Andy Salter, Hanifa Shah, Bernadette Sharp
Staffordshire University, Beaconside, Stafford, UK
Keywords: Decision components, decision tracking.
Abstract: The failure of information systems has been partially the result of incorrect or inefficient rework in the
development of the systems. If greater transparency can be made in the decision making process then the
number of examples of incorrect or inefficient rework could be reduced. Transparency in the process of
development can be achieved through identifying and tracking the components of the decisions made during
the development of the information system. This paper presents a theoretical framework for facilitating this
tracking by comparing the components of the decisions in the development of the information system with
those of an organisation and considering how the ‘needs’ of agents and the actions taken to fulfil those
needs are related.
This paper presents an approach for reducing rework
in the development of information systems through
the increased transparency of decisions. This
transparency is achieved by tracking the components
of decisions made at different organisational levels
or involving different agencies in the development
of an information system.
This paper introduces the concept of viewing the
components of a decision rather than the actual
process of decision making. The model proposed
here is intended for use in a decision support system,
not in the form of a system to provide alternatives
and dictate the choice of optimum actions, as for
example IBIS (Kunz and Rittel 1970, Touchstone
Consulting Group 2003), but through the ability to
track the components of a decision. Tracking the
components can reveal: whether the action specified
in a decision has been taken, the agents responsible
for initiating the decision and taking the actions
specified, the need addressed by that particular
decision, and the reason a particular action was
chosen. How can this be used in the design of an
information system to reduce rework? Decision
making is generally considered by managers, and the
academic discipline of management, to be central to
organizational activity (Fulop et al. 1999, Power
2002). There are several reasons why decision
making is considered to be so crucial: the need to
formalize and codify management work, to promote
communication between managers and others in
organizations, and to be able to justify a selected
course of action from the range of likely or
perceived options.
A need that is becoming more apparent in
systems engineering projects is to reduce rework
whilst maintaining accuracy and the integrity of the
project. In many cases rework is occurring as a
result of communication failure between decision
makers, often resulting in inappropriate or incorrect
decisions. Rework involved in the making of
decisions could be reduced if the agents concerned
had available to them a means of tracking decisions
which had been made and the actions which result
from those decisions (Rayson et al. 2003).
Section 2 of this paper considers the components
of decisions and how the same components are
apparent in different models of decision processes.
Sections 3 and 4 introduce the links between agents,
needs and actions and how these occur in
organisational contexts. Section 5 explains how the
models can be used in the tracking of decisions.
Section 6 provides a discussion of the resulting
model and how it might be used.
Salter A., Shah H. and Sharp B. (2004).
In Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, pages 430-435
DOI: 10.5220/0002621304300435
Simon (1960) describes decision making as
comprising three principal phases: intelligence -
finding occasions for making a decision, design -
finding possible courses of action, and choice -
choosing among courses of action. These three
phases are also reflected in the model of Jennings
and Wattam (1998) where they are termed:
identification, development and selection. In the
model of Adair (1985) decision making involves a
five-point plan which contains the following stages:
1. Define Objectives.
2. Collect Information.
3. Develop Options.
4. Evaluate and Decide.
5. Implement.
The five stages of the decision making process
can be combined with two further stages:
6. Sense Effects.
7. Monitor Consequences.
The seven stages make up a continuous cycle in
which an agent perceives its surrounding
environment, defines objectives by which it intends
to change that environment in some way, collects
information about the environment and the actions
that are available to it. The agent can then develop
options about how it will be able to influence the
environment, evaluate each potential action and
decide which, if any of the options it is going to
enact. The chosen action is implemented by the
agent, or a different agent on the behalf of the
implementing agent. The environment of the agent is
continually monitored and any changes which are
sensed by the agent, including those initiated by the
agent and enacted by other agents, leads to the
definition of further objectives and continuation of
the cycle. The result is a continual feedback loop of
perception, action if required, and evaluation as
shown in figure 1. A similar pattern is presented in
the seven steps of the General Decision Process
Model reported by Power (2002).
Figure 1: Model of the decision making process, from
Adair (1985)
The stages of the decision making model shown
in figure 1 are reflected in other models of decision
making, for example, the normative model of
decision making, as reported by Jennings and
Wattam (1998), and the rational decision process as
indicated by Fulop et al. (1999) shown in figure 2.
