Result of the research in Polish enterprises
Piotr Soja
Department of Computer Science, Cracow University of Economics, Rakowicka 27, 31–510 Kraków, Poland
Keywords: ERP systems, implementation, success factors
tract: In the article the problem of success factors in ERP systems implementations has been discussed. The
review of the literature concerning success factors has been discussed and the collection of potential ERP
implementation success factors was identified. Next, the result of research has been presented, where
respondents have been asked about their opinion about the importance of subsequent factors for the
implementation success. There were two groups of respondents: the first consisted of people from Polish
enterprises implementing ERP systems and the second comprised experts working in ERP systems
suppliers. On the basis of the research, the most important and necessary factors in the respondents’
opinions have been identified, as well as the least important ones.
Enterprises operate in a market where fast reaction,
flexibility and fulfilling the individual needs of a
customer are the common rules. In order to cope
with increasing competition the enterprises have to
act in a planned manner by carefully selecting and
working out their corporate strategies. In order to
achieve assumed strategic goals and follow the
difficult route, enterprises have to enhance and
reorganise their functioning rules. The enterprises’
needs are met by information technology
functionality, which offers integrated systems to
support the enterprise management.
The most advanced group o
integrated systems
are the ERP class systems which became well
known in Poland in the nineties. The ERP systems
include mechanisms based on planning and
forecasting which support the management of the
entire enterprise and integrate all areas of its
functioning. The effective implementation of such a
system can bring about many benefits, starting from
the most general such as enterprise management and
information flow enhancement. Consequently,
economic indicators’ improvement can be
accomplished which finally leads to enterprise
profitability increase.
However, the achievement of these mentioned
nefits depends upon the effective implementation
of the ERP system within its full functionality. An
examination of the Polish ERP market shows that
this is quite difficult. The implementation of an ERP
system is a process lasting as long as 2 or 3 years
and strongly involving enterprise resources. This in
turn causes great expenses on the system and
implementation services. The situation of ERP
implementation market is not good because the vast
majority of implementation projects do not bring
about planned effects or even end up in project
abandonment. The implementation projects’
duration time and budget significantly extend
estimated amounts and the planned scope of the
implementation is limited, often reduced only to
inventory management support.
Due to this situation, it seems to be very
cessary to conduct research in order to reveal the
mechanisms determining the success of
implementation projects. There is a need to perform
analysis towards the identification of potential ERP
implementation success factors. The next step is the
verification of findings with the help of real
implementation project participants. In the next
stage of research, the group of factors that are the
most important for the implementation success
should be formulated.
Soja P. (2004).
IMPORTANT FACTORS IN ERP SYSTEMS IMPLEMENTATIONS - Result of the research in Polish enterprises.
In Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, pages 84-90
DOI: 10.5220/0002596900840090
2.1 The overview of the research on
ERP implementation success
The ERP system implementation is a process of
great complexity, involving crucial resources of the
enterprise. There are great many conditions and
factors potentially influencing the ERP
implementation. Their occurrence could have
positive effect on the outcome of ERP project, while
their absence could generate problems during
implementation. The results of some researches on
ERP implementation success factors have been
described below.
Burns, Turnipseed and Riggs (1991) doing
research on critical success factors in MRP
implementation suggested the division of potential
factors to environmental and methodological. The
environmental factors include, apart from those
describing enterprise activity (organisation size,
organisation function and production process), the
product technology level and the organisation’s
willingness to change. The methodological factors
are connected with incorporated implementation
approach and contain aspects related to
implementation team, project manager and
consultants involvement, implementation plan
existence, integration level of introduced solution,
the source of the software, extent of hardware
modification, the previous systems’ environment
and the extent of organisational modification
required. On the basis of 504 responses on a mail
survey, most of the methodological factors were
identified as being associated with MRP II success,
while only two of environmental factors were found
to be connected with implementation success. They
were product technology and organisation
willingness to change.
In other research, the purpose of which was the
identification of necessary factors for successful
implementation of ERP systems, Parr, Shanks and
Darke (1999) turned to experts participating in many
implementation projects. The research sample
consisted of 10 experts who had participated in a
total of 42 ERP implementation projects mainly as
project managers. The experts were interviewed in
order to understand ERP systems implementation in
practice and to elicit experienced practitioners
beliefs about factors that lead to successful
implementation. Based on the interviews, 10
candidate necessary factors for successful
implementation of ERP systems are identified. They
were divided into the groups related with
management, personnel, software and project. Of
these 10 candidate factors, three are of paramount
importance. They are management support of the
project team and of the implementation process, a
project team that has the appropriate balance of
business and technical skills, and commitment to the
change by all stakeholders.
