pant before the protocol shifts to the next state. For a
non-directive message, instead, there are no answers
and the protocol moves immediately to the next state.
Examples are all the other messages in FIPA Request,
namely refuse, agree, failure, and inform.
Unlike agree, all other non-directive messages in
FIPA Request protocol are followed by the end state.
Instead, agree is followed by the one where (after
trying to perform the requested action and based on its
results) the participant sends the appropriate message
to the initiator. Note that excluded from Figure 3 are
canceling and exception handling mechanisms. An
agent participating in a protocol has the possibility of
canceling the protocol at any point. Also, exceptions
can arise at any point of the protocol.
Contractor’s expeditor agent is able to adapt its
behavior to conform to the interaction protocols de-
scribed and provided by other process participants by
combining the following information: Knowledge of
the interaction protocol ontology; knowledge of the
flow of a protocol as depicted in Figure 3; knowl-
edge of utilized domain ontologies such as the above-
mentioned supply chain reports ontology.
In this paper we considered applying adaptable agents
in an expediting process of a distributed construction
project. In our scenario a software agent representing
a contractor acted as an expeditor. It had the inten-
tion of contacting other project participants directly
for verifying information in a status report received
earlier from the subcontractor.
Since the expeditor agent did not know in advance
how to interact with other project participants, it
adapted to interaction protocol descriptions provided
by them. These interaction protocol descriptions were
serialized in RDF, and followed an interaction pro-
tocol ontology. Such shared ontology specifying the
general structure of conversations between the agents
brings flexibility in multi-agent systems. So long as
the agents are aware of the ontology, modifying ex-
isting protocols or launching new ones is straightfor-
ward. Note that our intention was not to contentu-
ally solve problems related to expediting processes,
but instead to present an application area for agents
adapting to interaction protocol descriptions.
Our future work around the area includes further
developing functionalities of the agents. Progress of
an interaction protocol could be more dependent on
the contents of the messages than it is at the mo-
ment. The agents could also have the functionality of
composing protocol descriptions themselves and stor-
ing them in RDF. At the moment the descriptions are
hand-written by humans. In addition, we are planning
on applying software agents adapting to interaction
protocol descriptions in wireless networks. In such
networks, should all the client devices entertain an
agent capable of adapting to interaction protocol de-
scriptions, the client devices could inform the server
about their capabilities (screen sizes, memory capac-
ities, etc.), connection types (WLAN, GPRS, Blue-
tooth, etc.), as well as user profiles and contextual de-
tails. The server side agent could provide them with
appropriate interaction protocol descriptions for con-
necting with the services.
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