A Proposed Approach to Prevent Credit Card Fraud in Soft-Products E-Commerce
Nien T. Sui, Saleh I. Alfuraih, Dennis McLeod
Department of Computer Science, Integrated Media Systems Center, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA
90089-2561, USA
Keywords: E-Commerce, credit card fraud, Internet security, trusted computing
Abstract: Soft-products are intangible products that can be consumed without shipment, such as software, music and
calling cards (calling time). The demand for soft-products on the Internet has been increasing for the past
few years. At the same time, fraudulent credit card transactions have also increased. Compared to tangible
products, fraudulent credit card transactions on soft-products are easier to conduct while difficult to recover.
The fraudulent transaction is a major problem for e-commerce merchants, customers, and credit card
issuers. In this paper, we classify the type of products sold on the Internet, and the common fraud that
occurs for each type. We review some of the best existing credit card fraud prevention methods and
introduce the Trusted email mechanism as a new way to prevent fraudulent transactions on soft-product.
Trusted email is a custom email solution that can uniquely identify and authenticate the online customer,
prevent unauthorized credit card transactions, and effectively resolve e-commerce disputes.
The demands to prevent fraudulent credit card
transactions on soft-products e-commerce are
increasing as never before. By soft-products, we
mean products that can be delivered via the Internet
without physical shipment, such as downloadable
movies, music, software, and prepaid phone cards.
Credit card fraud is costing merchants, and
sometimes customers, hundreds of millions of
dollars each year. Fraud occurs 25% of the times due
to stolen cards; 24% due to counterfeit cards, where
the criminal acquires the technology that allows him
to “skim” the data contained in the magnetic strip of
an authentic card and then manufactures a fake card;
21% due to non-physical presence transactions in
mail, telephone and internet orders (MTIO), which is
the fastest increasing fraud; 15% due to lost cards;
and the remaining 15% is distributed among the rest
of credit card fraud (Vantage Card Services, n.d).
We classify the merchandise products into two
main categories: hard-products and soft-products.
Then we further classify them based on the
traceability of the fraud (Alfuraih, Sui, McLeod
Hard-Products: This includes all tangible
products that require delivery to a physical address if
purchased, such as laptops or clothes.
Soft-Products: This includes all intangible
products that can be shipped electronically.
Has-Cost-Traceable: The loss in this one is not
very high. Often times the cost of tracing can be
higher than the cost of the product itself, due to the
high cost of tracing (time of the agents at the
financial institutes, merchants, and FBI).
Has-Cost-Non-Traceable: The loss is high, and
traceability is almost impossible. For example a
Calling card pin number is sent to a free email and
accessed from an Internet café, or from an
international location. In such case there is
absolutely no way to trace it, yet the loss can be
Has-No-Cost-Traceable: The loss in this kind
of fraud is extremely low and there is no need to
waste more money in tracing the thief. One example
of this is downloading a piece of music or software.
This piece of music or software costs money to
generate, but the cost of tracing the fraud is much
higher since one has to find the IP address of the
thief who downloaded it and trace it.
Has-No-Cost-Non-Traceable: The loss in this
one is almost the same as the previous one, but it is
practically impossible to trace the thief. An example
T. Sui N., I. Alfuraih S. and McLeod D. (2004).
TRUSTED EMAIL - A Proposed Approach to Prevent Credit Card Fraud in Soft-Products E-Commerce.
In Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, pages 106-113
DOI: 10.5220/0002612101060113
of this is delivering an ordered picture to email, not
by download (no exact IP). In this case, with so
many free email services and the ease of getting one,
it is almost non-traceable and therefore impractical
to spend time and investigate with the email
This paper will concentrate on the credit card
frauds that can occur with the first type of soft-
products which is Has-Cost-Traceable. The
information needed to charge a credit card is only
the credit card number and the expiration date, but
merchants usually request more information to
prevent fraud. For example, the information required
for some online systems to approve an order is the
following: name, address, phone number, email,
credit card number, expiration date, the customer
service number of the credit card issuer, and special
codes on the physical card. The merchant then
verifies with the credit card issuer for the correctness
of the supplied information. So far, the industry
state-of-the-practice verification system is the online
address verification service (AVS), which can only
check whether the supplied address and the zip code
match or mismatch with the stored information in
the credit card issuer system (CPPS, n.d.) (VeriSign,
n.d). AVS is practical for hard-products since the
billing address can be the same as the shipment
address, or at least can be traced to a physical
address. However, AVS is almost useless for soft-
products. Any individual that obtains credit card
information and the billing address of that card can
easily place a fraudulent order for a soft-product.