Holland, Light and Gibson (1999) presented a
number of potential success factors in ERP
implementation and suggested their division into
strategic and tactical factors. The model was only
illustrated on the sample of 5 implementation
projects. Furthermore, the authors did not formulate
conclusions regarding factors’ importance and their
Esteves and Pastor (2000) suggested a unified
ERP implementation critical success factors model.
This model is based on the analysis of considerable
research regarding implementation success factors.
The authors indicated that factors should be
categorised in strategic and tactical factors from
organisational and technological perspectives.
2.2 The general model of ERP
implementation success factors
The results of above mentioned research on ERP
implementation success factors illustrate the
problem complexity and the variety of approaches.
The potential success factors and the research’s
results differ substantially from each other. Except
for general agreement regarding the necessity of
management support for implementation works, it is
rather difficult to compare achieved research’s
outcomes. This difficulty is deepened by the
difference in research samples, which ranged from
hundreds of manufacturing enterprises, through a
group of experts up to a set of only 5
implementation cases.
Taking into account the results of mentioned
research, literature studies (among others Fui–Hoon
Nah et al. 2001; Ip and Yam 1998; Parr et al. 1999;
Skok and Legge 2001; Stewart et al. 2000) and the
experience in business environment, the general
model of ERP implementation success factors has
been proposed. During creation of the model
attention was paid to the organisational aspect of the
implementation. It was assumed that the ready–to–
use ERP software package, purchased from an
external supplier, is being implemented. Hence, the
problems regarding ERP software creation process
were not discussed.
IMPORTANT FACTORS IN ERP SYSTEMS IMPLEMENTATIONS: result of the research in Polish enterprises
Table 1: The general model of ERP implementation success factors
Factor Factor description
Related to the implementation participants
A project manager The project manager is the person from the enterprise who sacrifices most of his working time to
implementation duties
B team composition The implementation team consists of various people having high qualifications and knowledge
about the enterprise
C team involvement The project manager and members of the implementation team are strongly involved in the
implementation duties
D motivation system There is a motivation system rewarding participation in implementation and on-time task
E co-operation with
Good co-operation with the system supplier who is competent and offers high level of services
Related to the top management involvement
F top management
The top management support for the project and the management members involvement in
implementation duties
G top management
Top management awareness regarding the project goals and complexity, demanded labour,
existing limitations, required capital investment and project inevitability
H top management
Top management participation in the project schedule and goals definition
Related to the project definition and organisation
I linking with strategy The implementation project linking with enterprise strategy (implementation as a method of the
enterprise strategic goals achievement)
J implementation goals The definition of implementation goals – defined in the economic terms at the whole enterprise
K detailed schedule The definition of detailed implementation scope, plan and schedule with responsibility allocation
L pre-implementation
The enterprise analysis and diagnosis prior to the start of implementation, and the creation of the
enterprise functioning model with the integrated system support
M organisation change The change in the enterprise organisation and its business processes
N monitoring and
The implementation monitoring and feedback – information exchange between the project team
and end users
O implementation
The implementation promotion – the information broadcasting about the project by the
implementation team members to other enterprise employees
P fast effects The visible fast partial positive results of the implementation
Q appropriate training The adequate training program suitable to the enterprise needs
Related to the project status
R investment plan The formal introduction of the implementation project in the enterprise investment plan
S project team
The project team members empowerment to decision making and their high position in the
enterprise hierarchy
T financial budget The financial resources assured for during the implementation
U work time schedule The work time assured for the implementation team members (work time schedule)
V IT infrastructure The appropriate IT infrastructure assured for the implementation project
Related to information systems
W system reliability The ERP system reliability, its user friendliness and fit to the enterprise needs
X minimal
The system minimal customisation – the use of defined patterns and solutions embedded in the
Y legacy systems The legacy systems adaptation for the operation in the ERP integrated system environment
Z implementation
The project team members experience gained during former information systems
Similarly, the problems specific only to
manufacturing enterprises (concerned for instance
with manufacturing process or bill of material
complexity) were not taken into consideration
because of the more general goal of the research and
the attempt to cover the broader range of enterprises
dealing not only with manufacturing.
