a whole, can subsequently be attached to any normal
Besides of the header, a submission consists of
“footer” (properties of the substance the submission
refers to) information that can be
• Normal submission content (see 3.1 for that)
• A reference to the contents of an existing
The three ways of referencing an existing
submission are determined as follows:
Type 1: An incoming submission has the same
parameter values as a submission that already
resides in the database. In this case the system will
detect the apparently redundant information and
launch an overwrite procedure.
Type 2.1: An incoming submission has a “footer”
that is already part of another submission residing in
the database. In this case the system checks the
existence of the other submission. Obviously, as it is
a pointer to contents written by a different submitter,
contents of that kind cannot be further edited;
however, the contents can be viewed.
Type 2.2: Optionally an incoming submission
has “footer” information pointing to a generally re-
usable submission (a “template submission”). In this
case, too, the system checks the existence of that
“template”. All information out of it will be added to
the submission; however, these parts are flagged
accordingly and cannot be further edited.
Interestingly, while the Type 2.1 case of
referencing allows for submitting complete dossiers
with a minimum of effort, the Type-1 case had been
implemented in order to let organisations update
their originally sent information themselves.
Implementation of type 2.2 references especially
intend to re-use separately collected information.
2.2 The Local Database
As IUCLID in also stands for having a local
database available, a dataset administration module
is needed to manage the submissions as datasets.
Hence this module lists up all available datasets
primarily identified by the reference object (see 2.1)
and makes them accessible. The currently selected
dataset will also display the additional two
submission identifiers – submitter coordinates and
creation date. In addition, further information on
“Type 2” references will be displayed if pertinent.
Depending on the user’s rights a currently
selected dataset can be edited (read & write
permission) or viewed (read permission only). In
any case the system will make accessible the various
chapters where all the input is captured. The
availability of chapters for reading or writing
depends also on the current view that has been
initially chosen by the user. Limited views will not
display certain chapters. According to various
chemical awareness programmes specific views can
be chosen, though, the user can define own views as
3.1 Capturing Information
Any type of information is kept in chapters with
fields. Thus the system aims at structuring as much
as possible incoming or new information. An entry
field can be one of these types:
• Glossary-type
• Text-type
In comparison with a text-type entry field which
allows the user to write any ASCII text as input, a
glossary-type entry field forces the user to choose
from a pre-defined list of (glossary) values that pops
up when a double-click in such a field is made.
The capturing of any additional information is
done in two ways: 1. a glossary value of type “other:
“ which, once chosen, allows to add additional text-
type input, 2. so-called “freetexts” keep context-
dependent pieces of information.
The latest version of IUCLID offers a variety of
freetext types, such as “RM” for a remark, “RE” for
specifying a literature reference, etc. Worthwhile to
be mentioned is the possibility to attach external
documents (and their contents) to a chapter through
an “AD”-type freetext; its use allows the uploading
of an external file. In principle, as many freetexts as
applicable could be added to a record.
3.2 Multiply collected Information
The straight approach of chapter divisions in
IUCLID is further broadened by collecting
information “in parallel”. This is called the record
principle. Accordingly it is allowed to put a second,
third record etc. to a certain chapter.
This makes sense thinking of some plausible
• The submission reports on more than one fact
on one and the same issue, like for example two
different tests.
• The submission reports on several opinions.
• The submission combines data from various
Separate data handling functions have been
implemented for that particular purpose: insertion
and deletion of a record, navigation between