to promote communications among students. Thor-
ough our experiments, we found that the academic
knowledge exchange of students in remote places
was promoted by means of virtual laboratory environ-
ment. In future, we shall look into how the education
based on informal communications would work by
organizing voluntary seminars so that students have
more opportunities to learn from each other.
In the future, we will also consider how to enjoy
the Internet when making evaluations of the commu-
nication system. As the first step, for discussing the
environment sharing, we have already conducted ex-
periments of an e-party in which users could join from
remote places via network. The experiments were
performed by broadcasting a party at a laboratory in
real time. After several e-party experiments, we found
that the followings, with which a new system should
be realized, were necessary for supporting informal
• a method to transmit video and audio smoothly (for
a place connected to low-bandwidth network)
• sharing the display by multiple users
• the development of easy-to-use user interface
In this paper, in order to clarify the problems for re-
alizing informal communications on the Internet, we
reported our VL project to construct a virtual labora-
tory environment in which several universities were
interconnected with gigabit networks. We then ex-
plained the summaries of experimental environment
and the supporting applications for informal commu-
In the future, we will evaluate these applications
in detail and look into the problems. We will then
develop new applications and systems. Moreover, we
will perform network construction and experimental
operation with the next generation protocol, IPv6 on
the VL Network. Finally, we would like to let those
applications work with IPv6.
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