The proposed ERP implementation success
factors, exposed in Table 1, are divided to the groups
regarding their broader aspect and in order to ease
the presentation. The separated groups consist of
factors related to implementation participants, top
management involvement, project definition and
organisation, project status and information systems.
The ERP system implementation success factors
research was conducted twofold: firstly from the
viewpoint of enterprises which had decided on ERP
system implementation, and secondly from the
perspective of ERP systems and services suppliers.
In the first case, the research sample consisted of
Polish enterprises implementing the ERP system in
their organisations. In the second case, the research
sample comprised the consultants and experts
representing various suppliers of ERP systems.
The research done on the enterprises
implementing the ERP system into their
organisations was conducted with the use of a
questionnaire, which was directed to the people
playing leading roles in the implementation (the
project leader if it was possible). 223 enterprises
were contacted during the research and 68 (30%)
answers were obtained from enterprises representing
the whole country and various industries.
In order to examine the experts’ opinions, the
research questionnaire was directed to the specialists
with the experience of implementing various ERP
systems – those who were leading implementation
projects from the supplier perspective and taking
part in many implementations. During the research
45 people were inquired of and in the end 31 (69%)
experts’ opinions were gathered. The experts
represented 22 firms supplying ERP systems and
implementation services.
3.1 The arrangement of data
The analysis of data from respondents from
enterprises is being performed in three perspectives.
Among the criteria defining division into
perspectives are enterprise size, implementation
scope and implementation duration. The analysis’
perspectives are named: SIZE, SCOPE and TIME.
The criterion defining enterprise size was the
number of employees. For the needs of analysis,
enterprises have been divided into a group of small
and large companies. The small firms comprised the
enterprises employing less than 300 people. The rest
of the companies formed the group of large
enterprises. As a result of that division the group of
small firms counted 29 companies, and the group of
large firms consisted of 39 companies.
The division regarding implementation scope
was made by taking into consideration the modules
of implemented ERP system. The following modules
were taken into consideration: Finance, Purchasing,
Inventory, Sales, Shop Floor Control and MRP
Explosion. The full scope implementations were
defined as the projects where the modules Shop
Floor Control and MRP Explosion were
implemented and also satisfying the condition that at
least 4 modules were introduced. Given such
definition, the group of full scope implementations
comprised 31 projects, while the rest of the projects
(37) created the group of partial implementations.
In the division considering project duration time,
short implementations were defined as projects
lasting up to one year, and those lasting more than
one year were marked as long implementations. The
group of short implementations comprised 33
enterprises; similarly 33 projects were recognised as
long implementations. 2 projects were not finished
when the research was conducted.
4.1 Data from enterprises
The respondents from enterprises expressed their
opinions about the importance of listed factors in the
implementation process. They were asked to use the
scale from 0 to 5, where 0 stood for no importance at
all and 5 meant the highest importance. The factors
were marked with a subsequent letter of the alphabet
from A to Z, and they were divided into groups.
In order to illustrate the respondents’ opinions
regarding the importance of proposed factors, an
average was calculated for each factor. These
calculations have been made for all researched
enterprises as well as for defined groups using
mentioned criteria (i.e. SIZE, SCOPE and TIME).
The calculation effect is visible in Table 3. The
average importance is located in column Avg and
column Rank contains the rank obtained by the
factor within a specific group on the basis of
decreasing average importance calculated within a
given group.
The Spearman rank correlation coefficients (r
were calculated in order to explore the relationship
between the factors’ ranks in defined groups. The
values of r
coefficients are placed in Table 2. The
value of r
ranges from –1 to 1, and a value of –1 or
IMPORTANT FACTORS IN ERP SYSTEMS IMPLEMENTATIONS: result of the research in Polish enterprises
1 indicates perfect association between ranks, the
plus sign occurring for identical rankings and the
minus sign occurring for reverse rankings (see
Walpole et al. 1998, p.630). The r
coefficients were
calculated for pairs of separated groups created by
the analysis perspectives.
Considering responses from all inquired
enterprises, the respondents on average recognised
factor B – team composition (with average 4,6) as
the most important element. The following positions
were taken by factors: Eco-operation with
supplier, G – top management awareness, W –
system reliability, C – team involvement, V – IT
infrastructure and K – detailed schedule.