Neither AVS nor the conventional tips for fraud
prevention, (PayPal, n.d.), (, n.d.), is
designed for soft-product e-commerce.
Credit card fraud has been a problem since the
beginning, and solutions for fraud detection have
been continuously proposed:
The most widely used billing address
verification system (AVS). (CCPS, n.d.), (VeriSign,
A distributed data mining approach for credit
card fraud detection (Chan, Fan, Prodromidis, et. al.
Stolfo 1999)
Various types of neural network solutions were
proposed for credit card fraud detection (Aleskerov,
Freisleben, 1997), (Brause, Langsdorf, Hepp, 1999)
(Ghosh, and Reilly, 1994), (Syeda, Zhang, Pan
A density-based clustering and radial basis
function modeling to generate credit card fraud
scores (Hanagandi, Dhar, Buescher 1996)
However, the credit card fraud in soft-products is
an emerging problem. The old solutions that were
used for hard-products may not be sufficient for the
problem at hand. Various new ways of detecting and
preventing credit card frauds have been proposed as
well. Most of these solutions are vendor specific
solutions and/or require major modifications on
existing e-commerce sites.
As an example of solutions from IT vendors,
Microsoft and other vendors, Orbiscom Inc. and
Cyota, have come up with a credit card surrogate
number that can be used for only one online
transaction (Bruno n.d). American Express has a
similar “proxy/filter” service that shields users’
credit card information from being exposed on the
net. Visa has introduced “Verified by Visa” solution,
and similarly, Master Cards and Discover have their
own fraud prevention methods (Heun 2002).
The notion of trust in e-commerce is not new.
Tradecraft, (Duvall 2001), has obtained a patent for
its Internet Payments solution. Their proposed
solution is a system of payment where a cable
company or ISP acts as a trusted authority for billing
subscribers when they purchase from online third
parties. This consortium of ISPs and/or vendors will
act as the intermediary to facilitate Internet payment,
somewhat similar to Visa International. Hsiung et al
pointed out the importance of trust in e-Business
growth (Hsiung, Sheurich, Ferrante 2001). Manchala
(2000) developed trust models and metrics for e-
commerce. Arif (2002) proposed establishing a trust
service provider (TSP) that is somehow similar to
the role of conventional banks that manage overseas
trading via letter of credits. The TSP will act as an
Internet-based intermediary and is responsible for
verifying the commodity of the online merchant and
the payment of the online customer.
Often, these solutions are not universal, meaning
they are specific to certain credit cards (Visa, or
American Express, but not both) or specific to
certain vendors (e.g. Tradecraft). These solutions
require customers to download some software (as in
Master Card and Discover solutions) or require the
bank and merchants to modify their system or
checkout procedure (as in Verified by Visa). All
these solutions cost money for merchants or banks to
be compliant with, and require mass acceptance
before they can be declared successful.
All MTIO merchants of soft-products that require an
email delivery are taking a risk by emailing the
customer the purchased products (if the transaction
is fraudulent). As explained before, this risk is even
worse than delivering to a non-billing address for a
hard-product, since email tracking is much more
difficult compared to physical address tracking.
We propose a trusted email (TE) solution, which
is a custom email server that can prevent online
frauds for soft-products and investigate disputes
efficiently, see Figure 1. The concept of this solution
is to treat the email address as the shipment/billing
address, just as the physical address is used in the
case of hard-products. The trusted email solution
will enable a more comprehensive address
verification system, called full address verification
system (FAVS), which will verify the email address
of the customer on top of traditional AVS. The email
address needs to be stored in the credit card issuer
system in addition to the other information. Email
accounts are unique which makes it easy to be
verified. In case the email does not match, the only
thing the merchant has to do is to email the customer
to send his “trusted” email address or cancel the
The solution of simply registering the email in
the credit card issuer system will work perfectly if
an outsider commits the fraud. However, if the credit
card owner is the one who commits fraud, it is
difficult to convince the credit card issuer that the
dispute is invalid, because the credit card company
will not investigate with the free mail provider (e.g.
