Frank Goethals
, Jacques Vandenbulcke
, Wilfried Lemahieu, Monique Snoeck, Manu De Backer,
Raf Haesen
F.E.T.E.W. – K.U.Leuven – Naamsestraat 69, B-3000 Leuven, Belgium
SAP-leerstoel Extended Enterprise Infrastructures
Keywords: Communication gap, Enterprise Architecture, Business-to-Business integration, Extended Enterprise
Abstract: Business-to-Business integration (B2Bi) is considered
to be not merely an IT-issue, but also a business
problem. This paper draws attention to the two communication gaps companies within an Extended
Enterprise are confronted with when integrating their systems. To overcome these communication problems
we propose the use of Enterprise Architecture descriptions. Therefore we give a bird’s-eye view of what
Enterprise Architecture descriptions could look like in the context of the Extended Enterprise, as well as the
compelling advantages that can be gained from using such descriptions in integration exercises. This paper
is no how-to guide for Extended Enterprise Architecture but is meant to show the importance of Enterprise
Architecture descriptions in this realm, something that is heartrendingly
Nowadays companies are offering Web services (i.e.
information system services) to other companies,
and are using Web services offered by other
companies. The business and IT landscapes have
turned more complex than ever, and the creation and
automation of processes that involve services of
different companies is an evolutionary challenge. In
the past, many IT projects have failed, and many
will fail in the future if no better way is found to
handle IT investments. Above this, partnerships can
be harmed if the envisioned IT integration projects
between partners fail. In this article, we propose the
use of architecture descriptions as a means to
support the integration of systems at a Business-to-
Business (B2B) level, and more specifically at the
level of the Extended Enterprise (see below). In
what follows we first structure the B2B domain, and
set forth basic observations concerning B2B
integration (B2Bi) practices we should keep in mind
when searching for an elegant solution to the
integration problem. Next, in Section 3, we define
the communication problems that arise when
developing Web services for the Extended
Enterprise; and finally, in Section 4, we introduce
the idea of Extended Enterprise Architecture
Descriptions as a means to solve the communication
From the theory on the network form of
organizations (see e.g. Podolny and Page (1998)), it
is clear that companies are involved in an
organizational integration at three levels, namely
- at th
e level of the individual enterprise the
different departments have to be integrated,
- at th
e level of the Extended Enterprise the
companies that make up the Extended Enterprise
have to be integrated. By the term Extended
Enterprise (EE), we mean a collection of legal
entities (N 2) with a collaborative mindset that
pursue repeated, enduring exchange relations
with one another.
- at th
e level of the market a very loose coupling is
present with companies in the environment
(other than those within the Extended
Enterprise). With these companies no long term
relationship is envisioned.
It is remarkable that an Extended Enterprise truly
rms a new enterprise that has a starting point and
an endpoint (in time). Consequently, this new
(extended) enterprise can (and should) be architected
by a group of people (including CEO and CIO) of
the partnering companies! This is in contrast to
doing business in the marketplace, where
Goethals F., Vandenbulcke J., Lemahieu W., Snoeck M., De Backer M. and Haesen R. (2004).
In Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, pages 332-337
DOI: 10.5220/0002620803320337
transactions happen at isolated moments in time and
no new enterprise is formed.
There should be a fit between an organization's
structure, its technology, and the requirements of its
environment. As companies within an EE face two
shells of environment (organizations within the EE
vs. organizations outside the EE), they need appro-
priate IT approaches to deal with each type of envi-
ronment. Consequently, we may say that companies
are confronted with three types of information
systems integration. Firstly, companies have to deal
with the integration of their internal systems (Enter-
prise Application Integration, EAI). Stovepiped
systems – often made to fit the requirements of one
department – need to be integrated. Secondly, there
is an integration with systems of other companies
within the EE. We refer to this as EEi (EE
integration). Thirdly, companies may want to
integrate their systems with those belonging to other
companies than close partners. We call this Market
B2Bi. The three types are represented in Figure 1.
Systems Integration
Market B2Bi
Systems Integration
Market B2Bi
Figure 1: Three types of systems integration
These three types of integration each have their
own specific issues. An important difference
between EEi and Market B2Bi for example is that
the human link between the companies is much less
substantial for the latter. Also, Market B2Bi may
include using services of parties that were unknown
upfront, implying there should be a way to find the
parties and the desired Web services. Unfortunately,
the difference between these two forms of B2Bi is
usually neglected in literature on IT!
