discussed whether overall cumulative satisfaction in
E-learning is related to the remembered frequency of
negative critical incidents.
The major contribution of this study was to
propose and validate the SAFE model – assessing
E-learning satisfaction from negative critical
incidents perspective. Meanwhile, the SAFE model
offers 71% explanatory power for overall cumulative
satisfaction in our empirical study, which is
significantly higher than Al-gahtani and King (1999;
18%) and Baker and Crompton (2000; 60%).
This result shows that negative critical incidents
directly affect positive critical incidents but only
indirectly affect overall satisfaction through positive
critical incidents. However, negative critical
incidents are more important in from the perspective
of management implications because manager can
resolve the most frequency incidents straight away to
improve satisfaction. Through negative and positive
perspectives, we can confirm finding of the critical
incidents that influence satisfaction in E-learning.
Result of this study and its further development will
contribute to the evaluation and improvement of
E-learning environment.
This research is supported by the NSC under the
contract: NSC91-2511-S-110-004.
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