1 Attacks from outside the network
When we say a node is outside the network, we mean
a node that does not have the TPH token configured
with the GAC for that group, say GAC
. In this case,
either the attacker will fail to authenticate himself to
the hardware token in the Step 1 itself (cf. Figure
3) or if the user knows the valid HAC for the TPH
(which means that he is a valid user for some other
similar network with group access code GAC
) then
he will generate the MAC corresponding to GAC
Such a MAC would fail to match with the MAC gen-
erated at the receiving end because of the different
GAC. While if such a node wants to become a re-
ceiver, then it will fail to authenticate itself to the
sender as it will not be able to form a valid P acket
2.b (cf. Figure 3) because of a different GAC. Thus,
such a node would fail to be a sender as well as a valid
receiver in the network.
4.1.2 Attack from a compromised node
Here, the attacker is assumed to have the valid com-
promised node, i.e. a node with the TPH token config-
ured with the group access code for that group. Here,
again two level of attacks are possible:
Packet 2.c
Packet 3.a
Packet 3.b
Packet 4.a
Packet 3.c
Packet 2.a
Packet 2.b
1. User i is locally
authenticated with
the hardware access
code else abort
PHASE1 : Bootstrapping
Step 1
node i
hardware access code
authenticated with the
else abort
2. User j is locally
node j
5. Authenticate
if authenticated
then proceed
else abort
Step 2
3. Generate 1024bit
RSA key pair
4. Authenticate
if authenticated
then generate
6. Authenticate
if success
values exchanged
so far and proceed
else abort
the 1024 bit
RSA key pair
and proceed
else abort
and send the
then store the various
with symmetric
key, append a
MAC and send
13. Encrypt the data
14. Verify the MAC
PHASE 2 : Session Specific
Step 3
Step 4
7. Generate a 64 bit
DES symmetric
key and transmit
10. Verify the MAC
11. Generate the MAC
8. Verify the MAC
9. Generate the MAC
12. Verify the MAC
Figure 4: Algorithm at the nodes (Packets are labeled in
Figure 3).
Attacker does not know the HAC: The authentica-
tion will fail during Step 1 (cf. Figure 4). While if
the attacker tries to overwrite the HAC, the GAC
also gets overwritten (as mentioned above, TPH to-
ken is has been designed with such a feature) and
then the case becomes similar to the one mentioned
in Section 4.1.1.
Attacker knows the HAC: In this case the attacker
can send valid packets to the network, but with his
own id. Active impersonation is not possible in the
network. The attacker cannot simulate the hard-
ware behavior and try to pass any other id to the
model, because the group access code is not known
outside the hardware. In such a scenario, if other
nodes in the network come to know that a node is
compromised, then they can block that particular
node from any communication because when that
node wants to participate in the communication, it
can do so with its own identity, which is blocked.
In case of PKI or TESLA, when the node gets com-
promised the attacker would get the keys and will be
able to actively impersonate the user. Even though
the keys may be password protected but note that
they would be accessible through brute-force meth-
ods (such as bit by bit reading of the hard disk), to
which TPH is resistant.
4.2 Scalability
After the configuration of HAC and GAC at the
hardware, the key establishment and data transfer etc
can be initiated as per the ad-hoc network require-
ments. The nodes can form an ad-hoc network with
other nodes in DUG securely without having to main-
tain any database, without going to trusted third party,
without requiring any other authenticated channel for
each data transfer. Thus, UGSP is suitable for ad-
hoc wireless network security. Note that, the cost of
TPH required for the purpose is available and is quite
cheap. In other words, UGSP is quite scalable.
Let us consider the needs of TESLA and PKI-
based security from the perspective of scalability. In
TESLA, every time two nodes want to communicate,
they will be required to exchange some information
(like: T
, key disclosure delay, key commitment to
the key chain) over an authenticated channel. This is
not possible in ad-hoc environment as it requires con-
stant presence of a trusted third party.
Now, let us consider PKI-based security: Assume
that each node eligible to join the network has been
given a public-private key pair by PKI. Thus, when
any node wants to communicate, it will send the cer-
tificate along with the data. For the other node to ver-
ify the certificate either it has to go to the trusted third
party (which is not possible in ad-hoc network) or
maintain its own database of public keys of the other
nodes (which is not scalable). Due to the property that
on-line authentication is needed, a typical PKI-based
security is not feasible for ad-hoc network security.
We have implemented UGSP using iButton
. The
iButton is a computer chip enclosed in a 16mm
stainless steel can available off-the shelf for less than
ten dollars in retail. Note that the iButton provides
more functionality than what is needed for UGSP. We
have used it as it is available off-the shelf. The steel
button can be mounted virtually anywhere because it
is rugged enough to withstand harsh environments, in-
doors or outdoors. Each iButton has a unique and
unalterable address that is laser etched onto its chip
inside the can. In response to tampering, the iButton
would rather erase the key than reveal its secrets.
Each has an onboard 512-bit SHA-1 engine that can
compute 160-bit MACs in less than 0.0005 seconds
as compared to 0.5 seconds for a typical microcon-
troller. iButton can be interfaced with a host system
via serial/parallel port or USB. Our protocol has been
tested with iButton. Mobility of the nodes was also
emulated and multihop routing scenarios were evalu-
ated against performance and energy cost. However,
iButton does not realize the function F
but indicates
that the TPH described in the protocol can be devel-
oped at a much cheaper cost. We have completed the
design of the required TPH and are in the process of
testing it on an FPGA board.
To sum up, it can be seen that UGSP is resilient to all
attacks on an ad-hoc network forming a DUG men-
tioned earlier. UGSP is based on mutual authentica-
tion rather than only the client authenticating to the
server, or only the sender authenticating to the re-
ceiver. Our protocol provides dual security since we
are using a TPH token and access code for using the
TPH. Thus, even if the configured hardware token is
stolen or compromised, an attacker cannot use the to-
ken without knowing the valid hardware access code.
In a sense, it achieves security using the paradigm of
“Something you know, and something you get” pro-
viding dual security to the network. This concept is
similar to the one used by banks for cash dispensation
at ATM’s (a combination of card and PIN is required
to access the account).
Based upon our experience of using the prototype, we
have found that implementation of UGSP can be done
in cost-effective way. UGSP is scalable and robust to
addition of new members in the User Group. In this
paper we have demonstrated and discussed UGSP for
data transfer in a User Group in mobile ad-hoc net-
work. However, there are certain generalizations pos-
sible as stated follows:
Communication Protocol Independent: Using
UGSP, we are able to establish a secure communi-
cation channel between nodes at the end of Phase 1.
Once this happens, we can use any of the existing pro-
tocols, such as TESLA, for data communication.
Multiple Applications: Although, we have chosen
data transfer as a sample application for the demon-
stration of the protocol, UGSP can be used for several
purposes like authenticated routing, node-to-node key
agreement and ubiquitous computing.
Network Infrastructure Independent: UGSP has
been developed for mobile ad-hoc networks, but it
is equally efficient in wired networks as well. It re-
places PKI in the sense that there is no need to go to
the trusted third party everytime you want to validate
any certificate.
Membership to Multiple DUG: The TPH token can
be made to have more than one location for storing
the GAC. A node can thus be a valid user in more
than one different ad-hoc networks simultaneously.
iButton, for example, has eight locations for stor-
ing GAC. We are evaluating the system performance
when a node is a part of eight simultaneous ad-hoc
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