Figure 2: Models of the decision making process:
Normative (left) from Jennings and Wattam (1998) and
Rational (right), from Fulop et al. (1999)
Rather than examining in detail the stages of the
decision process which involve choice and
evaluation, how agents choose between different
alternatives, we are interested in all the different
stages of the decision process and the components
which are utilised or generated at each stage. These
components can be identified as existing in each of
the different models of decision making. The
components we have identified and the links
between the components and the models of the
decision making processes are shown in table 1.
Table 1: Comparison of components in the decision
making models
component Adair (1985) Jennings &
Fulop et al
information sense effects
need define objectives
goals &
recognition of
potential action
develop options alternatives gathering &
analysis of data
choice evaluate &
choice evaluation of
selected action implement implement-
report monitor
Evaluate &
goals and
and control
Recognition and definition
of a problem
Search for alternative
courses of action
Gathering and analysis of
Identification and
application of choice
Evaluation of alternatives in
relation to choice criteria
ed course of action is
The components involved in a decision process
can be linked to agents, their needs and requirements
in fulfilling goals, either their own or those of the
organisation for which they work, and the actions
required to fulfil the needs.
An agent can be identified as a single entity or as
two or more individual agents acting together
towards a common goal, for example a group, a
department or an organisation. As stated in the
previous section, these agents have ‘needs’,
conditions in their state of affairs which remain
unfulfilled, identified as: 1) a lack of something
requisite, desirable, or useful, 2) a physiological or
psychological requirement for the well-being of an
organism (Merriam-Webster 2003).
To fulfil these needs the agent must take some
action that changes the state of affairs. Having made
the change the agent can perceive and interpret the
changes, evaluate the new state of affairs and decide
if the needs which prompted the action have been
fulfilled. If, through this sensing of the environment,
it is identified that the needs have not been fulfilled,
or that further needs have arisen, the agent can
identify new goals and perspectives requiring further
Changes in a state of affairs occur through
actions, an agent acting on its environment either in
a substantive way (through physical action) or
communicatively (through discourse). Thus an agent
may have a need for a particular component for a
project, which is fulfilled by the action of obtaining
the component. An agent may have a need for
information which is fulfilled by linguistic
communication with another agent in the form of
reading, listening or observing. The links between
agents, needs and actions are shown in figure 3.
Figure 3: Agents have needs which are fulfilled by action
An agent can have none or many needs, each of
which can be fulfilled by one or many actions. The
definition of need implies that they cannot be
fulfilled without some form of action. One need may
be fulfilled by one of a number of different actions.
For example, to fulfil the need for sustenance, an
agent might go to a restaurant and order a meal, buy
sandwiches in a supermarket or simply drink a glass
of water. One action may fulfil several needs and the
fulfilment of a need itself may lead to further needs.
For example, the purchase of a car fulfils the need of
a comfortable mode of transport but leads to a
further need for the purchase of petrol, insurance and
other consumables with which to run the car.
An action always involves two agents which may
or may not be the same. The action is initiated by an
‘initiating’ agent who communicates with an
‘acting’ agent who carries out the action. The
communication with the acting agent acts as a
trigger for that agent to take the action specified as
the means by which to achieve the state of affairs. In
order to carry out the action specified to fulfil the
need of the initiating agent, the acting agent itself
may have needs, which require action on the part of
that agent or another. Figure 3 can thus be redrawn
as shown in figure 4.
Figure 4: The agent, need, action loop
The loop acts recursively, each agent developing
needs which can be fulfilled by action on the part of
further agents until a point is reached where the
needs of an agent are satisfied by action on the part
of that agent itself.
An organisation can be considered to consist of
individual agents working towards a common goal.
A number of agents may combine to form a group
which can itself be considered as a single agent.
Thus the ‘board of directors’, which consists of a
number of individual board members who can act
independently of the board, can be considered as an
agent. The board has needs and it can initiate actions
agent need
fulfilled by
conducted by
fulfilled by
in other agents by which these needs are fulfilled.
The different groups of agents can be seen to make
decisions relating to three different levels of effects
on the organisation:
1. Strategic.
2. Tactical.
3. Operational.
Each of these levels can be seen to have different
needs which will be fulfilled in different ways. For
example, Jennings and Wattam (1998) state that
strategic decision making is a central part of the
management of an organisation. Strategic decisions
and the statements these strategies deliver provide:
1. The fundamental means by which the
organisation seeks to achieve goals.
