Annika Wennstr
om, Anna Brunstrom
Dept. of Computer Science, Karlstad University
SE-651 88 Karlstad, Sweden
Juan Rend
Technology Dept., Pompeu Fabra University
Passeig de Circumvalaci
o 8, 08003 Barcelona, Spain
Jan H. Gustafsson
Telia Mobile AB
Lagergrens gata 7, SE-651 15 Karlstad, Sweden
Wireless Internet, TCP, GPRS, preemption.
GPRS extends the widely deployed GSM system with a more efficient wireless Internet access. In this paper
we investigate how a TCP transmission over GPRS is affected when it loses all its resources due to preemption
by circuit-switched calls with higher priority. The results indicate that TCP performance is degraded more than
necessary, as buffered data is flushed immediately when the GPRS traffic is preempted. The time required for
error recovery is considerable also for very short preemption periods. The situation would improve if data was
buffered during preemption and if the data was transmitted immediately as GPRS resources become available
The General Packet Radio Service
(GPRS) (GSM03.60, 2000), (Bettstetter et al.,
1999) is a packet-oriented extension to the Global
System for Mobile Communications (GSM) that
provides its users with an ”always on” wireless
access to the Internet. As most applications on the
Internet rely on the Transmission Control Protocol
(TCP) (Postel, 1981) for transport, it is important that
TCP works efficiently in GPRS.
In this paper, we consider TCP over GPRS in the
case when the GPRS traffic is preempted by traffic
with higher priority, such as circuit-switched calls.
The results show that TCP suffers more than neces-
sary due to preemption when GPRS resources are lost
even for a very short time. In the testbed and in many
commercial networks, the buffer in the Base Station
Controller (BSC) is flushed immediately when there
are no resources left for GPRS traffic. In many situ-
ations, TCP performance would improve if the BSC
waited for a timeout interval before it flushed its
The impact of buffering in intermediate nodes on
TCP performance is described in e.g. (Chakravorty
et al., 2002), (Gurtov et al., 2002), (Sagfors et al.,
2003). In (Sagfors et al., 2003) an active queue man-
agement scheme optimized for third generation cellu-
lar networks is proposed and evaluated through sim-
ulation. In (Chakravorty et al., 2002), (Gurtov et al.,
2002) GPRS measurements are presented. The mea-
surements do not focus exclusively on buffering, but
as real networks are used aspects of buffering are
taken into account. Neither of these studies investi-
gate preemption. The analysis and simulation study
in (Chen et al., 2002) suggests buffering of GPRS
data as a means to reduce the blocking probability for
GPRS when the GPRS traffic is preempted by circuit-
switched calls with higher priority. However, TCP is
not directly considered in (Chen et al., 2002).
In contrast to related work, we evaluate in detail
how TCP is affected by GPRS buffering during pre-
emption. Our work is based on measurements in a
GPRS testbed consisting of real network nodes with
real protocol implementations and an emulated radio
The rest of the paper is structured as follows. Some
background on GPRS and TCP is given in Section 2.
Wennström A., Brunstrom A., Rendón J. and H. Gustafsson J. (2004).
In Proceedings of the First International Conference on E-Business and Telecommunication Networks, pages 430-436
DOI: 10.5220/0001404804300436
In Section 3, an overview of the test environment is
provided. The parameter settings used in the measure-
ments are described in Section 4. In Section 5, the re-
sults are presented. The results and their implications
are discussed in Section 6. Finally, in Section 7, some
conclusions are drawn and plans for future work are
In this section some background on GPRS and TCP
is provided. The main purpose is to provide the infor-
mation required for the rest of the paper, not to give a
complete picture of either GPRS or TCP.
