Janis Benefelds, Laila Niedrite
Department of computer science, University of Latvia, Rainja blvd. 19, Riga,Latvia
Keywords: Data warehouse development methodologies, banking, education
Abstract: When a decision to develop a Data Warehouse is made, some sensitive factors should be evaluated to
understand th
e tasks and prioritize them. In this paper we assume that there are common characteristics for
companies of similar business activities and different for those with opposite activities. This article looks at
the interpretation of the same criteria of two Data Warehouse projects in for-profit (banking) and not-for-
profit (higher education ) areas. We have used the criteria from (List et al. 2002) to compare the results of
the two projects. Each section of the paper describes this set of criteria and development methodology for
each of the two areas. An evaluation matrix is provided in Conclusion.
More and more Data Warehouse solutions appear in
the world all the time. Still, there is a very high
percentage of Data Warehouse projects which fail
(Frolick & Lindsay 2003). There are a lot of articles
providing top ten mistake lists, success factors etc.
The existence of material on many ‘mistakes to
avoid’ and lack of comparative research that would
help make the best choice between different data
warehouse development methodologies served as a
starting point for this research. According to Frolick
and Lindsay (2003), project failure or success is part
of interpretation. The aim of this paper is to compare
the meaning of the same criteria and describe
methodologies used in Data Warehouse
development projects in profit and non-profit
List et al. (2002) give a comparison of three
roaches to data warehouse development, based
on the methodologies chosen by the authors.. In our
two data warehouse projects we have used the user-
driven approach for the first project and the process-
driven approach for the second one.
To compare Data Warehouse design in different
ness areas, we used our experience in managing
such projects, made an analysis of projects in the
same industry and available publications, and
interviewed a number of key-people from similar
The three approaches to the data warehouse
opment are explained in the section „Related
work”. The section „Financial Services” presents the
main characteristics of Data Warehouse
development in “a for-profit company”, the section
„Higher Education” describes the methodology used
in our project and the main characteristics of “a not-
for-profit company”. The final section
“Conclusions” contains a comparison of two case
studies and different approaches.
The data warehouse development methods can be
divided into three groups – user-driven, data-driven
and process-driven. All three approaches to the data
Warehouse development are described and
compared by List et al. (2002). Some methods exist
in all three approaches, about how the approach can
be used in data warehouse development.
For example, the user-driven approach
ication methodologies are described by
Westerman (2001) and (Poe 1996). This approach is
also used by Kimball and Ross (2002) in gathering
user requirements. The data–driven approach
methodologies are described by Kimball and Ross
(2002) as their basic method, Golfarelli, Maio and
Rizzi (1998), Boehnlein and Ulbrich-vom-Ende
(1999), Phipps and Davis (2002) and other authors.
Benefelds J. and Niedrite L. (2004).
In Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, pages 552-557
DOI: 10.5220/0002618305520557
As far as process-driven approach is concerned,
Kimball and Ross (2002) state its importance,
Boehnlein and Ulbrich-vom-Ende (2000) describe a
method based on the Semantic Object Model
technique for process modelling, List et al. (2002)
explain their method, which is derived from the
„stakeholder driven approach” (Kueng, Wettstein &
List 2001).
All approaches have their strengths and
weaknesses. The strengths could be described as
follows: the user-driven approach is the best for
finding out the needs of potential users, the data-
driven approach is the most precisely and formal
described and the fastest in getting a data warehouse
data model, the process (or goal)-driven approach
helps to define the key business processes and their
characterizing measurements and leads to
developing a data model oriented at analyzing these
measurements, and thus can be the most suitable for
decision support in a particular business area.
Among the weaknesses of the approaches we could
mention the following: in the case of the user-driven
approach the users often do not have a clear
understanding of the Data Warehouse and also of the
business strategy and the organization’s goals. In the
data-driven approach the data models, which in
some cases are developed in a semi-automated way
from the source system data structures, may not
contain the necessary data for the analysis (e.g.
derived and aggregated data). If the process-driven
approach is used, the difficulties arise when the
business process measurements are to be defined.
In conclusion, we would like to say that more
than one approach has to be used in most cases, to
get a data model which would match the analytical
needs of an organization. Data warehouse
developers have to decide which approach to use as
the primary one in a particular project.
A real Data Warehouse project in one of the
commercial banks of Latvia is taken as a basis for
this paper. This is a universal bank with about half a
million of clients, its own branch network and
relevant subsidiaries. The financial group deals with
all the standard financial products.
The main goal regarding for-profit company is
profit. Strategic company’s profitability depends on
tactical and operational goals (List et al. 2002, Jones
& George 2002).
3.1 Development Method and Basic
Our personal experience and related research have
proved that goal-driven (or process-driven) method
is the right one in for-profit organizations. In
comparison with data-driven or user-driven
methods, goal-driven method is provided to use in
an environment where business processes are
designed throughout the company and are combined
with business goals (List et al. 2002). Successful for-
profit companies usually correspond to that.