2. Purpose in relation to the internal world of
the organisation - shared strategy helps
reduce uncertainty and promotes
consistency of decisions.
Strategic needs can be fulfilled by tactical action
requiring tactical decisions. Tactical decisions
address strategic needs by optimising
organisation’s performance within the
predetermined strategic direction. Examples of
tactical decisions include the selection of new
marketing programs that bring renewed focus on the
targeted customer segments and providing a web-
based promotion/distribution platform to extend
reach and radically reduce cost (Lam-Po-Tang
2003). Tactical decisions require action on the part
of agents to fulfil the resulting tactical needs, these
are operational actions requiring operational
decisions. Operational decisions address tactical
needs through substantive actions, specific actions
with a substantive result. Agents responsible for
carrying out operational actions may have no need to
make further decisions as the actions to fulfil their
needs are immediately available.
The details of actions derived at any of the three
organisational levels can be specified using
information derived in the form of W5H:
i. Who - in or outside the organisation (sub
consultants, contractors) is to carry out the
ii. What - is to be achieved in carrying out the
iii. Why - the action is required, specified by the
need, it can thus be the same ‘why’ for several
iv. When - in time the action is to occur.
v. Where - physical location at which the action is
to occur.
vi. How - the communicative or mechanical
process that is to occur.
The who contained in the specification of the
action refers to the agent that is going to carry out
the action. A decision implicitly or explicitly
contains details of a second ‘who’ which relates to
the agent initiating the action. This is the agent that
has the ‘need’ which the action is attempting to fulfil
and the agent that supplies the ‘why’ for the action.
The details of the actions to be taken can be
combined with the information on the organisational
level to extended figure 3, as shown in figure 5.
Who(I) represents the initiating agent, the agent with
the need. Who(A) represents the acting agent, the
agent that will carry out the action in attempting to
fulfil the need.
Figure 5: Organisational levels and information derived in
the agent, need, action model
Decisions devolve through the organisation -
needs at a strategic level are addressed at the tactical
level, needs at the tactical level are addressed at the
operational level. The triangular model of figure 4
can be represented as a spiral model, shown in figure
6a. The acting agent at one level - Who(A) becomes
the initiating agent for action at the succeeding level
- Who(I). At some point an agent does not need to
make a decision, it can take an action, for example
getting a component off the shelf which fulfils the
need of the agent without recourse to involving
further agents.
Figure 6: The organisational decision action (a) and
fulfilment (b) spirals
If action is taken then the spiral is reversed, each
action taken fulfils the need of the initiating agent as
shown in figure 6b. Further decisions may be
required on the basis of the action taken to fulfil the
need of an agent. Thus if action taken at the
operational level does not fulfil a need at the tactical
agent need
Who (A)
Who (I)
a) action b) fulfilment
level then a decision may be made to rework the
action, to take alternative action to fulfil the need.
The model of components of decisions can be
combined with the model of agents, actions and
needs to provide a model which can be used for
tracking decisions and the components of decisions,
and thereby providing a facility for reducing the
possibilities of rework. The information regarding
the various components of decisions can be
identified and recorded from minutes or transcripts
of meetings. The components can be identified
through the use of text analysis which identifies
issues in the form of topics and, for example, actions
within the issues through the identification of natural
language terms (Rayson et al. 2003, Chibelushi et al.
2004). Components can be identified by keywords,
issues or topics which could be used to link
components of decisions across a number of
meetings. The complete set of components for a
decision will not be revealed in a single meeting, the
action and therefore the report must occur at a time
later to the evaluation of alternatives and choice.
The components of a decision were identified in
section 2 as information, need, potential action,
choice, action selected and report, however, for
many decisions only a kernel of the components are
identified, which consist of the need, the action
taken to fulfil the need and the report.
Information leads to a need on the part of an
agent identified as the initiating agent - Who(I). The
why of an action (why it is being carried out)
identifies the need. Potential actions are identified
and specify as a minimum the acting agent - Who(A)
and what the agent is to do. The specification of the
action may include when the action is to be done by,
how and where it is to be done. These potential
actions form the alternatives. Discussion and choice
forms the next component of the decision, recording
this information gives the reason why a particular
action was chosen from amongst the alternatives.