2.1 Overview of GPRS
GPRS provides more efficient sharing of radio re-
sources and higher data rates than circuit-switched
GSM. The GPRS system requires two new nodes:
the Gateway GPRS Support Node (GGSN) and the
Serving GPRS Support Node (SGSN). A GSM time
slot allocated for GPRS is called a packet data chan-
nel (PDCH). The radio resources are more efficiently
used than in GSM, since the PDCHs in a cell are
shared between the GPRS users, and not, as in GSM,
reserved for one user at a time. Access to the PD-
CHs is controlled by the Radio Link Control/Medium
Access Control (RLC/MAC) protocol (GSM04.60,
2000) which provides a link between the mobile sta-
tion (MS) and the Base Station Subsystem (BSS). The
MAC protocol is similar to slotted ALOHA. In addi-
tion, the Logical Link Control (LLC) protocol pro-
vides a logical link between the MS and its associ-
ated SGSN. RLC and LLC support both acknowl-
edged and unacknowledged data transmission. The
Base Station Subsystem GPRS Protocol (BSSGP) op-
erates between the SGSN and the BSS. BSSGP is fur-
ther described in Section 3.
2.2 Overview of TCP
The TCP protocol provides reliable data transport. Er-
ror recovery is triggered by a timeout event or by three
duplicate acknowledgments. The timeout value is dy-
namically adjusted based on estimates of the round
trip time (RTT). In order to prevent congestion in the
network, the amount of data the TCP sender can inject
into the network is limited by a congestion window
(cwnd) and several algorithms for congestion control
are employed (Allman et al., 1999).
After a timeout event, the missing data is retrans-
mitted and the slow start algorithm is used. The cwnd
is first set to one segment, and then it is increased
with one segment for each incoming acknowledgment
which results in an exponential increase in the trans-
mission rate. When a slow start threshold (ssthresh)
value is reached, the congestion avoidance algorithm
is used instead. Here, one new segment is added to the
cwnd each RTT. After retransmission due to three du-
plicate acknowledgments fast retransmit and fast re-
covery are used. The cwnd is reduced to half of the
value it had before the data loss. After the TCP sender
receives an acknowledgment covering all the retrans-
mitted data, the congestion avoidance algorithm is
The performance of TCP may be enhanced by the
use of optional features. The selective acknowledg-
ments (SACK) option (Mathis et al., 1996) gives the
TCP sender precise information about the TCP seg-
ments that have arrived at the receiver. The times-
tamps option (Jacobson et al., 1992) provides an addi-
tional means to identify segments and their acknowl-
The GPRS testbed used for the measurements is
shown in Figure 1. The testbed consists of a client,
a GPRS network, and a server. The client uses the
GPRS network to access services provided by the
server. The client in this testbed is a laptop connected
with a serial cable to a GPRS terminal at the R ref-
erence point. The GPRS terminal accesses the GPRS
network over the radio interface. In order to provide
controllable and repeatable radio conditions, an em-
ulated radio environment is used at the radio inter-
face. The emulated radio environment interconnects
the client with the BSS which consists of a BSC and at
least one Base Transceiver Station (BTS). The GPRS
terminal communicates with the BTS in the cell on
which it currently camps. The BTS is connected at
the Abis interface with a BSC which provides control
functions and physical links over the Gb interface to
an SGSN. The SGSN is connected to a GGSN over
the Gn interface. The GGSN connects the GPRS net-
work to the server, over the Gi interface.
Measurement data can be gathered at several places
in the testbed. On the client and the server machines,
Ethereal (Ethereal, 2004) captures packets which are
further analyzed with Tcptrace (Ostermann, 2004).
Between the BTS and the BSC, the NetHawk ana-
lyzer (NetHawk, 2004) captures GPRS data and con-
trol information, such as RLC/MAC blocks.
Since the server is placed in a wired network which
is faster than the GPRS network, data from the server
is buffered in the GPRS network before it is transmit-
ted over the radio interface to the client. The max-
imum time that user data may be buffered before it
is transmitted over the radio interface, is determined
Figure 1: GPRS testbed
by the maximum holding time (GSM03.60, 2000).
The buffer management in the GPRS network is co-
ordinated between the SGSN and the BSC. The rate
of the data transmitted from the SGSN to the BSC
in the downlink is limited by BSSGP flow control.