For each of the three types of integration, we
witness/foresee an evolution from static integration
to more flexible, dynamic forms of integration
(depicted by the ‘S’ and ‘D’ in Figure 1). At the
level of collaborating companies, the (relatively
new) Web services paradigm is more flexible than
(the older) EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) tech-
nology. Also, in the future B2Bi could be enhanced
by software agents that are capable of searching and
binding Web services autonomously. Please note
that, as is indicated by the arrow in Figure 1, EAI
should precede B2Bi (see e.g. Linthicum (2000)).
One point that should be kept in mind when
integrating businesses is that doing business is still
about people’s requirements, not just about IT. Note
that in the commodity goods market, companies are
not just offering goods without investigating which
goods the consumers exactly want. Companies
should become consumer-oriented in the Web
services domain too, i.e., companies should research
which Web services interest business people from
other companies rather than simply offering the
services their own IT department deems useful.
Many cases have illustrated the importance of
documenting IT systems. If the knowledge
concerning the system is only in the heads of the
personnel a company is exposed to threats, as
personnel may retire, forget, etc. Many problems in
systems integration stem from ignorance.
Many Web service integration challenges stem from
communication problems (Goethals et al., 2003). In
what follows we focus on two issues. First we
propose challenges related to the concept of
consumer-oriented Web services. Next, we discuss
the idea of Web services choreographies to show
how important communication can be.
3.1 The Quest for Consumer-
Oriented Web Services Reveals
Two Communication Gaps
Nowadays, companies are offering Web services to
partners and other parties. When developing Web
services, it is important to know the functional and
non-functional requirements of the future service
consumer. However, at current in actual practice the
attention seems to go much more to playing with
Web services technology than to using the new
technology in a way interesting to businesses
(Frankel and Parodi, 2002).
In realizing consumer-oriented Web services
many problems may arise. For many years, the
problem of business-ICT alignment has annoyed
companies. Nowadays, an extra gap arises besides
the one between business and ICT; namely the one
between the different companies in an EE
. Pollock
(2002) states that most problems contributing to the
high failure rates of integration projects are not
technical in nature. He points out the importance of
semantics in B2Bi. While misunderstandings (and
semantic obscurities) within a company may be
large, the problems only increase when looking at
relations among different companies. Please note
that this gap is not only present at business level, but
also at IT-level. A Database (DB) in one company
may for example use the term ‘custno’ to denote the
same concept as ‘customerID’ in an other’s DB.
We conclude that there are two communication
gaps. The problem is illustrated in Figure 2, the
dotted lines show the communication gaps.
Business people A Business people B
IT people A IT people BIT systems A IT systems B
Business people A Business people B
IT people A IT people BIT systems A IT systems B
Figure 2: Two gaps in realizing B2Bi
Collaboration implies communication. Much
communication can be automated (e.g. sending
purchase orders), but communication at a meta-
level, i.e., communication about the communication,
is hard – if not impossible – to automate. As we will
see, this level of (human) communication can be
supported by architectural descriptions.
3.2 Creativity Requires
Communication among Partners
One of the most-promising challenges in the B2B
domain is the offering of Web services with a
coarse-grained functionality, i.e., services that are
composed of several smaller services. These smaller
services are then called in parallel or in sequence
and the call may be contingent on some conditions.
Note that the big service may use small services of
different companies. It is interesting to note that due
to the ubiquity of the Internet and the SOAP
standard companies with an EDI network have lost
the competitive advantage of having automated
communication, as Web services form a (cheaper)
alternative that is available to everyone (i.e. the
automation of standard processes becomes a
commodity). Competition has shifted to a higher
level: use the standards (TCP/IP and SOAP)
creatively to realize new business practices so as to
create a competitive advantage for the company!
