Moshe Zviran, Seev Neumann, Diego Hocksman
Management of Technology and Information Systems Department
Faculty of Management, Te
l Aviv University
P.O.Box 39010, Tel Aviv 69978, ISRAEL
Keywords: Internet, privacy, secrecy
Abstract: Privacy is defined as “freedom
from unauthorized intrusion”. While privacy has been a sensitive issue
before the advent of computers, the concern has been further exacerbated by the fact that the Web makes it
easy for data to be automatically collected and added to databases and analyzed by sophisticated data
mining tools and personalized marketing services. This study explores the nature of the privacy concern in
the online environment. The objective of this study is to get a better understanding of the factors that can
affect online privacy and how this concern could affect users’ behavior.
Privacy is defined in the Merriam-Webster
Dictionary (2000) as “freedom from unauthorized
intrusion”, and is related to solicitude, secrecy, and
autonomy. It was a sensitive issue long before the
advent of computers. Concerns have been
magnified, however, by the existence and
widespread use of large computer databases that
make it easy to compile a dossier about an individual
from many different data sources.
Privacy issues are further exacerbate
d now that
the World Wide Web makes it easy for new data to
be automatically collected and added to databases.
As data mining tools and personalized marketing
services become more widely available, privacy
concerns are likely to further increase.
line privacy concerns often arise through a
web site operator’s collection and dissemination of
personally identifiable information about an
individual consumer who has visited a particular
web site (Hatch, 2000). Specifically, privacy
concerns arise when consumers’ personally
identifiable information is collected online without
the consumer’s consent or knowledge and/or is sold
to third parties without the consumer’s consent or
knowledge. Thus, online privacy relates to
affirmative conduct of the web site visited by the
In cyberspace, because both purchases and browsing
are recorded, not only are organizations able to
record traditional consumer interactions such as
purchases or explicit requests for information, but
because online systems provide the capability to
record a consumer's "mouse tracks," organizations
are also able to record how consumers move through
their web sites and to profile what was formerly a
passive, private activity. This practice of tracking the
browsing behavior of individuals as they "surf" the
pages of various web sites, without disclosing to the
consumer what information is being collected, how
it will be used or communicating how the consumer
benefits from their disclosures, can affect how
consumers behave.
Adopting a certain behavior depends on the
degree of consum
er’s privacy concern (Bartel &
Grubbs, 1999). For example, as privacy concerns
increase, consumers are more likely to provide
incomplete information to web sites, to notify
Internet Service Providers about unsolicited e-mail,
to request removal from mailing lists, and to send a
“flame” to online entities sending unsolicited e-mail.
Additionally, as privacy concerns increase,
consumers are less likely to join web sites requesting
Zviran M., Neumann S. and Hocksman D. (2004).
In Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, pages 592-595
DOI: 10.5220/0002592905920595
This study attempts to explore two research issues:
1. Which variables from the online environment
affect the degree of online privacy concern? In
order to study this issue, the relationships
between the degree of online privacy concerns
and the following variables were measured:
usage of privacy enhancing mechanisms, Web
usage, being a victim of previous online privacy
invasions, Web experience and the user’s skills
with the Web.
2. How does the degree of online privacy concern
affect user’s behavior?
Measures such as cancelled user online spending
and refraining from Web surfing for privacy
reasons, together with the volume of online
spending were used to study this issue. By doing
so, it was possible to verify to what extent online
privacy is a real or a perceptual problem in Web
These two questions were operationalized using
eight research hypotheses, as follows.
To bridge the gap between the need for privacy
on the one hand and the lack of regulatory protection
on the other hand, a plethora of privacy enhancing
mechanisms has been introduced (Bennett, 2000;
Wayner, 1999). The first hypothesis focuses on the
effect of the use of privacy enhancing technologies
(Huaiqing, et al., 1998), on the level of online
privacy concern:
H1: There is a positive relationship between the use
of privacy enhancing technologies (privacy policy,
anonymizers and privacy seals of approval) and the
degree of privacy concern.