The SGSN keeps track of the time that user data is
buffered and when user data is transmitted in BSSGP
protocol data units (PDUs) to the BSC, the time that
is left of the maximum holding time is indicated in
the PDU lifetime header field (GSM08.18, 2000). Af-
ter the maximum holding time data is considered old
and is discarded from the SGSN or the BSC buffer,
depending on where data is resided. It is then up to
the end hosts or LLC to retransmit the discarded data
if necessary. In the experiments presented, the end
hosts use TCP to recover discarded data.
For the presented measurements, the GPRS system is
configured as follows. The maximum holding time
is set to 63 seconds. The coding scheme is CS-2,
LLC is run in unacknowledged mode, and RLC in
acknowledged mode. These parameter settings were
chosen, since they are commonly used in commercial
GPRS networks. Compression is disabled, since com-
pression complicates the analysis of the data traffic,
and because header compression may degrade perfor-
mance in case of data loss (Inamura et al., 2003). The
radio quality is nearly optimal with a received signal
level of -80dBm and a C/I of 20dB.
The measurements are conducted with only one
GPRS client in the system, and the application model
used is bulk transfer over one TCP connection. Data
is transmitted in the downlink from the server in the
wired network to the GPRS client. The end hosts run
Linux 2.4.2-2 with the default settings of TCP options
and parameters. This implies that SACK and times-
tamps are used, as recommended in (Inamura et al.,
2003). The size of IP packets is 1500 bytes, which,
due to enabled options, results in a maximum seg-
ment size of 1448 bytes. The receiver window is set
to 64KB. The TCP implementation in Linux 2.4 is
further described in (Sarolahti and Kuznetsov, 2002).
The GPRS terminal is capable of using three PD-
CHs in downlink and one in uplink. The raw data rate
over three PDCHs is 40.2kbps with CS-2. The maxi-
mum data rate achievable on higher protocol layers is
much lower due to overhead, such as protocol head-
ers of all underlying protocols. The maximum rate of
TCP data in the test environment with the chosen pa-
rameter settings is 31kbps, which is consistent with
values reported for other test environments (Taferner
and Bonek, 2002), (Gurtov et al., 2002).
The purpose of the measurements is to investigate
how a GPRS data transfer is affected when it loses all
its resources due to preemption by circuit-switched
calls with higher priority. In order to preempt the
GPRS resources, circuit-switched calls are set up be-
tween GSM terminals located in the cell. The GPRS
client itself does not take part in any of the circuit-
switched calls. We use the term preemption period
to denote the time interval during which there are no
resources available for GPRS traffic, because all re-
sources are occupied by circuit-switched calls. The
preemption periods tested are 3, 6, and 15 seconds.
Each measurement lasts in total for 40 minutes and
during this time the GPRS resources are preempted
completely at least 30 times. The time between two
consecutive preemption periods is one minute and
during this time data is transmitted to the client over
three PDCHs.
In this section, we first give an overview of the mea-
surement results. Then, the results for 3 and 15 sec-
onds preemption periods are described in further de-
Table 1: Overview of results
Preemption Throughput Retransmitted RTT avg
period (secs) (kbps) packets (%) (ms)
3 21.64 6.96 2911
6 22.20 6.55 3081
15 21.27 7.03 3316
tail. Finally, buffering and TCP error recovery are dis-
5.1 Overview of Results
Table 1 gives an overview of the performance of TCP.
