Future Broadband Access Networks - Trends in user and service requirements

Lars Erling Bråten, Isabelle Tardy, Zsombor Elek, Alla Morozova, Agne Nordbotten



The interest of the current study is to describe broadband trends in Europe based on the work performed within the BROADWAN project. The services and user experiences in broadband trials performed in Norway showed that always on, high-speed Internet access for PCs is a very popular service regardless of gender. The always-on feature changes the usage pattern of the services and leads to new ways of using broadband, such as increased use of music and movie downloading. For private users there is traffic all day and surprisingly high traffic loads from midnight until dawn, with some reduction during working hours. A small fraction of the private users dominates the traffic volume, and for these users the traffic towards the network exceeds the incoming traffic volume. Future user behaviour is expected to follow the trends of the users currently classified as demanding. Broadband networks must have capability to offer the individual user a capacity that can be asymmetric on demand in both directions. A breakthrough for capacity demanding e-services will require that the majority of users reach a certain activity level. Volume growth of these more demanding services requires that a large fraction of the population be connected to broadband. Additional key elements required are confidence and trust in e-based services by handling security issues seriously, overcoming the language barrier, standardised online payment methods and solving copyright issues.


  1. 1 Internet page www.broadwan.org
  2. 2 I.Henne, “Fremtidsrettede brede aksessnett”, WLAN workshop, Oct.2003, Oslo.
  3. 3 Deliverable D6 of BROADWAN, “User and service requirements”, April 2004.
  4. 4 “eEurope 2005, an information society for http://europa.eu.int/information_society/eeurope/2005/index_en.htm

Paper Citation

in Harvard Style

Erling Bråten L., Tardy I., Elek Z., Morozova A. and Nordbotten A. (2004). Future Broadband Access Networks - Trends in user and service requirements . In Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Shaping the Broadband Society - Volume 1: SBS, (ICETE 2004) ISBN 972-8865-17-1, pages 49-57. DOI: 10.5220/0001405200490057

in Bibtex Style

author={Lars Erling Bråten and Isabelle Tardy and Zsombor Elek and Alla Morozova and Agne Nordbotten},
title={Future Broadband Access Networks - Trends in user and service requirements},
booktitle={Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Shaping the Broadband Society - Volume 1: SBS, (ICETE 2004)},

in EndNote Style

JO - Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Shaping the Broadband Society - Volume 1: SBS, (ICETE 2004)
TI - Future Broadband Access Networks - Trends in user and service requirements
SN - 972-8865-17-1
AU - Erling Bråten L.
AU - Tardy I.
AU - Elek Z.
AU - Morozova A.
AU - Nordbotten A.
PY - 2004
SP - 49
EP - 57
DO - 10.5220/0001405200490057