Hotmail or Yahoo) to verify if the merchant did send
an email to the customer containing the ordered soft-
product. Even if the email provider agrees to
investigate, there is no automatic investigation
technology, and there may be many privacy and
legal issues involved. The situation can be more
challenging if the customer who denied his own
transaction owns the email server.
Therefore, we propose to have a trusted email
server (TES) to be used with soft-products e-
commerce. The parities involved in the transaction
(the stakeholders: shopping-customers, merchants,
and credit card issuers) are requested to have an
account on TES and to use it for their transactions.
By that, when a fraud occurs, the credit card issuer
can query that trusted email server if the merchant M
emailed customer C to his email E on a certain date
and whether the email content included the ordered
soft-product or not. After verifying that the
transaction has occurred and the product has indeed
been delivered, the credit card issuer can then
reverse the charges to the merchant and reject
customer’s dispute, as in Figure 2. This process can
save the time of all the stakeholders and can protect
the merchants from fraudulent transactions or unjust
Figure 1: Proposed New AVS
Trusted email (TE) is the name of the technology
itself, and it consists of the following elements:
credit card issuers, merchants, customers, and the
trusted email server (TES). The details are explained
Credit Card Issuer: Each issuer will be granted
access to the TES that enables them to use these
Checking a customer credit history before
approving the credit application (since eventually,
TES will contain payment and dispute history of its
Informing the customer of credit card approval
and managing card activations through TES.
On going dispute management for online
purchases. When there is a dispute regarding any
card the issuer will access TES to investigate the
dispute. Every issuer can only view the details of its
customer accounts.
Setting the dispute period duration after the
charge is billed in the statement, which is usually 3
months but some increase or decrease it.
Merchants: Each merchant will have to register
for a merchant TE account to deliver any soft-
product items to their customers. The TES has
mainly two types of accounts: normal accounts for
shopping customers, and special accounts for
merchants and credit card issuers. One of the
differences between the merchant account and
normal accounts is that the merchant account has the
capability to send to an unlimited number of
customers, while the normal account can only
receive emails and reply to the sender. TES allows
merchants to send emails to TE normal accounts
only. Through the TES, merchants will be receiving
dispute emails from customers or credit card issuers.
The TES dispute management system will integrate
the necessary information for the dispute for all
parties in order to resolve it efficiently. The TES
will handle any mail delivery failure and notify
senders of any problems. Merchants can have
multiple TE email accounts if they have multiple
sales departments. It is to the benefit of the
merchants to request their customers to register for a
TE account before purchasing using credit cards,
hence preventing any possible credit card fraudulent
transactions. The registration steps of TE accounts
can be easily integrated with the merchant website
and the process is similar to setting up any free
email account (but with less marketing options not
like most of the free emails). If a merchant allows a
non-TE customer to purchase the FAVS will return
N in the 4
field of the verification result.
Figure 2: Disputes cycle in the new AVS
Customers: The customers will have to register
with the TE and provide correct information, such as
name, address, and telephone. If any of information
provided is incorrect or outdated, the customer will
lose the right to dispute any fraudulent transactions
through the TES. After obtaining an account on
TES, the customer has to register this TE account
with all his credit cards issuers, in order to use the
FAVS while shopping online. Each customer can
have an unlimited number of accounts (since he
might share them with family members), but the
customer is informed that sharing access to the TE
account is similar to sharing the credit card.
Customers’ TE accounts can only receive or reply to
emails. They cannot send new emails, which
prevents them from becoming a burden on the TES.