The table shows throughput, percentage of retrans-
missions, and average round trip times for the tested
preemption periods. In contrast to our expectations,
the performance of TCP is similar for preemption pe-
riods of 3, 6, and 15 seconds. As compared to the
maximum achievable throughput, the repeated pre-
emptions lead to a reduction in throughput of roughly
30% even when the preemption period is as short as
3 seconds. The traces of captured traffic indicate that
data losses occur every time the GPRS data transfer is
preempted. This is due to the BSC buffer being im-
mediately flushed when the GPRS resources are pre-
empted. The data losses are unrelated to the BSSGP
buffer setting, since data is not stored long enough in
the BSSGP buffer for the maximum holding time to
expire. Depending on the length of the preemption
periods, buffered data may also be discarded from
the GPRS terminal. The transmission is stalled dur-
ing the preemption period and in order to restart the
transmission again after the preemption period, new
data transmitted from the server or an acknowledg-
ment from the client is required. This is further ex-
plained below.
Even if the TCP performance is almost the same
for all preemption periods, slightly different scenar-
ios were found in the trace files. The traces for pre-
emption periods of 3 and 6 seconds show a similar
pattern of TCP behavior and GPRS signaling. For 15
seconds preemption another series of events are trig-
gered. Other GPRS signaling messages are transmit-
ted and TCP uses another strategy for error recovery.
As the results are similar for 3 and 6 seconds, we dis-
cuss only the results for 3 and 15 seconds preemption
in more detail.
5.2 Preemption Periods of 3 Seconds
The results for 3 seconds preemption are shown in
Figure 2. Figures 2(a), 2(b), and 2(c) show the se-
quence number evolution, the outstanding data, and
the round trip time values, respectively. The time-
sequence graph shows all segments captured on the
server. The graph confirms that retransmissions oc-
cur every minute which is each time the GPRS data
transfer is preempted. This is visible, because the se-
quence number does not increase when a segment is
retransmitted which makes the graph look jagged. If
no data was retransmitted, we would see a straight
line instead. The outstanding data graph shows the
amount of unacknowledged data. Before the trans-
fer is preempted for the first time, the outstanding
data reaches the capacity of the receiver window of
64KB, and then, after a few minutes, it stabilizes with
peaks at 16KB. As shown in the RTT values graph,
the round trip time varies between 1 and 4 seconds.
A closer examination of the captured TCP data indi-
cates that, in the typical case for preemption periods
of 3 seconds the transmission is restarted after a pre-
emption period by an acknowledgment that has been
buffered in the GPRS terminal. The NetHawk trace
supports this scenario, since it indicates that the first
RLC/MAC event after preemption is a request for an
uplink channel from the client.
5.3 Preemption Periods of 15
Figure 3 shows the detailed results for 15 seconds pre-
emption. The results are similar to those for 3 seconds
preemption. Packet losses occur at regular intervals
that coincide with the preemption periods. After the
initial slow start phase the transfer stabilizes and the
outstanding data reaches levels of about 16KB, and
the round trip time peaks at 4 seconds. However, in
contrast to the typical scenario for the shorter preemp-
tion periods, a closer examination of the trace files
indicate that the first event after a 15 seconds preemp-
tion period is a retransmission from the server, not an
acknowledgment from the client. A preemption pe-
riod of 15 seconds is long enough for the GPRS ter-
minal to empty its buffer, and therefore there are no
buffered acknowledgments to transmit after the pre-
emption period. The first RLC/MAC event captured
in the NetHawk trace after the preemption period is a
request for a downlink channel from the server side.
(a) Time sequence graph
(b) Outstanding data
(c) RTT values
Figure 2: Preemption periods of 3 seconds
5.4 Loss of Buffered Data
Only data buffered in the BSC is lost due to preemp-
tion, which is clearly illustrated in Figure 4. The de-
tailed time-sequence graph, taken from a client trace,
shows the first preemption period of 3 seconds. Trans-
mitted segments are represented by diamonds, the ad-
(a) Time sequence graph
(b) Outstanding data
(c) RTT values
Figure 3: Preemption periods of 15 seconds
vertised receiver window by the upper stair shaped
line, and cumulative acknowledgments by the stair
shaped line below the segments. Selective acknowl-
edgments are marked with an S and out of order seg-
ments with an O. As seen in the figure, after 41 sec-
onds, there is a gap in the sequence of incoming seg-
ments. The missing segments are discarded from the
Figure 4: The first preemption period of 3 seconds
BSC buffer when the transfer is preempted. The seg-
ments received after the gap are buffered in the SGSN
until the transfer is resumed after the preemption pe-
riod. In this case, even though a large amount of data
is buffered in the SGSN, the transfer is not restarted
until the client transmits a buffered acknowledgment.