According to Foxman and Kilcoyne (1993),
consumers’ perceptions of privacy (and its
violations) also depend on their unique social and
personal experience. The following hypothesis is
aimed at empirically testing this:
H2: There is a positive relationship between
previous experiences with online privacy invasions
and the degree of privacy concern.
People who start to navigate the Internet and
don’t have prior web experience, or have few web
skills, or posses low web usage, may have a higher
degree of online privacy concerns. In order to verify
this, the following hypotheses were postulated:
H3: There is a negative relationship between the
degree of privacy concern and the level of Web
H4: There is a negative relationship between the
degree of privacy concern and the user’s Web skills.
H5: There is a negative relationship between the
degree of privacy concern and the user’s experience
with the Web.
Novak et al. (2000) express their belief that
consumers do not trust most Web providers enough
to engage in relationship exchanges involving
money and personal information. Moreover, online
privacy concerns cannot only inhibit purchasing
activity on the Internet, but also inhibit surfing
activities. Based on the above, the following
hypotheses were formulated:
H6: A high degree of privacy concern implies
higher numbers of users canceling online spending
for privacy reasons.
H7: A high degree of privacy concern implies
higher numbers of users refraining from surfing onto
certain Web sites for privacy reasons.
H8: There is a negative relationship between the
degree of privacy concern and the volume of online
Data for this study were collected by means of a
Web-based online questionnaire. The questionnaire
included seven parts.
Part A – Degree of online privacy concern,
consisted of 16 scenarios that were derived
from previous studies and represented the
five dimensions of online privacy concern
(awareness of information collection,
information usage, information sensitivity,
familiarity with entity and compensation)
(Bartel & Grubbs, 1999, 2000).
Part B – Web usage, measured by a construct
adopted from Igbaria (1990), and comprised of
two items: actual daily usage and frequency of
Part C Usage of privacy enhancing
technologies, included six items adopted from
Igbaria (1990), focusing on the existence of
privacy policy, seals of approval and
Part D – Experience with the Web, consisted of a
set of constructs adopted from Igbaria (1990) and
Novak, Hoffman & Yung (2000), taking into
consideration the following online activities: e-
mail, navigation, online purchases, newsgroups
and chats.
Part E – Web skills, comprised of a set of
items for the skill construct (Novak et al.,
2000), where the respondents were asked to
express their assertions about their Web
Part F – Factors affected by the degree of
online privacy concern, focused on possible
influences of privacy concerns in the user’s
behavior, including cancelled online
spending, volume of online spending and
refraining from Web surfing for privacy
Part G – Demographic information captured
information regarding respondent’s gender,
age and education.
The instrument was designed as a Web fill-out
form and was posted on the Internet. A request to
fill the questionnaire, along with the URL of the
survey was sent by e-mail to 950 graduate business
students at Tel Aviv University. The request was
also distributed to 200 computer users in a major
international company in the communication sector.
In total, 1150 requests were distributed by email and
217 responses (159 students and 58 practitioners)
were received. The total response rate was 18.9%.
No demographic differences (gender, education
and age groups) were found between the students
and the company respondents.
(a) Degree of online privacy concern
Online privacy concern was measured using five
dimensions: awareness of information collection,
information usage, information sensitivity,
familiarity with entity and compensation (Bartel &
Grubbs, 1999, 2000; Cranon, et al., 1999). Table 1
depicts the means and standard deviation of each of
the five dimensions (1-7 scale) and a meta-variable
representing the degree of online privacy concern
(aggregation of the five dimensions).
Inter-correlations between each of the five
individual dimensions as well as correlation
coefficients between these dimensions and this
meta-variable, representing the degree of online
privacy concern, were found to be significantly
correlated (p<0.001).
Hypotheses testing
H1 suggests that there is a positive relationship
between the use of enhancing privacy technologies
and the degree of privacy concern. A Pearson
correlation test supports this hypothesis (r=0.182,
p=0.007), indicating that when the degree of online
privacy concerns increases, the use of privacy
enhancing technology also increases.