Trusted Email Server (TES): The server will
be handling all the logistics to help optimize the
efficiency of this solution. The TES is a mail server
with added capabilities. The new capabilities are
listed below with the benefit of each one:
1- Tracking and record keeping of all purchase
transactions: The emails in the TES will remain in
the system until the period of the dispute ends. The
emails are then archived to offline storage. The
dispute period is usually from the time of the
purchase (in this case the time when the email is
received) to the maximum time set by the credit
cards issuers. The dispute period is typically from 30
days up to a maximum of 180 days from the date of
receiving the statement (as in the case of American
2- Allowing only TE user mail to be processed:
TES will allow only the emails that are originated
from a subscribed merchant or credit card issuer
system (to prevent spam-mails and to save
bandwidth and storage) and will block emails from
non-TE users. Merchants are not allowed to send
any marketing emails, such as new offers or deals;
for this purpose they need to ask their customer for
another email to which they can send such
marketing emails. If a merchant violates these
regulations, a fine will be charged. Repeated
violations will result in disabling the account, which
means that the merchant cannot send new emails,
but it can still view old emails and investigate
disputes. There are three types of emails that the
merchant can send: order confirmations, ordered
materials, and dispute follow-ups and chargebacks.
Figure 3: How Trusted Email Works
Visit any
Have a TE
Apply for TE
Call all your credit card
issuers and register your TE
with them
When you apply for a
new credit card use the TE
in the application form
If not the
first time
(To avoid infinite loop)
{Deny Order}
Notify customer to add or update his
credit card with his TE
Send Order
Make Order
For every email, the customers are facilitated with
the functionality to report any merchant violations to
the regulations.
3- Encrypting the connection with a special
email client: Trusted email clients will connect to
the TES using encrypted communication. The client
software differs based on the type of the users,
normal-shoppers, merchants, and credit card issuers.
4- Internationalization and localization: The
TES will allow business rule settings and dispute
policy depending on the country of the credit card
issuer. The language of the user interface is
customizable as well to meet the local needs.
Figure 3 shows the steps for approval or denial
when an order is placed. The customer will visit the
e-commerce site (e-site). If he does not have a
Trusted Email account, the customer needs to
register one and inform his credit card issuer of this
email. If he has a Trusted Email (TE) he can proceed
and place the order, which will be subject to full
address verification (FAVS) including Trusted
Email verification, in addition to the traditional
AVS. If the verification is unsuccessful the customer
will be notified and his order will be verified one
more time only. Repeated denied transactions will
be black listed, to avoid infinite looping for FAVS
We believe that our solution of using TE is a
universal solution that precisely targeting the core
problem of fraud purchases in soft-product e-
commerce. Email has been already widespread and
adopted by e-commerce stakeholders (customers,
merchants, and credit card issuers). Therefore, using
email as a starting point for our solution comes very
natural. However, the success of this proposed
solution depends on its technical soundness and its
ability to meet the needs of the stakeholders that are
affected by the new solution.
5.1 High-level Assessment
We will perform a high level assessment for the TE
solution in light of the following aspects:
technological, economic, social, and regulatory
aspects (Lee; Yu; Ku 2001). Although the analysis
performed by Lee et. al. 2001) was on payment
systems and TE is not a payment system,
nevertheless these aspects are applicable and are
vital to the success of such solutions.
TE solution covers the following key
Authentication: TES provides user login
Privacy: The credit card issuer and merchants
can only view the transactions that are under dispute.
As for credit history, the credit card issuer can only
know the credit rating of the customer not the type
of merchants that were involved in the purchases.
Integrity: TES maintains integrity by ensuring
recording of the transactions and handling email
Non-repudiation: All transactions are recorded
and logged. If the merchant has delivered the
product to the customer, yet the customer denied
payment, all these details can be viewed in the
Low Cost: The cost of such system can be
economic compared to monopoly solutions from
single vendors, such as Visa or American Express
Ease of Use: The concept of email is known to
all the stakeholders of e-commerce. The TES special
secure client-software can be easily integrated into
the existing email client software (a plug in).
There are other quality issues (level of service)
related to the design of the TE solution. We will
point out the main ones here:
Scalability: The system shall be able to scale as
the number of users grows. This requirement is
achievable as we see in the current email systems.
However, there are many trade-off issues in how to
scale and whether or not we should divide the users
according to their countries.