Currently, Web services are mostly used for
information exchange. However, if the Web services
paradigm is to be the paradigm for B2Bi, it should
also allow for the realisation of business transactions
(all-or-nothing scenarios). Realising transactions in a
B2B context can get very complicated. For one
thing, the use of classic locking-protocols is not
always realistic, as companies do not like other
companies to have a lock on their data and as the
completion of transactions might take quite some
time (resulting in so-called ‘long running’ or ‘long-
lived’ transactions). Currently, much research is
being done towards the realisation of transactions in
a B2B context. Many kinds of structures are possible
for realising transactions, depending on different
degrees of trust, human relations, etcetera. We can
illustrate this with a simple example.
First, imagine a travel agency offering tourists a
BookPlaneCarAndHotelWebservice, which books an
airplane seat, a car and a hotel room, or none of
them. Upon a call of a traveller, the travel agency
would contact the three relevant partners: an airplane
booking company, a car rental company and a hotel
booking company. Availability of airplane seats and
cars may be confirmed immediately while the
confirmation of the hotel booking company may
keep the travel agency waiting for 24 hours. The
consequence of this is that the travel agency needs
the possibility to make reservations in the systems of
the airplane booking company and of the car rental
company! These reservations can be confirmed or
cancelled when the reply of the hotel booking
company arrives. This scenario clearly requires an
outstanding relationship between the companies.
There is, however, a more realistic though less
intuitive solution to the problem which requires less
trust and could be a basis for more dynamic B2Bi.
The travel agency could ask the airplane booking
company to reserve an airplane seat and to search
for a car and a hotel room if an airplane seat was
available. In this scenario, the airplane booking
company can make the seat reservation herself (so
the travel agency does not need to make reservations
in the airplane booking company’s systems!) and
sends a request to the car rental company to book a
car and to search for a hotel room. If the car rental
company has a car available, she reserves this car
herself and contacts the hotel booking company. The
latter sends a confirmation or a denial to the car
rental company, which confirms or cancels her own
reservation and informs the airplane booking
company of the result of the process. The latter then
takes appropriate actions and informs the travel
agency of the result
. This whole process boils
down to serializing the transaction process we
presented first. This way, companies only make
reservations in their own systems, and wait for the
reply from the company downstream to decide
whether the reservation should be confirmed or not.
It is clear that the combination of both presented
structures offers possibilities for building bigger,
more value-adding services. While standardization is
very important and interesting at technical level (e.g.
exchanging SOAP documents), creativity remains
important when looking from a business perspective.
Creativity combined with communication (among
the right persons, such as CIOs) is indispensable to
detect ways to apply ICT in a company to get
advantages over competitors.
We conclude that companies (within an EE) want
to offer useful services to each other through their
IT-systems, but that people find themselves confron-
ted with communication difficulties. Communication
about the services that should be provided, and about
the way they should be provided is very important,
as new business practices and problems may only be
revealed by discussing the issue. In our vision, the
solution to the communication problem lies in
offering every person the information he/she needs
for doing his/her part of the B2Bi job, and mapping
this information for different persons. Above this,
the information should be made persistent and
accessible. All this is exactly what we intend to do
with architectural descriptions.
In what follows, we first introduce the idea of
architecture descriptions (ADs) of software-
intensive systems. Subsequently, we investigate how
architecture descriptions could be of help in a B2B
integration exercise. In this paper, it is not our goal
to show how to do Enterprise Architecture. Rather
we want to show the powers of using Enterprise
Architecture Descriptions in B2Bi exercises.
4.1 Introduction to Architecture
As stated, the Extended Enterprise is an enterprise
and can as such be architected. The Generalised
Enterprise Reference Architecture and Methodology
(GERAM; IFIP-IFAC Task Force, 1999) presents a
generic view of the lifecycle phases enterprises go
through. The Zachman framework and the FADEE
presented in this section can be mapped to the
Zachman (1987), who is considered to be a
pioneer in the realm of Enterprise Architecture,
discusses information system design by analogy to
the work steps and the representations of the
classical (building) architect and producers of
complex engineering products. The Zachman
framework relies on the fact that the description of
something depends on the perspective from which
you look at it, and on the question that was in mind
when making the description. As such, the Zachman
framework (as depicted in Figure 3) presents two
dimensions along which architecture descriptions
could be categorized. The first dimension (the
succession of the rows in the figure) concerns the
different perspectives of the different participants in
the systems development process (the owner’s view,
the designer’s view, the builder’s view, etc.). The
second dimension (the sequence of the columns)
deals with the six primitive English questions what,
how, where, who, when and why. It is clear that there
is not just one possible information system architect-
ture description, but a set of architecture descriptions
(ADs) that are additive and complementary.