For Data Warehouse development the
incremental approach (Todman 2001) was evaluated
as the most appropriate, because of particular
pilot implementation;
quick wins;
3.2 Project Sponsor and Organisation
Usage of goal-driven development method together
with incremental approach usually leads to a
particular type of the project organizational
structure, which is very similar to the organization’s
one and that is nothing new for staff.
Therefore the Data Warehouse project should
have a supervisor and adviser, i.e. a project sponsor,
from the company’s top management. Not having a
real project sponsor in the top management is
mentioned as one of the ‘top mistakes to avoid’ in
many researches and publications (Kimball & Ross
As Data Warehouse projects usually cover
almost all of the company, it’s impossible for one
person to keep track of everything. Therefore Data
Warehouse project is organized in smaller sub-
projects (usually per Data Mart, business process or
similar to that). Every sequential incremental sub-
project supervises an expert from the business area
(owner of tactical goals).
3.3 Application Area
The main Data Warehouse application areas in
financial industry are data mining and decision
support functionality. Data mining is very common
for business directions, which are interesting in
analysis of history, forecasting and data correlation
issues. In our case the lending and overall clients’
history was the goal.
3.4 Timeliness or Maturity
There is no point in having a list of clients or
products, if that information is one week old already.
Commercial data, especially in finance services, are
changing very fast and sometimes very significantly.
Some authors describe and some vendors say that
they provide ‘real-time’ Data Warehousing
solutions. We have to be very careful with definition
of ‘real-time’ and we would like to use a term ‘right-
time’ instead (Connor 2003).
3.5 End-User Involvement
Any company has top experts where key knowledge,
competence and experience can be found. The
company’s Data Warehouse and its content should
be reviewed very carefully under the guidance of
these people. The representative of the Data
Warehouse project (usually an IT person with good
business understanding) taking part in those
discussions should be an expert of the same level
otherwise it could lead to the situation, when
business experts influence the process, outside their
expertise (even, if they believe they are IT experts
too). If it’s not the same persons, real end-users
obligatory should be involved in that project stages,
where maturity, end-user application features and
related issues are discussed.
3.6 Source and Type of Measures
Especially specific for financial institutions is a very
high number of measurements to analyze, majority
of them are derivative (like client profitability,
average turnovers)So, instead of putting attention on
data mapping attention to data transformation,
aggregation and interpretation should be paid.
Financial industry’s company may have a
comparatively high number of source systems
because of the wide range of their business activities
and because of the interest in the key measurements
of any other industry or common knowledge bases.
It’s all related to business opportunities and threats.
It’s very common, when one particular or set of
some business areas build separate Data Marts
Although there may be a lot of source systems,
they usually are similar. Those, which are related to
the business processes, are based on the granularity
of business object (client, product) and many
different dimensions. Those, which are related to the
external statistic information, usually are provided
by some state institutions or similar for-profit
institutions and are pretty similar by the content.
The user-driven approach is used in the development
of the data warehouse at the University of Latvia.
Education belongs to the non-profit sector. The
University of Latvia is a higher education
establishment with 30,000 students. Its business
processes include education, research, finance and
the university management - all areas are equally
important for the university’s successful functioning.
The top management is deeply interested in
gaining objective criteria to estimate these and to
support making new decisions. The administrative
director of the university is the main sponsor for the
data warehouse project, also other IT projects in the
university are initiated by top management. It is
difficult to choose the right priorities for data
warehouse development at the university. This is not
a profit-oriented business. Therefore, the usual goal
for data analysis - the profit is not the case.
However, money matters like the study fees and
other payments have to be analyzed.
The data sources for the data warehouse are the
Student Information System and the Finance
System, two Oracle databases, but they are not
integrated. The first one is developed in the
university; the second is a commercial product. This
is typical solution for many universities
In the data warehouse project of the University
of Latvia, we applied the user-driven approach. The
approach is based on the interviews.
In our methodology we used some ideas from
Kimball and Ross (2002), namely, how to organize
interviews. These ideas we supplemented with our
ideas, how to manage and use the gathered
After discussions with the main project sponsor,
we defined the groups of interviewees. The
potential user groups are the following – the top
management, the department leaders and the deans
of faculties. The last group is the users whose
responsibility is data analysis, the employees from
the departments and the administrative staff in the
The interview content was modified for each
group of users.
In the selection of the interview questions we
followed the principle – the priority is given to the
questions that find out the business objectives and
measurements. The questions in the interviews were
divided into two groups: „Business goals and
influence factors” and „Data analysis demands”. The
following questions from the interviews could serve
as examples:
What are the goals of your department? What do
you want to achieve?
What information is the most important in your
In each particular interview the questions were
chosen from the question list, evaluated, if they are
appropriate for the business process analyzed and for
the responsible employee.
The answers are summarized in the following
matrix: one matrix dimension is „Interest scope”; the
second dimension is „Interviewees”. The cells of the
matrix contain the answers to the questions. The
interest scope is the group of similar answers. The
developer’s responsibility is to define these groups,
based on similarity of the answers.
The Table1 represents a fragment of the above
mentioned matrix. In the project we defined 19
scopes of interest. This number is too large for
making decisions on the Data Warehouse
components – Data Mart development priorities.