Security: Encrypted email is not a new
technology. However, using it in a large scale by the
public, and integrating with other non-secure
existing software requires a more careful study.
Availability: TES shall be used by users 24*7 as
in current verification and financial systems.
Therefore, single failure may affect a large number
of e-commerce stakeholders.
Compatibility: The interface to TES shall be
simple and shall adhere to current existing e-
commerce technologies. As compatibility is a major
factor that affects the acceptance and adoption of the
users. It is necessary for the merchant systems to use
the new FAVS codes, and to redirect shopping-
customers to register for TE accounts. The credit
card issuers systems need to store the new TE
information of their card holders, and to generate the
proper FAVS codes.
5.2 Making Winners of the
For a technology to succeed, the acceptance and
adoption of the critical stakeholders are vital (Moore
1999). In TE solution, we want to make winners of
the technology key stakeholders (Boehm and Ross
1989), (Boehm, Bose, Horowitz, Lee 1994). For TE
solution, we analyze the needs and the win-
conditions of all key stakeholders, namely credit
card issuers, merchants, and shopping customers.
Each type of stakeholders has a different level of
needs for using the TE solution. Some can realize
more benefits than others. From analyzing one type
of soft-product e-commerce sites, namely calling
card sites, we reached to the following results:
Merchants: Calling card site merchants are the
most eager to adopt TE solution, due to the hassle
and inefficiency that they encounter using the
current manual verification system, and due to the
high loss if the transaction is fraudulent. With TE,
calling card merchants can avoid the delay and effort
of using manual verifications, and can eliminate the
risk of approving fraudulent transactions that will
later cause chargeback penalty.
Credit Issuers: It is to the advantage of the
credit card issuers to use the TE system. They can
eliminate the time spent to respond and investigate
customer dispute claims. The dispute process often
involves taking the claim from the customer,
contacting the merchant’s payment gateway provider
for chargeback penalty, waiting for the gateway
provider to get the merchant’s explanation, replying
back to the customer, and refunding the customer or
declining the dispute.
The main advantage for credit card issuers in
adopting TE solution is preventing credit card fraud
in one of the most difficult to trace fraud types in e-
commerce (soft-product, has-cost-non-traceable).
This has a far impact, as it will boost the confidence
of the online customers, and consequently promote
the use of credit cards in e-commerce transactions.
Shopping Customers: It is of great convenience
for the shopping customers to be able to purchase
simple products such as calling cards online
whenever they are needed without going to a local
gas station or grocery store. However, currently one
difficulty for the customers is that online calling
card sites require manual approval that can take 24
hours or more to verify customer information (which
the AVS cannot verify, such as phone number and
email). Thus, it is to the advantage of the customers
to use TE, which facilitates FAVS, in order to
receive immediate approval for their purchase.
More important, with TE, unauthorized
purchases of soft-products can be traced (if not
prevented) which in turn relieves the customers from
the problem of fraudulent transactions and dispute
The best solution to prevent credit card fraud
transactions is the one that can be implemented with
minimum cost, requires minimum changes for all
stakeholders (customers, merchants, and credit card
issuers), and has strong incentive for all stakeholders
to adopt.
The proposed TE solution is very promising and
precisely serves the need of preventing credit card
fraud in soft-product e-commerce. However, several
technical challenges are there, such as scalability,
security, and integration with existing systems; in
addition to several non-technical challenges as well,
such as adoption and mass acceptance.
We believe that the proposed solution is far
superior to any current system that uses billing
address or other codes for verification. This solution
is easier to implement than the credit card secret pin
or surrogate credit card numbers. The solution has
none of the common drawbacks of other proposed
solutions, such as altering current e-commerce sites’
checkout procedures (as in verified by Visa) or
changing the systems of existing credit card numbers
(as in surrogate numbers). The proposed solution
also carries high incentives for current soft-product
e-commerce stakeholders to adopt.
This is an on going research and the details of the
TES architecture and implementation are still in the
design stage. Other future plans include:
Investigating the use of Web Services
technology in the TE solution (particularly in
implementing the FAVS)
Developing the notion of “Trusted Receiver” in
the email domain, as so far the industry is mainly
focused on “Trusted Sender” ( n.d.),
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