Figure 3: The Zachman Framework (Zachman, 1987)
The Zachman framework can capture all
decisions that have to be made during the systems
development process. Communicating these deci-
sions to the relevant persons is essential. Decisions
form constraints that have to be respected. It is clear
that if persons are not aware of the constraints (e.g.
because decisions were not communicated to them
or because decisions have been made too long ago),
they are taking uninformed decisions. It does not
make any sense to give people the freedom to
neglect hard constraints (see e.g. (Cook, 1996)).
Since Zachman the idea behind ADs has evolved,
producing the IEEE 1471-2000 standard on
Recommended Practice for Architectural
Description of Software-Intensive Systems. IEEE
1471-2000 defines an ‘architectural description’ as a
collection of products to document an architecture,
whereas ‘an architecture’ is defined as the
fundamental organization of a system embodied in
its components, their relationships to each other and
to the environment and the principles guiding its
design and evolution (Maier). Furthermore, a ‘view’
is defined as a description of the entire system from
the perspective of a set of related concerns. As such,
a view is composed of one or more models (Lassing
et al., 2001). Other important Enterprise Architec-
ture concepts have been defined in ISO-WD15704
(IFIP-IFAC Task Force, 1999).
Companies do not have to model all the cells in
the Zachman framework. After all, an AD is not a
goal an sich, but is a means to realise other goals.
This idea is also reflected in IEEE-1471, and in ISO-
WD15704. These state that the stakeholder concerns
should be used to justify the views, i.e., they drive
the viewpoint selection (Maier). Consequently,
before arbitrarily drawing up an AD, one should
know what the description will be used for (see
Section 4.2).
An important issue in an Extended Enterprise
Architecture effort concerns the decision to draw up
centralized or decentralized ADs, i.e., to model all
systems at the level of the EE (one big, centralized
picture) or at the level of the individual enterprises
making up the EE (many decentralized models). In
(Goethals et al., 2004) we argued that both ideas
should be reconciled, and we developed the
Framework for the Architectural Description of the
Extended Enterprise (the FADEE). Documenting IT-
systems in accordance with the FADEE requires
every company to model the architecture of the
system from different viewpoints in a decentralized
AD (at the level of the individual enterprise), and to
model the coarse-grained, aggregated business
processes and the like (at the level of the total EE) in
a centralized AD as well. This centralized AD could
then for example describe RosettaNet PIPs, and their
link to the back-end systems (the back-end systems
themselves would only be described in the ADs of
the individual enterprises). The two types of ADs are
combined in the FADEE.
4.2 The Power of Extended
Enterprise Architecture
Drawing up ADs is a big effort, requiring time,
money and people. Consequently, investing in such
a process should be justifiable, i.e., the AD process
should render substantial benefits. One interesting
point to note is that ADs can be useful for EEi, but
also for EAI and dynamic B2Bi. Companies are
focusing nowadays on EAI, and consequently
drawing up ADs now could pay off three times:
during the EAI effort now, on the EEi exercise
tomorrow, and when dealing with the dynamic B2Bi
challenge later on. Of course, different levels of
integration may ask partly for different information.
By now it is clear that one complicating factor in
EEi concerns the communication about functional
and non-functional requirements, something that can
hardly be automated (at this moment at least) with
semantic markup and the like. The only way out is to
give people an incentive to communicate and to
support their communication, easing, improving,
and speeding the negotiations between companies.
Architecture models can clearly offer support for
semantics, by unambiguously defining all terms and
their relationships at different levels of abstraction.
Making a data thesaurus is in this vision not
different from making any other architecture
description of the system.
ADs are useful as a basis for discussion, which –
in our opinion – yields advantages for diverse
Understanding the organization of the other party
is quite a difficult, though important task. By
understanding other parties, new practices,
procedures and opportunities can be revealed. This,
however, requires someone who handles the
complexity and oversees the total domain (at an
appropriate level of abstraction). ADs are a good
means to handle such complexity by making
interesting abstractions. Above this, ADs can serve
as the basis for a brainstorming-session.