Therefore, we merged the interest scopes into
interest groups. For example, we merged „Students”
and „PhD students”. A new matrix with 11 interest
groups was made. The cells of the matrix contain 1,
if the answers in the first matrix exist. The Table2
illustrates the new matrix.
This matrix served as a basis for analyzing the
number of potential users in each interest group, we
also applied coefficients, to emphasize the
importance of the needs of a user or user group.
We used following system for the result analysis:
1 - for faculties, 2 - for top management and
departments, 1.5 - if the interviewee emphasized the
particular issue as of the major priority for them.
As showed the results of information processing
after interviews the most popular application areas
for potential data warehousing were statistical
analysis of different business measurements, the top
management also expressed the needs concerning
decision support.
The above mentioned interest groups were
modelled, using dimensional modelling techniques.
Some interest groups from the matrix were modelled
as data warehouse dimensions (the light grey
columns); some of the others did not have source
data (dark grey columns in the matrix). Five of the
Table 2: The matrix “Interest groups”–“Interviewees”
Students and
The budget
The finance
Study programs
2 Rector 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
2 Rector’s assistant 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
2 Chancellor 1 1 1.5 1 1
2 The planning department
1 1 1 1 1
1 Dean of Faculty of Phys. and
1 1 1 1 1 1
1 Dean of Faculty of Pedagogy 1 1 1 1.5 1
38 34 9 29.5 24 16 14 8 8 4 13
Table1: The fragment of the matrix “Interest scope”–“Interviewees”.
Students Study programs Employees Projects
The expected and real
number of students
by faculties. The
number of graduates.
Study programs,
their number and
The number of
professors, the list of
employees by
faculties, salaries
The number of
financing the
The number of
students financed by
the state and full-
paying students
The study fee by
study programs
The salaries of the
employees, the
workload of the staff.
groups were used to model the data warehouse
conceptual model. In this point the information from
the first matrix was used.
Based on the previous categorized information,
the potential Data Marts were modelled.
We started with one interest group and analyzed
in detail all answers in the first matrix, concerning
this group. The models include all necessary
attributes and facts, to answer the known users’
questions. Usually one interest group was
implemented with more than one dimensional
For the conceptual modelling we used derived
ME/R notation (Sapia et al. 1998). The modification
concerns the attributes – the attribute group is
introduced, to improve the presentation quality of
the model.
The data warehouse was planned as a
combination of individual data marts with confirmed
dimensions. The implementation of the data
warehouse was planned as a small subprojects chain,
one data mart after other, because the sponsors
wanted to gain usable results as fast as possible, so
the financing for the next subprojects depends on the
subproject’s results. Therefore, the next step is the
development of the data warehouse architecture bus
matrix according to Kimball and Ross (2002).
For the detailed description of the dimensions we
used a table, which contains the descriptions of the
dimension attributes, the evaluation of
corresponding data source attribute data quality.
The table and the bus - matrix are additional
information sources for the decision about the
development priorities, because they help to estimate
the development time. But they are not important for
finding out the organization’s goals and
The results of the system analysis were presented
to the project sponsors. The suggestions about
priorities were made based on number of potential
users for particular interest group (not for data mart),
the existence of data and their quality, the
complexity of data marts and number of common
dimensions for the 1
development stage.
The user-driven methodology was applied in the
project, and the first data mart developed. Our
experience proved the right decision in the early
stage of project, which approach to chose.
The weakness of the method, common for all
user-driven methods, is the unclear needs. The
information necessary for a particular user can
dominate the analysis of the organization’s needs.
But in the case of the universities the
involvement of the users in IT projects and
particularly in the data warehouse project is
essential, because the potential users are informed
and their needs are considered, when the models are
Before starting the comparison we expected very
different results because of the different business
areas and different approaches.
As we can see from the summary table, our
assumption regarding “common characteristics for
organizations of similar behavior and different for
those with opposite behavior” doesn’t come true.
Only few qualifications are different for the finance
company and the state financed higher education
The differences are in the data sources and
business measurements, not the data warehouse
project organization, e.g. end-user involvement,
basic approach, project duration, project sponsor or
application area.
We can conclude then, there are no big
differences in Data Warehouse project development
in organizations with respectively different behavior.
Table 3: The Summary evaluation matrix.
Criteria Financial services Higher Education
Development Method Goal-driven User driven
Basic Approach Incremental Incremental
Project sponsor Top Management Top Management
Project organisation Short sub-projects Short sub-projects
Application Area Data mining, decision support Statistic, decision support
Maturity Near to Real-time (right-time) Some data seasonal (study
semester), some real-time
End-User involvement Key experts and users Key experts and users
Type of Measures Mostly financial
Qualitative (scoring, etc.)
Rating, statistics, financial
Number of Source systems Many Few
Type of Source systems Similar Different
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comparison. But still, from our experience, we can
say that there are some differences, too. In our next
research we will look at how the project external
environment (like organization itself, for instance) or
similar criteria (Boehm & Turner 2003) affects
characteristic of Data Warehouse projects.
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