The NetHawk trace indicates that the client requests
an uplink channel after the preemption period.
5.5 TCP Error Recovery
A comparison of the results indicates that TCP perfor-
mance is similar for the tested preemption periods. It
takes 15 to 20 seconds for TCP to recover all the lost
data, even for preemption periods of 3 and 6 seconds.
The reason is that TCP uses different algorithms for
congestion control when recovering from the losses.
Preemption periods of 15 seconds result in slow start
in most cases. After the shorter preemption periods,
on the other hand, fast retransmit and fast recovery are
used instead. Almost ten consecutive segments are
lost each time preemption occurs for all settings tested
(3, 6 and 15 seconds). Slow start leads to quicker re-
covery in this case which compensates for the longer
preemption periods. Note that this is not an indica-
tion that performance in general is independent of the
length of the preemption period. Even longer preemp-
tion periods than 15 seconds would of course lead to
worse performance.
In the measurements the BSC discards buffered data
immediately as the GPRS transfer is preempted, and
then new data is required in order to start the GPRS
transfer again after the preemption period. Since sev-
eral TCP segments get lost when the BSC buffer is
flushed it takes a substantial amount of time to re-
cover even for short preemption periods. This prob-
lem could potentially be avoided by applying a time-
out period before flushing data from the BSC buffer
when the GPRS resources are preempted. Another
alternative would be to leave the data in the buffer un-
til resources become available again. Data buffered in
the SGSN buffer should also be immediately transmit-
ted when resources for GPRS become available again.
The TCP implementation in Linux 2.4 has many
new features which have not been widely deployed
yet. Measurements for other TCP implementations
with less advanced congestion control would proba-
bly yield slightly different results. However, the main
problem that a whole window of data is lost would
still remain and lead to performance degradation.
A GPRS measurement testbed that combines the
use of real network equipment and protocol imple-
mentations with a precise control over radio channel
conditions is used for the experiments. Unlike simu-
lations and live measurements, the testbed supports
TCP performance measurements over a real GPRS
network, yet it provides a repeatable environment in
which a wide range of parameter settings can be ex-
plored. At the same time, we must be aware that
the presented results are not directly applicable for all
GPRS systems. The GPRS specifications do not al-
ways put strict requirements on buffering, which im-
plies that the handling of buffering is partly system
dependent. A testbed with a different hardware and
software configuration may therefore produce differ-
ent results. Still, we feel that real measurements in
a controllable environment are invaluable for the un-
derstanding and enhancement of TCP performance in
the GPRS system.
In this paper we present measurements of TCP over
GPRS when GPRS traffic is preempted by circuit-
switched calls with higher priority. In this situation
data that is buffered in the BSC is immediately dis-
carded when the GPRS resources are lost. New data,
either in the form of a retransmitted segment or in the
form of an acknowledgment buffered in the GPRS ter-
minal, is needed to start up the transfer again after
the preemption period ends. Since several TCP seg-
ments get lost when the BSC buffer is flushed it takes
a substantial amount of time to recover even for short
preemption periods. The TCP performance could po-
tentially be improved if the BSC waited for a short
time before it flushes its buffer, and if data buffered in
the SGSN was transmitted as soon as GPRS resources
became available again after a preemption period.
Our plans for future work include further experi-
ments on the impact of GPRS buffering and how it
affects various application models. Measurements of
mobility would allow for interesting comparison with
the results from the preemption measurements.
The authors would like to thank Bojne Svensson and
Jonas Eriksson at Telia Mobile AB. This work has
been partly funded by the Swedish graduate school
PCC++ and the research program CMIT.
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