Service Level Agreements (SLAs) could be
negotiated on the basis of the ADs. After all,
formulating SLAs also requires a translation of
business requirements into technical requirements
and technical measures. Note that internal SLAs are
often deployed in order to manage the expectations
of service users (see for example (Koch, 1998)).
People all too often expect too much from IT, and
this may also be the painful truth in an EE.
An AD can be used to inform, guide and
constrain decisions, especially those related to IT
investments (CIO Council, 2001). ADs can be a
facilitator for realizing B2Bi, as they ease the
adaptation of the architecture. After all, it is easier to
manage something you know well! An AD contains
much valuable information for making decisions on
investments and for system development. Note that it
is good practice to evaluate the proposed architect-
ture before getting into development. Clements et al.
(2002) state that, although architecture evaluation is
almost never included as a standard part of any
development process, evaluating the architecture
upfront is an important and inexpensive task. By
making issues explicit in an AD, problems can be
detected early on. One should not be making
implicit assumptions about functionality (especially
not in the global economy, where customs may
differ from partner to partner!). Note that it is still
very hard to test and validate choreographies of
services. By discussing difficult issues upfront,
many problems can be avoided. Also note that it is
clear that the sooner problems are noticed in the
software development process, the lower the costs of
resolving them (Boehm, 1981).
Furthermore, the concept of ADs could prove
useful for the practice of more dynamic EEi too.
That is, the AD solution has built-in functional
scalability. After all, some ADs of the systems could
be made accessible to third parties, so they could
find and understand the services a company is
offering. Also, ADs might be made executable (for
example to change business processes through
models of the processes). Please note that the
GERAM also mentions ‘Enterprise Model Execution
and Integration Services’.
We have identified the communication problems
that exist in the Web services world, and we have
proposed a means to solve this problem. While ADs
have been used in the past in the context of separate
legal entities, they now also seem interesting in the
case of B2Bi.
Providing Web services is not just an IT topic,
but also a business matter. The design of Web
services requires a lot of communication between
persons with different backgrounds, capacity and
vocabularies. To support this communication,
architecture descriptions could be very helpful.
Above this, it is clear that documenting IT systems
is a very important prerequisite to come to a
manageable and maintainable IT infrastructure.
Also, in the future, code may be generated from the
models that describe the system; and dynamic B2B
integration could be based on architecture
descriptions represented in an Architecture Markup
Language (AML, such as ADML and MLAD) that
incorporates concepts from semantic web research.
Therefore, we believe that semantic web efforts
(such as RDF and DAML), Web service
standardization efforts (as BPEL4WS, BPML,
etcetera), and AML initiatives should go hand in
hand. We conclude that Enterprise Architecture
Descriptions could become invaluable, also (and
especially) in the case of B2Bi.
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CIO Council, 1999. Federal Enterprise Architecture
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Cook M., 1996. Building Enterprise Information
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Framework, Version 1, pp. 164. Retrieved from
Frankel D., Parodi J., 2002. Using Model-Driven
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IFIP-IFAC Task Force, 1999. GERAM: Generalised
Enterprise Reference Architecture and Methodology,
Version 1.6.3. Retrieved from
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Goethals F., Lemahieu W., Vandenbulcke J., 2003.
Identifying Web Service Integration Challenges,
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Goethals F., Vandenbulcke J., Lemahieu W., 2004.
Developing the Extended Enterprise with the FADEE,
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Koch C., November 15, 1998. Put IT in writing, CIO
Magazine. Retrieved from
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Lassing N., Rijsenbrij D., van Vliet H., September 2001.
Zicht op aanpasbaarheid, Informatie, pp 30-36.
Linthicum D.,2000. B2B Application Integration: e-
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This paper has been written as part of the ‘SAP-leerstoel’-project
on ‘Extended Enterprise Infrastructures’ sponsored by SAP
Consequently there are two communication gaps. This may
seem evident, but neglecting these communication gaps lies at
the basis of a substantial number of project failures.
The problem we have tackled is fundamental and is all too often
neglected! The fact is that companies do not like other
companies to make reservations of which the confirmation only
depends on the intentions of the company making the
reservation. The commitment that should be part of the
reservation is actually no commitment at all as the confirmation
only depends on the wishes of the other party!