H2 suggests that there is a positive relationship
between previous experience with online privacy
invasions and the degree of online privacy concern.
The results indicate that respondents who
experienced previous online privacy invasions
exhibited higher levels of online privacy concerns
(mean=4.73, compared to 4.05 for respondents who
did not encounter online privacy invasions in the
past). An ANOVA test further supported this
hypothesis (F=22.7, p=0.001).
H3 suggests that there is a negative relationship
between the degree of online privacy concern and
the level of Web usage (that is, the more the user
uses the Internet, the less he/she is concerned with
online privacy). However, when testing H3, the
relationship was found to be on the opposite
direction than expected - the more the user uses the
Internet, the more he or she is concerned with online
privacy (r=0.189, p=0.005).
Table 1: Descriptive statistics of the five dimensions of
online privacy concern construct
Average Standard
Awareness of
4.12 1.38
Usage of
4.44 1.52
4.14 1.52
Sensitivity of
4.63 1.59
Familiarity with
the entity
3.98 1.56
Degree of
privacy concern
H4 asserts that the more Web-skilled the user is,
the less he or she is concerned with online privacy.
H4 could not be accepted since no significant
relationship between the degree of privacy concern
and the user’s Web skills was found (r=0.032,
H5 suggests that there is a negative relationship
between the degree of privacy concern and the
user’s experience with the Web (the more
experienced the user is, the less he or she is
concerned with online privacy). Correlation test
results provided no evidence for such a relationship
(r=0.079, p=0.249), so this hypothesis could not be
H6 stated that a high degree of online privacy
concern implies higher volumes of user cancelled
online spending. A Pearson correlation test did not
reveal significant results (p=0.735, r= -0.157). Thus,
this hypothesis was not supported and could not be
H7 suggests that a higher degree of online
privacy concern implies a higher level of refraining
from surfing to certain Web sites. A Pearson
correlation revealed a significant correlation
between the two variables (r=0.663, p=0.001), thus
hypothesis H7 was accepted.
H8 states that there is a negative relationship
between the degree of privacy concern and the
volume of online spending (the more the user is
concerned with privacy, the less he or she is going to
spend in e-commerce). Based on a correlation test
(r=-0.024, p=0.735), hypothesis H8 could not be
This study attempted to gain a better understanding
of the privacy concern. Among its findings, the
novelty of the Internet environment by itself was
found not to affect the degree of online privacy
concern, meaning that web skills and experience
with the web were not related to the degree of that
concern. On the other hand, web usage and the
degree of online privacy concern were found to be
positively related.
The study found that people who suffered
previous online privacy invasions were likely to
purchase much less than persons who didn’t suffer
any previous online privacy invasion. Also, people
with a high degree of online privacy concern were
more likely to refrain from surfing in specific sites
for privacy reasons, and to purchase less products
and services online.
The results of this study imply some efforts that
should be taken by governments, businesses and
individuals in order to protect privacy and enable
online transactions. These include:
Voluntary observance of fair information
practices including the role of trade
Since persons with previous experience of online
privacy invasions have higher levels of online
privacy concern, the observance of fair information
practices is vital..
Technological approaches:
Today’s privacy enhancing technologies are
primitive in nature. Such technologies are often
cumbersome to use, unfriendly and require a degree
of knowledge exceeding that of the common Internet
consumer. The low level of usage of privacy
enhancing technologies found in this study evidence
this fact. Consequently, new, user-friendly,
technology-based approaches should be developed
to provide consumers with a greater control over the
disclosure of their personal information.
Government as a customer:
The government can impact privacy concerns
through market forces, promoting strong privacy
laws for both the public and private sectors,
establishing independent privacy commissions to
oversee the implementation of these laws, educating
the public about privacy issues and encouraging
business self-regulation. In addition, the
government is also a major customer and has an
opportunity to influence the private sector through
its e-procurement policies.
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