As, on average, the least important factors
respondents considered Y – legacy systems (with
average 3,17), P – fast effects, X – minimal
customisation, O – implementation promotion and H
top management participation.
Examining the SIZE perspective, it could be
noted that r
coefficient for complementary groups
of small and large enterprises reached high value of
0,90. Judging from this value, one can say that
regardless the enterprise’s size, respondents are
unanimous in factors’ ranking regarding their
importance for the project success.
Studying the SCOPE perspective, it could be
observed that r
coefficient for the projects with full
scope of implementation and the projects with
partial functionality being introduced reached quite
high value of 0,84. This value allows us to claim that
regardless of the implementation scope respondents
are quite unanimous in factors’ ranking concerning
their importance for the project.
Analysing the TIME perspective, it could be
noted that the value of r
coefficient for
complementary groups of long and short projects
was equal to 0,89. On the base of this high value of
, one can say that regardless of the project duration
time, respondents are unanimous in factors’ ranking
regarding their importance for the project.
The conclusion from the analysis of r
coefficients is that respondents are unanimous in the
judgement of factors importance for the project
outcome, regardless of established division into
4.2 Data from experts
Similarly to respondents from enterprises, the
experts expressed their opinions regarding the
importance of suggested factors in the
implementations process. Additionally, they were
asked to mark the factors whose occurrence, in their
opinion, is necessary for the project success.
The experts, on average, considered factor F –
top management support (with average 4,65) as the
most important element for the project. The
following positions were taken by factors: A –
project manager, T – financial budget, B – team
, K – detailed schedule, S – project team
empowerment and
U – work time schedule (see
Table 3, column Importance / Avg).
As the least important factors for the
implementation projects, the experts considered X –
minimal customisation (with average 2,04), Y –
legacy systems, D – motivation system, M –
organisational change and H – top management
The experts’ answers to the question of what
factors’ occurrences during the project are necessary
for the implementation success are presented in
Table 3, column Necessity / Number. Most experts
regarded factor A – project manager (23 answers) as
the most necessary. The further positions were
occupied by factors: K –
detailed schedule, B – team
, T – financial budget, F – top
management support
, S – project team
and C – team involvement.
It is worth noting that none of the experts
recognised factor X – minimal customisation as a
necessary element in the project, and that factors P –
fast effects and Y – legacy systems received only one
positive answer.
4.3 Opinions from enterprises vs.
experts’ beliefs
In order to compare the opinions of the respondents
from enterprises with the experts’ beliefs, the
Spearman ranks correlation coefficient r
calculated for the ranks obtained in the all
enterprises group and in the set of experts. The value
of r
coefficient is equal to 0,77, which suggests
quite a strong relationship between ranks in the two
examined groups.
Table 2: Spearman r
coefficients for pairs of projects
Complementary groups projects r
Small – Large 0,90
Full scope Partial scope 0,84
Short – Long 0,89
Table 3: The factors’ importance in the opinions of respondents
Respondents from enterprises Experts
Enterprise SIZE
Duration TIME
Small Large Full Partial Short Long
Importance Necessity
A 12 4,23 13 4,07 13 4,34 10 4,37 13 4,11 9 4,33 15 4,06 2 4,61 1 23
B 1 4,60 3 4,45 1 4,72 1 4,68 3 4,54 1 4,64 2 4,61 4 4,58 3 20
C 5 4,46 5 4,36 8 4,53 2 4,58 8 4,37 3 4,52 8 4,38 8 4,35 7 17
D 21 3,77 20 3,68 21 3,84 21 3,87 21 3,69 21 3,73 22 3,77 24 3,06 20 4
E 2 4,54 4 4,38 2 4,66 12 4,30 1 4,73 4 4,47 3 4,61 11 4,14 9 16
F 8 4,40 10 4,21 5 4,54 11 4,35 6 4,43 12 4,21 5 4,55 1 4,65 5 18
G 3 4,51 2 4,45 4 4,56 3 4,58 5 4,46 6 4,42 4 4,61 10 4,26 10 14