The selected action specifies the Who(A), what,
where, when, and how. A report makes up the final
component of the decision, has the action been
carried out, what was the result? The report may
then provide further information leading to the start
of another decision.
The model provided here is not intended to
provide alternatives and assist in the choice of
alternatives as the solution to an issue, as in for
example, IBIS (Kunz and Rittel 1970, Ullman 2001,
Touchstone Consulting Group 2003), HERMES
(Karacapilidis and Papadias 2001) or SYBIL (Lee
1990). The model is intended to provide the basis for
developing a facility for tracking the components of
decisions, it adds transparency so that those with
access can find out whether an action has been
enacted and reported on. If an action does not occur
then it may be possible to identify why not and
which alternative actions were made available at the
time. If an action has not been taken by a certain
time then the need that action addresses may not
have been fulfilled. If a decision to take a particular
action has been made but the action fails, the
alternative proposals can be reviewed without the
necessity of going through all of the discussion and
searching which lead to the alternatives in the first
Being able to track the components of decisions
assists in reducing the amount of rework that occurs
in organisations by increasing the transparency of
the decisions and making available the components
which were involved in the whole decision process.
In the development of an information system, the
reasons for selecting a particular action or
component can be reviewed. The selection of
particular components, the reasons for these
selections and their effects can be viewed with
respect to other sub-systems reducing duplication of
work. This can be either reducing negative rework,
by preventing a repeat of bad practice, or positive
rework, using beneficial effects in one sub-system to
enhance another. Unfulfilled needs can be quickly
identified revealing where further work may be
required before a situation arises in which large
elements of work need to be readdressed.
The model is being implemented through the
application of a software tool which allows the
different components of decisions to be recorded and
searched for links between the components.
Some validation of the model has been carried out
using data in the form of minutes from a series of
meetings, however, the model needs to be
implemented across an extended data set. The long
time scales over which strategic decisions are made
and implemented requires a longitudinal case study
to determine if decisions and the components of
decisions can be tracked over an extended period of
time. Minutes of meetings provide only a limited
source of data with regard to the components of
decisions. Needs, the reason why particular actions
are chosen, are seldom represented and development
is being undertaken to identify needs, issues and
actions directly from transcripts of meetings. By
linking the actions to needs expressed within a
decision, the reasons for taking particular actions are
available, this may reflect on rework when issues are
readdressed. Identifying the initiating agent allows
responsibility to be allocated for decisions and
accountability made available. If an action has not
been taken (or has not been reported) then rework
can be avoided by making sure the reasons for the
action not occurring are not repeated. The method
could also provide decision support outside the
project in which it is being used. By having the
range of decisions available including information
on initiating and acting agents it would be possible
to evaluate which parts of an organisation are being
over or under utilised and where financial and
material resources need to be allocated.
This paper has proposed a method by which we can
approach the issue of rework related to decision
making in organisations and the development of
information systems. The method can be used to
provide a decision support system of a form which
gives information regarding completed decisions and
the links between decisions, rather than proposing
alternatives and strategies for choosing between
alternatives. The issue of tracking decisions is
addressed by identifying a number of components
into which decisions can be decomposed. The
components are related to the stages which have
been identified in decision making processes.
Agents, which can be defined as individuals, groups
or organisations, have needs which can be fulfilled
through actions, either by the agent itself or other
agents acting on its behalf. The agent which is to
carry out the action may itself have needs with
regard to the action which are fulfilled by actions on
the part of further agents. This agent, need, action
loops recurs until a position is reached in which an
agent can fulfil its needs without recourse to a
decision. Once this point is reached the actions occur
in a reverse spiral, the decisions at each level being
fulfilled by the action occurring in the previous
By identifying the components of decisions it is
possible to determine if all of the stages involved in
a decision have been completed. With greater
transparency in the decision making process, the
result of identifying if stages are missing or
incomplete, rework can be identified and avoided if
detrimental in its effects on the project, or
recognised and implemented across further aspects
of the project if the result is beneficial.
The authors would like to thank Tony Knight of
UBS solutions for his contributions. This work was
conducted under the auspices of the Tracker Project,
UK EPSRC grant (GR/R12183/01).
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