H 22 3,66 22 3,45 22 3,82 24 3,68 22 3,65 23 3,45 20 3,85 22 3,26 17 6
I 17 4,00 19 3,76 15 4,18 16 4,13 17 3,89 15 4,03 19 3,97 13 3,97 13 9
J 19 3,90 21 3,61 16 4,10 18 4,10 20 3,72 19 3,79 18 4,00 14 3,90 16 7
K 7 4,44 7 4,31 6 4,54 4 4,58 9 4,32 5 4,45 7 4,39 5 4,55 2 21
L 15 4,09 12 4,17 18 4,03 14 4,19 15 4,00 14 4,09 14 4,12 12 4,00 12 11
M 20 3,84 18 3,80 20 3,88 20 3,92 19 3,79 20 3,77 21 3,85 23 3,08 23 2
N 11 4,31 9 4,24 12 4,35 7 4,50 11 4,17 10 4,32 13 4,23 15 3,88 14 9
O 23 3,54 24 3,40 23 3,65 23 3,71 23 3,43 22 3,55 25 3,58 21 3,27 22 3
P 25 3,31 25 3,11 26 3,46 25 3,35 26 3,28 25 3,22 26 3,45 20 3,32 24 1
Q 16 4,02 16 3,92 17 4,09 15 4,16 16 3,91 16 4,00 16 4,04 17 3,54 21 4
R 14 4,13 14 3,93 14 4,28 17 4,10 12 4,16 17 3,94 12 4,27 18 3,35 15 8
S 10 4,40 11 4,21 7 4,54 8 4,42 7 4,38 8 4,39 9 4,36 6 4,42 6 18
T 9 4,40 8 4,24 9 4,51 5 4,55 10 4,27 11 4,30 6 4,48 3 4,61 4 20
U 13 4,22 15 3,93 10 4,44 9 4,42 14 4,05 13 4,15 11 4,27 7 4,39 8 17
V 6 4,46 1 4,48 11 4,44 13 4,26 2 4,62 2 4,61 10 4,30 9 4,29 11 14
W 4 4,51 6 4,36 3 4,62 6 4,54 4 4,49 7 4,42 1 4,65 16 3,56 18 6
X 24 3,48 23 3,42 25 3,53 22 3,74 24 3,31 24 3,42 24 3,58 26 2,04 26 0
Y 26 3,17 26 2,67 24 3,57 26 2,95 25 3,31 26 2,87 23 3,64 25 2,29 25 1
Z 18 3,93 17 3,88 19 3,97 19 4,08 18 3,83 18 3,81 17 4,04 19 3,35 19 5
Both groups of respondents, those from
enterprises and experts, recognise balanced team
composition, definition of detailed implementation
schedule and implementation team involvement as
the most important and necessary factors for
implementation project successfulness. Additionally,
respondents from enterprises indicate good co-
operation with supplier and top management
awareness to be of paramount importance. On the
other hand, the experts suggest project manager
presence, financial budget, top management support
and project team empowerment as the very
important and necessary factors for project
Experts underestimate factor W – system
reliability. They perceive this factor as not important
(rank 16) and not necessary (rank 18) element for
project successfulness. On the other hand,
respondents from enterprises treat system reliability
as one of the most important factors for project
The respondents from enterprises and experts
unanimously indicate the least important and
unnecessary factors for implementation project
success. They are legacy systems adaptation, ERP
system minimal customisation, visible fast partial
positive effects, implementation promotion, top
management participation and the existence of
motivation system.
The general conclusion which can be drawn from
the research is that people participating in an
implementation project are most important for
project successfulness. There are three factors
related to project participants among the most
important factors indicated by respondents. These
factors are: B – team composition, E – co-operation
with supplier and C – team involvement.
IMPORTANT FACTORS IN ERP SYSTEMS IMPLEMENTATIONS: result of the research in Polish enterprises
Apart from project participants, respondents
recognise also the importance of correctly
functioning ERP system and whole IT infrastructure.
Respondents from enterprises indicate system
reliability as one of the most important factors.
Moreover, factor V – IT infrastructure reached very
high rank for projects in small enterprises, for
projects with partial functionality being introduced
and also for projects with short duration time.
Hence, one can say that IT infrastructure is
especially important for small implementation
The presented results of the research should be
useful for the professionals who are leading
implementation projects and those making decisions
for the first time on ERP system implementation in a
particular enterprise. The awareness of the aspects
regarding the factors importance could have a
positive effect on decisions made during such a
complicated endeavour like ERP system
implementation. The author hopes that the
conclusions drawn in this paper will be interesting
for people professionally dealing with ERP
implementations and will at the very least be an
inspiration for project enhancement.
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